Explore the core architecture of the operating system, including the kernel, memory management, and process scheduling.






How to get ApplicationSupportDirectory from FileProvider extension?
I get the ApplicationSupportDirectory path like this: let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.applicationSupportDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as String however for FileProvider plugin it looks like: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/.../Library/Application Support/rclone.conf instead of what I get for an Application: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/.../Library/Application Support I need a way to get the Application's Support Directory from the FileProvider plugin. Is that possible? If not, what other shared location I could use to access shared file between these two?
Sequoia Group Container for Mac Catalyst Apps
Prior to Sequoia, Mac Catalyst Apps worked fine when using group folders that started with group. They now get an alert that the Mac Catalyst app is trying to access data from other applications. This may also impact some SwiftUI developers. According to this the documentation for the App Group Entitlements entitlement, on macOS we should begin use the Team Identifier instead of group. Should Mac Catalyst follow the macOS or iOS rules for com.apple.security.application-groups? If they should need to follow the macOS rules now, that creates several issues for developers. We would now need separate build targets to pick up the different Entitlements files. More distressing is that we would need to do some kind of migration process to get our files to the new location. There wouldn't be a transparent way to do so where the user wasn't warned about the application accessing files that don't belong to it. Any clarification on what Mac Catalyst developers should be doing to prepare for Sequoia would be greatly appreciated.
Jun ’24
Kernel panic related to Watchdog in custom virtual file system
Hi. I am facing a panic in distributed virtual filesystem of my own making. The panic arises on attempt of copying a large folder, or writing a large file (both around 20gb). An important note here is that the amount of files we try to copy is larger than available space (for testing purposes, the virtual file system had a capacity of 18 gigabytes). The panic arises somewhere on 12-14gigabytes deep into copying. On the moment of panic, there are still several gigabytes of storage left. The problem is present for sure for such architectures and macOS versions: Sonoma 14.7.1 arm64e Monterey 12.7.5 arm64e Ventura 13.7.1 intel Part from panic log from Ventura 13.7.1 intel, with symbolicated addresses: panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80191a191a): watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd in 90 seconds (48 total checkins since monitoring last enabled) Panicked task 0xffffff907c99f698: 191 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Backtrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff86e359cb30, Frame : Return Address 0xffffffff001d7bb0 : 0xffffff8015e70c7d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x4ad 0xffffffff001d7c00 : 0xffffff8015fc52e4 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x114 0xffffffff001d7c40 : 0xffffff8015fb4df7 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x3b7 0xffffffff001d7c90 : 0xffffff8015e11971 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xc1 0xffffffff001d7cb0 : 0xffffff8015e70f5d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x5d 0xffffffff001d7da0 : 0xffffff8015e70607 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x1a7 0xffffffff001d7e00 : 0xffffff80165db9a3 mach_kernel : _panic_with_options + 0x89 0xffffffff001d7ef0 : 0xffffff80191a191a com.apple.driver.watchdog : IOWatchdog::userspacePanic(OSObject*, void*, IOExternalMethodArguments*) (.cold.1) 0xffffffff001d7f20 : 0xffffff80191a10a1 com.apple.driver.watchdog : IOWatchdog::checkWatchdog() + 0xd7 0xffffffff001d7f50 : 0xffffff80174f960b com.apple.driver.AppleSMC : SMCWatchDogTimer::watchdogThread() + 0xbb 0xffffffff001d7fa0 : 0xffffff8015e1119e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.driver.watchdog(1.0)[BD08CE2D-77F5-358C-8F0D-A570540A0BE7]@0xffffff801919f000->0xffffff80191a1fff com.apple.driver.AppleSMC(3.1.9)[DD55DA6A-679A-3797-947C-0B50B7B5B659]@0xffffff80174e7000->0xffffff8017503fff dependency: com.apple.driver.watchdog(1)[BD08CE2D-77F5-358C-8F0D-A570540A0BE7]@0xffffff801919f000->0xffffff80191a1fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[D342E754-A422-3F44-BFFB-DEE93F6723BC]@0xffffff8018446000->0xffffff8018447fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[481BF782-1F4B-3F54-A34A-CF12A822C40D]@0xffffff80188b6000->0xffffff80188e7fff Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff86e359cb30): kernel_task Boot args: keepsyms=1 Mac OS version: 22H221 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Thu Sep 5 20:48:48 PDT 2024; root:xnu-8796.141.3.708.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 The origin of the problem is surely inside my filesystem. However, the panic happens not there but somewhere in watchdog. As far as I can tell, the source code for watchdog is not available for public. I can't understand what causes the panic. Let's say we have run out of space. Couldn't write data. Writing received a proper error message and aborted. That's what is expected. However, it is unclear for why the panic arises.
