Error no accounts with iTunes Connect access have been found

Why am I getting an error message when I try to validate an archive that says, "No accounts with iTunes Connect access have been found for the team. iTunes Connect access is required for App Store distribution."?

I have never gotten this error message before. What should I do?

Answered by ShinehahGnolaum in 284277022

I restarted my Mac and the problem went away.

I have the exact same problem since today. Do not know what to do. Tried removing my developer account from Xcode and adding it again but it did not solve the problem.

I'm getting this too. I deleted all my certs and recreated them but didn't help...

Accepted Answer

I restarted my Mac and the problem went away.

This is impacting me and a reboot didn't solve it.

I contacted iTC support and they said they are aware of the issue but didn't have an ETA on a fix. :-(

@Hunter, still no news of this issue ?

My account still doesn't work.

I've been back and forth with Apple, them asking for logs, etc... they definitely know there is a problem but it's not yet resolved. The logs clearly show some sort of key/token/session issue between my account and iTC - it is telling Xcode that 'a general error occurred' and the like.

Given that Apple is about to shut down for the rest of the year, I have a feeling I'll be stuck into January.

Out of curiosity, are you a member of multiple teams? Wondering if that's somehow related (I am).

No. I'm a member of only one team and one profile.

Have you solved this issue? I have the same problem.

I restarted my Mac and I no longer have that problem.

Restarting does not help.

Concur. I'm having this issue and have been since the iTunes Connect holiday shut down.
I've tried:
- Logging out and back in

- Restarting Xcode

- Updating information in iTunes Connect

- Restarting my Mac

- Re-installing Xcode

None of those work. I also can't log into Application Loader on one machine.

The only thing I have done that worked is to create another admin user on my iTunes Connect account and logged into Xcode with that. That let me upload. This is only a workaround and for £99 a year I do not expect to have to do this. Shocking quality output from Apple of late.

I don't know why it works for me and not for some others. Do you think updating all the software might solve the problem? - the operating system and Xcode all to the latest updates?

Everything is already up to date, I tried re-installing Xcode and trying other Macs but the problem persists.

This is really odd. The problem didn't stay with me very long. I wonder if it would do any good for you to post a separate question from this post. The Apple professionals that watch these groups may not look at this post anymore since I marked one of the comments as the correct answer. I wish I could help you more, but I'm one of the people that usually receive the help from the Apple professionals rather than one who gives help. I'm relatively a beginner.

I've the same problem! Last week I could still export my app via xcode and upload it via application loader. Since yesterday I can't even do that anymore.

Have tried pretty much anything up to this point. I'm stuck.

Hope there will soone be a solution.

I uploaded my app via application loader by command line:

altool --upload-app -f file -u username [-p password]

where -f file is the path and filename for the app exported from xcode. More details about this command is here:

In case it helps anyone, update Java to 1.8. Apple support said to do this.

But, it did not help me. Still can't upload app to iTC.

Unfortunately no dice for me.

Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-21017 "We are unable to create an authentication session."

It sure seems like there's something having to do with my account - some flag or other attribute that's causing my auth to fail. Tried to figure out if it's related to team membership (I am on a few, some defunct) but others with this problem are just on a single team. I tried disabling 2FA - same problem.

I have no idea what else to do.

I'm having the same issue and I know of at least 4 other people with the same issue. The workaround I found was to create a separate Apple ID and give that Apple ID access to my iTunes Connect, then configure Xcode to use this new Apple ID.

My account is also a member of an enterprise team and I can upload to that team just fine, I just can't upload to my individual account.

This did not work for me. Xcode 9.2

Downloaded 9.3 beta and also did not work

Application Launcher doesn't work

And everything was working fine.

Single Account. Single Developer.

Anyone else?

Here is a video of it if it helps =

Having the same problem on Catalina beta and Xcode 11 beta.

Apple Support didn´t even really try to help me - they only sent standard documents that even don´t mention the problem ... :-(

I was also stuck, I applied lots of solution like restarting, software update and many more, but nothing worked.


Check automatically manage signing, in the general tab, below the bundle identifier. It will ask you to select team, if you did not find team associted with certificate, then click on add an accout and you have to signin.

After that you will see that your team in the list. That's it.

Now, uncehck the signinig select the certificate and go for live. Hope, you will not face any issue.

This appears to be related to the Two-Factor Authentication required for the AppStoreConnect. Every time the MacOS is updated, I have to re-authenticate with the App Store. If I try and upload an app, it fails to connect, because it requires two factors, and Xcode is not equipped to deal with it. You have to do that through Safari or similar web app. Once authenticated through Safari, you also need to restart Xcode, because once it decides you are not authenticated, it never actually tries again. It requires a restart of Xcode to get it to attempt to connect to the App Store. A reboot is not required, just restarting Xcode. Good luck.
Error no accounts with iTunes Connect access have been found