App Store Connect API

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The App Store Connect API helps you automate tasks usually done on the Apple Developer website and App Store Connect.

App Store Connect API Documentation






JWT token for API not working in Python
Hi, I'm writing a Python script to automate the extraction of reports from the Apple App Store Connect API, more specifically the SALES and the SUBSCRIBER reports, using Airflow. The code passed the tests but when implemented in production, the Airflow task calling the Apple App Store Connect API fails, due to a 401 unauthorized error. This suggests there is some issue with the authentication (JWT / bearer token) part. I tried various solutions but none of them worked. Here is part of the code, at this point I don't really understand what is wrong. Any help in identifying the issue is appreciated: class AppStore(ReadApi): def __init__( self, api_secret_conf: dict, vendor_number: int, **kwargs, ): ReadApi.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.kid = api_secret_conf["kid"] # Key ID self.iss = api_secret_conf["iss"] # Issuer ID self.private_key = api_secret_conf["private_key"] # Private key self.vendor_number = int(vendor_number) def generate_jwt_token(self): # Generate jwt token required by App Store Connect API # Each token is valid for 20 minutes (max time allowed) jwt_headers = {"alg": "ES256", "kid": self.kid, "typ": "JWT"} jwt_payload = { "iss": self.iss, "iat": int(time.time()), "exp": int(time.time()) + 60 * 20, "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1", } private_key = self.private_key.encode("utf8") token = jwt.encode( jwt_payload, private_key, algorithm="ES256", headers=jwt_headers ) decoded_token = token.decode("utf-8") return decoded_token
Sep ’23
api 401 Unauthorized when in product env
I test the api in sandbox env. It works fine. curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ij......' \ --data '{ "startDate":1693324766487, "endDate" :1693324766587 }' But in production env , it return 401 Unauthorized error. My app is not publish to the apple store. How could i confirm [errorCode 4040005] like follow steps: If you don’t have environment information, follow these steps: Call the endpoint using the production URL. If the call succeeds, the original transaction identifier belongs to the production environment. If you receive an [errorCode 4040005] with errorMessage as OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundError, (or HTTP response code 404 from the Send Consumption Information endpoint), call the endpoint using the sandbox environment. If the call succeeds, the original transaction identifier belongs to the sandbox environment. If the call fails with the same error code, the original transaction identifier isn’t present in either environment.
Aug ’23
appstoreconnect visibleApps randomly response wrong data when calling this api, it's response change randomly calling 100 times, somtime I got { "data" : [ ], "links" : { "self" : "" }, "meta" : { "paging" : { "total" : 0, "limit" : 50 } } } somtime I got { "data" : [ { "type" : "apps", "id" : "***", "attributes" : { "name" : "***", "bundleId" : "***", ... and the data count also random (no one edit the user role and visibleapps) this occurred after 2023/08/17 08:40 (GMT+8) I wonder if it's caused by api met error and return the incomplete data array back? for example, user A has 3 visible apps and app1 <-- fail here then return "data" : [ ] app1 app2 app3 <-- fail here then return "data" : [ {app1 detail}, {app2 detail}]
Aug ’23
App Store - App Analytics Product Page Views
Is it possible to get app analytics data such as product page views from an Apple Api? See below image showing the data we're looking to get from an API. I've seen code like below. Is this the way to get app analytics data? The below code isn't quite complete. Is there documentation somewhere of how to get this data properly? Is this URL an internal URL that shouldn't be used? import requests import json url = "" adamId = "0000000000" # App ID measures = "installs" # or "impressionsTotalUnique" cookie_dqsid = "dqsid=ey...." # ????? payload = json.dumps({ "adamId": [adamId], "measures": [measures], "frequency": "day", "startTime": "2021-10-16T00:00:00Z", "endTime": "2021-11-14T00:00:00Z", "group": { "metric": measures, "dimension": "source", "rank": "DESCENDING", "limit": 100 } }) headers = { 'Host': '', 'X-Requested-By': '', 'Cookie': cookie_dqsid, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, allow_redirects=False) print(response.text)
Aug ’23
Ability to specify the display name in the create certificate App Store Connect API
When using the create certificate API -, I get a response back similar to the following: { &#9;"data" : { &#9;&#9;"type" : "certificates", &#9;&#9;"id" : "XXXXXXXXXX", &#9;&#9;"attributes" : { &#9;&#9;&#9;"serialNumber" : "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY", &#9;&#9;&#9;"certificateContent" : "...", &#9;&#9;&#9;"displayName" : "Created via API", &#9;&#9;&#9;"name" : "iOS Development: Created via API", &#9;&#9;&#9;"csrContent" : null, &#9;&#9;&#9;"platform" : "IOS", &#9;&#9;&#9;"expirationDate" : "2021-08-26T02:15:27.000+0000", &#9;&#9;&#9;"certificateType" : "IOS_DEVELOPMENT" &#9;&#9;}, &#9;&#9;"links" : { &#9;&#9;&#9;"self" : "" &#9;&#9;} &#9;}, &#9;"links" : { &#9;&#9;"self" : "" &#9;} } The newly created certificate also shows up on the web interface with "Created via API" as its name, which makes it hard to differentiate between different certificates. I'm assuming the web interface gets the name from the "displayName" field in the response, or vice versa. The CertificateCreateRequest object - doesn't define a field for the display name. Does anybody know of a way to specify the display name when creating a certificate with the API? Any help is appreciated.
Aug ’20
Create certificates via App Store Connect API
Hello,I am trying to create a certificate via App Store Connect API.First, I created csr by the following command. I confirmed that the generated csr can be successfuly registered to manually.openssl genrsa 2048 &gt; private.key openssl req -new -key private.key -out private.csr -subj "/emailAddress=&lt;my email address&gt;/O=&lt;my name&gt;/C=JP"Then, I tried to create a certificate using certificates API. The token is generated using an API key with Developer role (I tried also Admin and AppManager role and all are same).curl -i \ -H'Authorization: Bearer &lt;token&gt;' \ -H'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"data":{"attributes":{"certificateType":"IOS_DISTRIBUTION","csrContent":"'$(cat private.csr | base64)'"},"type":"certificates"}}' \ response was:HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: daiquiri/3.0.0 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 03:31:38 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 350 Connection: keep-alive Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Request-ID: QUKNKFNK2BDNPUUDIDEHJY7W X-Rate-Limit: user-hour-lim:3600;user-hour-rem:3592; x-daiquiri-instance: daiquiri:18493001:mr85p00it-hyhk03154801:7987:19N28 { "errors": [{ "status": "401", "code": "NOT_AUTHORIZED", "title": "Authentication credentials are missing or invalid.", "detail": "Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests" }] }This error message says that my token is wrong or missing. Next, so I checked if the token is valid or not by invoking other API.curl -i \ -H'Authorization: Bearer &lt;token&gt;' \ API call succeeded and showed the list of my certificates.Are there something wrong in my commands?(I wonder that the api is not available currently...)Appendix: my ruby script to generate jwtrequire 'jwt' require 'base64' require 'optparse' params = {} opt = opt.on('-i val', '--iss') { |v| params[:iss] = v } opt.on('-k val', '--kid') { |v| params[:kid] = v } opt.parse! private_key = STDIN.readlines.join key = payload = { iss: params[:iss], exp: + 10 * 60, aud: 'appstoreconnect-v1' } header_fields = { "kid": params[:kid], "typ": 'JWT' } token = JWT.encode(payload, key, 'ES256', header_fields=header_fields) puts tokenThank you.
Oct ’19
I want to show all of my app downloads on my web dashboard
Hi Is there any way any API which gives me the ability to download all of my apps downloads/installs on my web dashboard. I have gone through this link -,read every word but the only thing I found is it has to be manually through app store. I have asked the apple developer support program and they told me to follow forum or search in this documentation - The only API related to statistics is App Store Connect API which I believe made for sales and trend. Please point me in the right direction.
Jun ’20
App Store Connect API: why do I only have to provide a checksum when uploading app screenshots and not for app event screenshots?
When uploading app screenshots, I have to provide a sourceFileChecksum and uploaded flag: But that's not the case for app event screenshots, I only have to provide the uploadedflag: The same is true for app previews and app event video clips. Why is this different?
Jul ’23
Invalid Fileds Error
I got a lot of errors(400 PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID) from a bunches of requests since yesterday, which were work well before. Just like this: The request failed with response code 400 PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID A parameter has an invalid value. 'diagnosticSignatures' is not a valid field name The request failed with response code 400 PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID A parameter has an invalid value. 'perfPowerMetrics' is not a valid field name). Are there any API change or validation strategies changes ?
Jul ’23