Diagnosing iOS disc contention impacting networking?
When my app launches, it makes maybe 9 or so network requests to load initial data. It also reads some data from disc. Sporadically, I'm seeing an issue where some of the network requests succeed, but anything involving reading from disc does not load immediately. I'm able to move around in the app, tap buttons, swap tabs, swipe pages, so my main actor isn't stuck. Other data that don't involve disc reading / writing is also blank. About 2 minutes in, suddenly everything loads (both stuff from disc and stuff from the network), nearly instantly, the way it should have done when the app launched. Server logs show more initial network requests succeed than we can see data loaded in the app, and then about 2 minutes later, there's a flood of the rest of the requests which then succeed. The responses to some of these initial network requests cause us to make other network requests, and the sever sees some of those start right away. However, other consequences of these first requests are to touch the disc (to search for manually-cached data), and anything that is supposed to happen after that does not succeed until the 2 minute mark. But what bothers me is some things in the app which don't touch the disc also seem to have successful network requests. I'm seeing it on an iPhone 14Pro running iOS 18.2.1, with 607 GB of disc space available. When I take screenshots of the loading screens in my app during the apparent freeze, the clock in the screenshots are right - they reflect the clock at the moment I took the screenshot, but the EXIF data in all dozen or so images shows the exact second 2 minutes later when the server gets the resulting flood of network requests. Screenshots taken after the freeze is over have exif timestamps that match the screenshots, as short as 5 seconds after the freeze ends. The screenshot file names, though sequential, are out of order. for instance, some screenshots from 12:58 have file names numbered after screenshots taken at 12:59. but not all are out of order. This seems like disc contention has spread outside the app, and is impacting the system writing the images to disc. How do I diagnose a cause for this? How does disc contention affect the networking? I have caching turned off for my network requests. We only have a manual image cache, but I don't know how that would stall the display of data that should fetch and display without attempting to hit the image cache. This happens maybe a couple of times a day for some people, maybe once every couple of weeks for others, but of course, it never when we're trying to debug it.
Feb ’25
Problems with macro - probably after update
yesterday my Xcode app worked, I upgraded my Xcode and simulator today, but now i suddenly get: error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser8FeedViewV4jobs33_842833018C1C855C625C2C0F4D027584LL5QueryfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser8FeedViewV4jobs33_842833018C1C855C625C2C0F4D027584LL5QueryfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" and i also get this: objc[11474]: Class AKBiometricRatchetUtility is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22C150/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/AuthKitUI (0x12ff2d898) and /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22C150/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/AuthKit (0x114a0b1f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. ``` can it be that they are some how relatet? Or what else can it be? I have tried to delete derrieved data, clean folder eg.
Testing endpoint security on a virtual Mac
I am having difficulty getting my container app with an embedded endpoint security extension to work on a virtual Mac. My virtual Mac has system integrity protection turned off. I have used spctl and System Settings to allow applications from anywhere. I am using the development entitlement profile to sign my container app. When I run my app, it crashes with Termination Reason: COODESIGNING 1 Taskgated Invalid Signature. I assume this has to do with the app being signed with my developer profile that contains a list of Macs that can run the software. How can test my endpoint security extension on a virtual Mac?
Operator new/delete override only work for the first time for an iOS App on iOS16
Phenomenon We've found operator new/delete override in iOS app, only works for the first time when the app launches on iOS16, operator override is not working in the second and subsequent launch of the same app. Steps to reproduce Development environment: XCode 16.2 Create a new iOS Objective-C project in XCode In the project options page, choose the following settings: Name the project: OverrideNew Interface: Storyboard Language: Objective-C Testing System: None Add test code Change AppDelegate.m's file name to AppDelegate.mm to add the following C++ test code. Add the following code after #import "AppDelegate.h" #include <os/log.h> #include <string> static bool needLog = false; void* operator new(size_t size) { void* ptr = malloc(size); if(needLog) { // Log to prove override new works os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Overrided new called. ptr: %p\n", ptr); } return ptr; } void operator delete(void* ptr) noexcept { free(ptr); if(needLog) { // Log to prove override delete works os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Overrided delete called. ptr: %p\n", ptr); } } void StringConstructTest(void) { needLog = true; os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Enter StringConstructTest1\n"); { std::string str; // a long string will trigger memory allocation on heap str = "Hello world and this is a long string.\n"; os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%{public}s\n", str.c_str()); } os_log_error(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Exit StringConstructTest1\n"); needLog = false; } Call StringConstructTest() in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Override point for customization after application launch. StringConstructTest(); return YES; } Change build settings Change Minimum Deployments: iOS 16. Build and run the project on an iOS16 device, emulator can not reproduce the problem. Observe logs in Console app on Mac Use the following log filters: message type: error process: OverrideNew First launch First launch on device(not from a XCode debug launch), the log is: Enter StringConstructTest1 Overrided new called. ptr: 0x281f2f450 Hello world and this is a long string. Overrided delete called. ptr: 0x281f2f450 Exit StringConstructTest1 "Overrided new called" proved the override new operator is called. Second and subsequence launch Second and subsequence launch on device(not from a XCode debug launch), the log is: Enter StringConstructTest1 Hello world and this is a long string. Exit StringConstructTest1 No log for "Overrided new called", the subsequence launch, the override operator new is not called anymore. Expected behavior For every app launch, log "Overrided new called" will happen and operator override works. On iOS16, operator override only works for the first launch. I've also tested on iOS18, operator override works every time as expected. Question Is there a way to force operator override works every time on iOS16?
Your Friend the System Log
The unified system log on Apple platforms gets a lot of stick for being ‘too verbose’. I understand that perspective: If you’re used to a traditional Unix-y system log, you might expect to learn something about an issue by manually looking through the log, and the unified system log is way too chatty for that. However, that’s a small price to pay for all its other benefits. This post is my attempt to explain those benefits, broken up into a series of short bullets. Hopefully, by the end, you’ll understand why I’m best friends with the system log, and why you should be too! If you have questions or comments about this, start a new thread and tag it with OSLog so that I see it. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com" Your Friend the System Log Apple’s unified system log is very powerful. If you’re writing code for any Apple platform, and especially if you’re working on low-level code, it pays to become friends with the system log! The Benefits of Having a Such Good Friend The public API for logging is fast and full-featured. And it’s particularly nice in Swift. Logging is fast enough to leave log points [1] enabled in your release build, which makes it easier to debug issues that only show up in the field. The system log is used extensively by the OS itself, allowing you to correlate your log entries with the internal state of the system. Log entries persist for a long time, allowing you to investigate an issue that originated well before you noticed it. Log entries are classified by subsystem, category, and type. Each type has a default disposition, which determines whether that log entry is enable and, if it is, whether it persists in the log store. You can customise this, based on the subsystem, category, and type, in four different ways: Install a configuration profile created by Apple (all platforms). Add an OSLogPreferences property to your app’s Info.plist (all platforms). Run the log tool with the config command (macOS only) Create and install a custom configuration profile with the com.apple.system.logging payload (macOS only). When you log a value, you may tag it as private. These values are omitted from the log by default but you can configure the system to include them. For information on how to do that, see Recording Private Data in the System Log. The Console app displays the system log. On the left, select either your local Mac or an attached iOS device. Console can open and work with log snapshots (.logarchive). It also supports surprisingly sophisticated searching. For instructions on how to set up your search, choose Help > Console Help. Console’s search field supports copy and paste. For example, to set up a search for the subsystem com.foo.bar, paste subsystem:com.foo.bar into the field. Console supports saved searches. Again, Console Help has the details. Console supports viewing log entries in a specific timeframe. By default it shows the last 5 minutes. To change this, select an item in the Showing popup menu in the pane divider. If you have a specific time range of interest, select Custom, enter that range, and click Apply. Instruments has os_log and os_signpost instruments that record log entries in your trace. Use this to correlate the output of other instruments with log points in your code. Instruments can also import a log snapshot. Drop a .logarchive file on to Instruments and it’ll import the log into a trace document, then analyse the log with Instruments’ many cool features. The log command-line tool lets you do all of this and more from Terminal. The log stream subcommand supports multiple output formats. The default format includes column headers that describe the standard fields. The last column holds the log message prefixed by various fields. For example: cloudd: (Network) [com.apple.network:connection] nw_flow_disconnected … In this context: cloudd is the source process. (Network) is the source library. If this isn’t present, the log came from the main executable. [com.apple.network:connection] is the subsystem and category. Not all log entries have these. nw_flow_disconnected … is the actual message. There’s a public API to read back existing log entries, albeit one with significant limitations on iOS (more on that below). Every sysdiagnose log includes a snapshot of the system log, which is ideal for debugging hard-to-reproduce problems. For more details on that, see Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem. For general information about sysdiagnose logs, see Bug Reporting > Profiles and Logs. But you don’t have to use sysdiagnose logs. To create a quick snapshot of the system log, run the log tool with the collect subcommand. If you’re investigating recent events, use the --last argument to limit its scope. For example, the following creates a snapshot of log entries from the last 5 minutes: % sudo log collect --last 5m For more information, see: os > Logging OSLog log man page os_log man page (in section 3) os_log man page (in section 5) WWDC 2016 Session 721 Unified Logging and Activity Tracing [1] Well, most log points. If you’re logging thousands of entries per second, the very small overhead for these disabled log points add up. Foster Your Friendship Good friendships take some work on your part, and your friendship with the system log is no exception. Follow these suggestions for getting the most out of the system log. The system log has many friends, and it tries to love them the all equally. Don’t abuse that by logging too much. One key benefit of the system log is that log entries persist for a long time, allowing you to debug issues with their roots in the distant past. But there’s a trade off here: The more you log, the shorter the log window, and the harder it is to debug such problems. Put some thought into your subsystem and category choices. One trick here is to use the same category across multiple subsystems, allowing you to track issues as they cross between subsystems in your product. Or use one subsystem with multiple categories, so you can search on the subsystem to see all your logging and then focus on specific categories when you need to. Don’t use too many unique subsystem and context pairs. As a rough guide: One is fine, ten is OK, 100 is too much. Choose your log types wisely. The documentation for each OSLogType value describes the default behaviour of that value; use that information to guide your choices. Remember that disabled log points have a very low cost. It’s fine to leave chatty logging in your product if it’s disabled by default. No Friend Is Perfect The system log API is hard to wrap. The system log is so efficient because it’s deeply integrated with the compiler. If you wrap the system log API, you undermine that efficiency. For example, a wrapper like this is very inefficient: -*-*-*-*-*- DO NOT DO THIS -*-*-*-*-*- void myLog(const char * format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); char * str = NULL; vasprintf(&str, format, ap); os_log_debug(sLog, "%s", str); free(str); va_end(ap); } -*-*-*-*-*- DO NOT DO THIS -*-*-*-*-*- This is mostly an issue with the C API, because the modern Swift API is nice enough that you rarely need to wrap it. If you do wrap the C API, use a macro and have that pass the arguments through to the underlying os_log_xyz macro. iOS has very limited facilities for reading the system log. Currently, an iOS app can only read entries created by that specific process, using .currentProcessIdentifier scope. This is annoying if, say, the app crashed and you want to know what it was doing before the crash. What you need is a way to get all log entries written by your app (r. 57880434). There are two known bugs with the .currentProcessIdentifier scope. The first is that the .reverse option doesn’t work (r. 87622922). You always get log entries in forward order. The second is that the getEntries(with:at:matching:) method doesn’t honour its position argument (r. 87416514). You always get all available log entries. Xcode 15 beta has a shiny new console interface. For the details, watch WWDC 2023 Session 10226 Debug with structured logging. For some other notes about this change, search the Xcode 15 Beta Release Notes for 109380695. In older versions of Xcode the console pane was not a system log client (r. 32863680). Rather, it just collected and displayed stdout and stderr from your process. This approach had a number of consequences: The system log does not, by default, log to stderr. Xcode enabled this by setting an environment variable, OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE. The existence and behaviour of this environment variable is an implementation detail and not something that you should rely on. Xcode sets this environment variable when you run your program from Xcode (Product > Run). It can’t set it when you attach to a running process (Debug > Attach to Process). Xcode’s Console pane does not support the sophisticated filtering you’d expect in a system log client. When I can’t use Xcode 15, I work around the last two by ignoring the console pane and instead running Console and viewing my log entries there. If you don’t see the expected log entries in Console, make sure that you have Action > Include Info Messages and Action > Include Debug Messages enabled. The system log interface is available within the kernel but it has some serious limitations. Here’s the ones that I’m aware of: Prior to macOS 14.4, there was no subsystem or category support (r. 28948441). There is no support for annotations like {public} and {private}. Adding such annotations causes the log entry to be dropped (r. 40636781). The system log interface is also available to DriverKit drivers. For more advice on that front, see this thread. Metal shaders can log using the interface described in section 6.19 of the Metal Shading Language Specification. Revision History 2025-02-20 Added some info about DriverKit. 2024-10-22 Added some notes on interpreting the output from log stream. 2024-09-17 The kernel now includes subsystem and category support. 2024-09-16 Added a link to the the Metal logging interface. 2023-10-20 Added some Instruments tidbits. 2023-10-13 Described a second known bug with the .currentProcessIdentifier scope. Added a link to Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem. 2023-08-28 Described a known bug with the .reverse option in .currentProcessIdentifier scope. 2023-06-12 Added a call-out to the Xcode 15 Beta Release Notes. 2023-06-06 Updated to reference WWDC 2023 Session 10226. Added some notes about the kernel’s system log support. 2023-03-22 Made some minor editorial changes. 2023-03-13 Reworked the Xcode discussion to mention OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE. 2022-10-26 Called out the Showing popup in Console and the --last argument to log collect. 2022-10-06 Added a link WWDC 2016 Session 721 Unified Logging and Activity Tracing. 2022-08-19 Add a link to Recording Private Data in the System Log. 2022-08-11 Added a bunch of hints and tips. 2022-06-23 Added the Foster Your Friendship section. Made other editorial changes. 2022-05-12 First posted.
May ’22
Implement webrtc voice calls in the background
I am developing an App that will enable voice calls between users through webrtc. When the user opens the App and switches the App to the background, the user will receive the incoming call notification through Silent Push Notifications (not PushKit). My question is as follows, If set UIBackgroundModes to voip and do not use PushKit and CallKit, will this cause the background App to be unable to use webrtc voice calls (requires network, microphone, and audio permissions)? Can I set UIBackgroundModes = audio combined with AVAudioSession playAndRecord instead of setting UIBackgroundModes to voip, so that I can use the microphone and audio in the background to implement webrtc voice calls? Thanks for your help.
Using CardSession the NFC reader recieve 6A 81 when SELECT AID command is sent
Hello, I'm trying to use the CardSession sample code in an iPhone app I have received the HCE entitlement, the select identifier array contains only one AID of 8 bytes: FAEBDA5003020000, that is a custom AID that we use on ou custom access control system. We have the complete control of the NFC reader, when we detect a MiFare card, the reader application send the SELECT AID command and the card number is return and checked We want to do the same with an iPhone instead of the MiFare card, so we use the CardSesion sample in our app, here is the log of the reader application when we present the iPhone on it: TX: 0x04 0xfc 0xd4 0x4a 0x01 0x00 0xe1 0x00 RX: 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0xff 0x00 ACK RX: 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x11 0xef 0xd5 0x4b 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x20 0x04 0x08 0x10 0x53 0x17 0x05 0x78 0x80 0x71 0x00 0xc6 0x00 // SMARTPHONE NFC type 1 pn532InSelect TX: 0x03 0xfd 0xd4 0x54 0x01 0xd7 0x00 RX: 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0xff 0x00 ACK RX: 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x03 0xfd 0xd5 0x55 0x00 0xd6 0x00 pn532InDataExchange TX: 0x12 0xee 0xd4 0x40 0x01 0x00 0xa4 0x04 0x00 0x08 0xfa 0xeb 0xda 0x50 0x03 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x27 0x00 RX: 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0xff 0x00 ACK RX: 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x05 0xfb 0xd5 0x41 0x00 0x6a 0x81 0xff 0x00 we use the select application command and give our 8 bytes AID number: 0xfa 0xeb 0xda 0x50 0x03 0x02 0x00 0x00 the reader receives 6A 81 which means according to our apdu documentation: "Function not supported" How can we make it work ?
Update an existing app with launch daemon to use Endpoint Security
My question is: Do I need two App IDs? One for my launch daemon in order to sign it properly, allowing it to use the Endpoint Security framework. One for the container app. My understanding is that my existing launch daemon can perform the endpoint security requirements I need. So far, I have had just one App ID for my container app that lives in /Applications. I have applied for the endpoint security restricted entitlement and have this for development now. Do endpoint security items have go in Library/SystemExtension? Can my launch daemon live in Library/LaunchDaemons and still use the Endpoint Security framework?
Odd memory usage in user space application causing kernel panics
Hello, We are developing a multimedia routing platform written in Rust and uses gstreamer 1.20. We are targeting running on Mac Minis (older intel and newer M1/2/3/... w/ 8GB ram) using macOS 14.6.1 I have profiled memory usage using XCode instruments with the allocation tool, stack and heap memory is very stable once the pipelines are up and running. There are between 50 to 100 incoming RTSP streams with multiple webrtc connections, so lots of network and memory bandwidth is being used. However, we eventually see real memory usage increasing in Activity Monitor along with memory pressure increasing, but the heap/stack usage is constant in instruments, so we do not understand this behavior. Page fragmentation is a possibility, but have not been able to prove this with instruments. Please see attached image.You can see that 10-minute run had a total of approx 4.3 GB of allocations, but only 50.17MB persistent. Eventually we see kernel panics in either userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from WindowServer (2 induced crashes) in 120 second or apcie[2:lan-1gb]::handleCompletionTimeoutInterrupt: completion timeout which I believe are caused by high system load and the kernel becoming unresponsive while the kernel is doing page compressions. We tested running with je-malloc for a while, but the kernel panics still occur. We have multiple kernel panic recordings available, but they are too large to upload here. We are also having multiple kernel panics per day while running this application. Any suggestions on how to prevent these kernel panics? If the system is out of memory, shouldn't our application crash with an out-of-memory and the kernel should NOT panic? Thanks, Jeremy Prater
The options and position arguments do not work in the 'entriesEnumeratorWithOptions:position:predicate:error:' method of the OSLogStore object.
When I set the option parameter to OSLogEnumeratorReverse, the iteration order of OSLogEnumerator is still from front to back in time When I set the options parameter to 0 and the position parameter to the first 5 seconds of the current time, OSLogEnumerator can still iterate over the previous 5 seconds #import "ViewController.h" #import <OSLog/OSLog.h> @interface ViewController () @property(strong, nonatomic)OSLogStore *logStore; @property(strong, nonatomic)NSDateFormatter *formatter; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSError *err = nil; self.logStore = [OSLogStore storeWithScope:OSLogStoreCurrentProcessIdentifier error:&err]; if (!self.logStore || err) { NSLog(@"error: %@", err); NSAssert(0, @""); } self.formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [self.formatter setDateFormat:@"[yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS]"]; } - (IBAction)addLog:(id)sender { static int i = 0; NSLog(@"[test] %@ this is a log with index:%d", [self.formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]], i++); } - (IBAction)printLogWithReverse:(id)sender { NSError *err = nil; NSPredicate *preeicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"composedMessage contains %@" argumentArray:@[@"[test]"]]; OSLogEnumerator *enumer = [self.logStore entriesEnumeratorWithOptions:OSLogEnumeratorReverse position:nil predicate:preeicate error:&err]; if (err) { NSLog(@"enumer error:%@", err); NSAssert(0, @""); } OSLogEntryLog *entry = nil; while (entry = [enumer nextObject]) { NSString *message = [entry composedMessage]; printf("log: %s\n", message.UTF8String); } } - (IBAction)printLogWithPosition:(id)sender { NSError *err = nil; NSPredicate *preeicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"composedMessage contains %@" argumentArray:@[@"[test]"]]; NSDate *posDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-5]; OSLogPosition *pos = [self.logStore positionWithDate:posDate]; OSLogEnumerator *enumer = [self.logStore entriesEnumeratorWithOptions:0 position:pos predicate:preeicate error:&err]; if (err) { NSLog(@"enumer error:%@", err); NSAssert(0, @""); } const char *now = [self.formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]].UTF8String; const char *posStart = [self.formatter stringFromDate:posDate].UTF8String; OSLogEntryLog *entry = nil; while (entry = [enumer nextObject]) { NSString *message = [entry composedMessage]; printf("log(now:%s, pos:%s): %s\n", now, posStart, message.UTF8String); } } @end The method of - (IBAction)printLogWithReverse:(id)sender print result not reversed by time. log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:50:175] this is a log with index:0 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:040] this is a log with index:1 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:174] this is a log with index:2 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:323] this is a log with index:3 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:473] this is a log with index:4 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:640] this is a log with index:5 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:773] this is a log with index:6 log: [test] [2025-02-18 17:35:51:923] this is a log with index:7 The method of - (IBAction)printLogWithPosition:(id) print result should not contain the log from 5 seconds ago because I set the start time position in the position argument [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:58:741] this is a log with index:0 [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:58:940] this is a log with index:1 [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:59:458] this is a log with index:2 [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:59:923] this is a log with index:3 log(now:[2025-02-18 17:44:51:132], pos:[2025-02-18 17:44:46:032]): [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:58:741] this is a log with index:0 log(now:[2025-02-18 17:44:51:132], pos:[2025-02-18 17:44:46:032]): [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:58:940] this is a log with index:1 log(now:[2025-02-18 17:44:51:132], pos:[2025-02-18 17:44:46:032]): [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:59:458] this is a log with index:2 log(now:[2025-02-18 17:44:51:132], pos:[2025-02-18 17:44:46:032]): [test] [2025-02-18 17:43:59:923] this is a log with index:3
Time verification in iOS 18+
We built a time verification feature as part of our iPadOS/iOS app where recording an accurate timestamp is part of a core feature of ours. We want to maintain integrity of recorded data, but our app must still be able to operate offline. To accomplish this, we established a baseline between the device's internal clock (CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) and our servers via an initial network request. Once that baseline is established, we can reliably calculate the true time, or detect when a user may have tampered their device's time, especially while offline. Of course, this baseline falls apart after the device reboots. We have been using kern.bootsessionuuid locally to detect when a device has rebooted so we know to wipe the baseline and try to establish a new one. Unfortunately (I'm sure due to issues with device fingerprinting), Apple has removed access to kern.bootsessionuuid in iOS 18, silently and without warning. This has compromised the integrity of our feature. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ios-ipados-release-notes/ios-ipados-18-release-notes#Deprecations Is there any other way that our app can detect or be notified that a device reboot has occurred? Alternatively, Google has just provided a "TrustedTime" API that looks to do the heavy lifting for what we have been solving ourselves. Would it be possible for Apple to provide a similar API? https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2025/02/trustedtime-api-introducing-reliable-approach-to-time-keeping-for-apps.html We would appreciate any guidance here. Thanks!
DriverKit IOUserSerial Driver
Hello everyone. After a lot of research and some tests from various sources, I have actually built a small SerialDriverKit IOUserSerial driver. Unfortunately, the documentation on the official sites is tight-lipped and very thin. At least I have a running driver instance. Now my request and question: Can anyone give me a tip on how to get the data from the serial client? I have already called IOUserSerial::ConnectQueues(...) in the IOUserSerial::Start() method and I got the IOMemoryDescriptors for interrupt, RX and TX to my driver instance. I tried to get access to the memory in the method IOUserSerial::TxDataAvailable() with IOMemoryDescriptor::CreateMapping(...). Unfortunately, no data is coming in. It's always 0x00. Here is the OS log: kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] init called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] constructor called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] start called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) IOUserSerial::: 40 0x600000da4058 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] Start called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] Connect INT/RX/TX buffer. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) IOUserSerial::: 59 0x600000da4058 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] prepare TCP socket. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] driver started successfully. kernel: DK: VSPDriver-0x100000753::start(IOUserResources-0x100000116) ok ... ... some client serial setup stuff ... kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 ==&gt;0 kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 &lt;== kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 locklevel = 1 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] HwResetFIFO called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] HwResetFIFO called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] HwResetFIFO: tx=0 rx=1 kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 ==&gt;0 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] TxDataAvailable called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable called. kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: address=0x104c22000 length=16384 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: debug TX buffer kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00 kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX&gt; 0x00
Feb ’25
BLE disconnect issues
Recently we started facing BLE disconnect issues between our BLE peripheral (microphone) and iOS app that we're having trouble solving. iOS App: Ionic Capacitor using @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le Microphone Peripheral: esp32 board using ESP-IDF Apache NimBLE stack App use case: Our app records a sound clip using the BLE microphone and sends data via a characteristic. The sound clip is broken up into several packets and all sent over ( over 1600 packets ). The microphone has an antenna and boosted signal as well. The Issue: Recently, we've been facing consistent disconnects between the microphone and the iOS app that we think we've narrowed down to the iOS device is disconnecting due to too many dropped packets. It seems the phone can't get further than roughly 10 feet before we see packet loss. Up until recently we had little to no range issues with transferring data and settings disconnected from the microphone while being much further away. Nothing has changed on our end on either the app or microphone firmware side. We use the same microphone firmware and app on Android and have no issues with range or dropped packets. It also seems like we can transfer a couple recording , like 2 or 3 ( each with its own connection i.e scan and connect , subscribe to characteristic and gather all the packets , do some processing then disconnect and start over ), without issue than every attempt at gathering the packets starts failing because of disconnects. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? Do we need to fix our connection parameters? This seems to be mostly an issue since the newest iOS updates ( 18.3,18.3.1 ) however we've tested on previous versions and are now seeing same ble range issues. Any help or guidance on tracking down what's going on is appreciated. Relevant logs: `32mI (273409) Task_send_audio:: esp_ble_tx_power_get(ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_DEFAULT) = 255 [39m [31mE (286869) main:: No MBUFs available from pool, retry.. [39m [23;1H [31mE (287519) main:: No MBUFs available from pool, retry.. [39m [23;1H [31mE (287769) main:: No MBUFs available from pool, retry.. [39m [23;1H [31mE (287919) main:: No MBUFs available from pool, retry.. [39m [23;1H` ... ... ... 31mE (1622829) Task_send_audio:: send_audio_ble, couldn't send the audio totally, ***** unsubscribe from charactaristic [39m [23;1H Peripheral connections parameters: