codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys


my apps run on the iOSSimulator without problems and used to run on devices as well, but after updating to latest XCode-Version I am getting the above error message when trying to run an app on my iPhone 7. It says :

"codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys . To allow this enter your password".

... but my apple-Developer-ID-Password doesn't work.

And until updating to latest XCode-Version I never had any problems with codesign when running an app on iPhone device.

Any hints what's going wrong ?

XCode Version 9.1 (9B55)

iOS Version 11.1.2 (15B202)

Latest High Sierra Version, macbook Pro 2015

The new Xcode probably just needs to reauthorize access to your signing certificate. The password for your keychain is normally your user's password (the one you use to log in on your computer).

Unfortunately it is not the user's password. It would have been easy, if it was.... Fact is, that I even do not have etablished a bunch of keys in my system properties on my macbook, I do not know, why XCode suddenly wants to access some key that is called "access".

When this message appears ".... wants access to key access" the window offers three options : Allow always, Deny, Allow. For some reason it did not work when I click on Allow, but it worked when I click on "Allow always". And yes : It's the user's password. Thanks for help.


Unbelievable... but this worked! Thanks @runner242

Thanks. Also, "Allow always" always returns when I re-start Xcode, so far.

Thank you so much for your help, I hope Apple will fix this issue soon.

Thanks very much. It took me hours of annoyance, but the solution is so simple.

So do not make any changes to the keychain, as is told on many sites.

I ran into this same problem-- thank you for posting the solution. Filed a bug for Apple.

when this message first showed up I had clicked deny to get the pop up to go away, and now I can't get it come back and the build just keeps failing. So is there a way to make the message show up again? I have tried restarting Xcode, but it still doesn't show back up.

I didn't get the "Always allow" button so the solution didn't work for me. What worked instead was opening "Keychain Access" tool, dragging the keys from under iOS developer (...) to login (dunno if this step was necessary, at least the private key didn't seem to move) and then deleting the iOS developer (...) keychain (right click -> delete).

thank you!! this helped me. It take hours to find solution..

Wow... I spent an hour trying to get past this. Why would "Allow" NOT work and "Always Allow" work... ohh Apple engineers.

thanks, same issue resolved with your solution

Thank you soo much!

Presumably because it is trying to access it multiple times. Either allow one of those times, or all of them.

Only "Allow always" works for me.
None of this worked for me. So, I hit Deny and opened the Key Access app. I found the Apple Developer passkey and double clicked it. Clicked Access Control tab and hit "Allow all applications to access this item." It asked for a login again, and it WAS NOT the Apple Developer password that worked--it was my laptop code.
Reran the Flutter app -- Apple Developer password login popped up again, and I entered my laptop password again.
Flutter app running.
Don't input your password, NULL => then OK. It's work to me.
I try apple account password, mac password, iphone password but fail :D

Thank's all of you, guys. Only empty field worked for me.

You can see how the dimming behind the codesign wants to access key dialog box gets thicker and thicker over time - that's because there are multiple dialog boxes stacked on top of each other. Typing the correct user password and clicking "Always Allow" seems to work for now.

@runner242 Thanks a lot! The issue is still there. I had the same problem. Your solution just helped me a lot!

When this message appears ".... wants access to key access" the window offers three options : Allow always, Deny, Allow. For some reason it did not work when I click on Allow, but it worked when I click on "Allow always". And yes : It's the user's password.

I revoked my certificate generated new one and then signed with login password on mac

my user-pw and apple-id-pw didn't work... So I just left it empty and pressed enter. xCode continued building my app then.

I had exactly the same thing and was trying too much variants... Then I opened Keychain Access, clicked Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and changed Extensible Authentication (EAP) from Not value specified to Always Trust. I dont know is it was this thing, but flutter run successfully (but please notes that Im a biotechnologist in pharma industry who wants to make an app :)

This one nearly brought me to panic - tried everything, reinstalled Xcode, rebooted, nothing working. But through sheer will and perseverance I found the way through...

Here's what worked-

If you are presented with the dialog asking for username and password - first of all, it is the Mac user you want - the administrator for your computer, NOT the apple developer id.

Second - you may have to enter the user/password MULTIPLE TIMES. The same dialog will appear multiple times, just keep entering your user/password until it goes away. You will know if you entered the wrong user/password because the dialog shakes & jiggles. If it does not, you are entering it correctly and will get to the end of this.

codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys