I have an app called "AB Player", which is a music player that can play back user's iTunes library with speed control and A-B repeat.
■ AB Player ... View on App Store
This app was rejected becasue it violates Guideline 4.3 (Spam).
I have appealed to the review board. They decided to maintaint the rejection and they told me that AB-Player app is made on the same template as many of other my apps like "eLaws"
■ eLaws ... View on App Store
eLaws is a (sort of) law dictionary app. Users can download Japanese laws from the government website and browse locally.
AB Player and eLaws are completely different apps.
They are not made from a same template. They may be made from Xcode's "Single view app template" but that's all.
I explained to them but they didn't change mind. And they didn't disclose the exact reason why they think they are made on the same template.
AB Player and eLaws both use Realm Swift database frameworks and Google Mobile Ads framework, as well as UIKit, CoreText etc, but I don't think that's an issue.
I will obey Apple's decision anyway, but I don't understand why they made this decision.
AB Player and eLaws both use UITableView and UINavigationController... That makes them visually similar, but of course that does not deserve rejection.
Does anyone get rejected because of Realm or Google framework?