




Swiftui Table statement conditional table columns
Is it possible to have conditional table columns for a swifui Table statement? Like for this code TableColumn("Image") { artPiece in if let imageData = artPiece.artImage.first, let image = UIImage(data: imageData!) { Image(uiImage: image) .resizable() .frame(width: 50, height: 50) } else { Image(systemName: "photo") .resizable() .frame(width: 50, height: 50) } } .customizationID("Image") TableColumn("Name", value: \.artName) .customizationID("Name") TableColumn ("Art ID", value: \.artPieceID) { artPiece in Text(String(artPiece.artPieceID)) } .customizationID("Art ID") have a conditional TableColumn for this part of my SWIFTDATA model var artDefinedFields: [ArtDefinedFields] = [] or if I change the variable string array to this var artDefinedFields: [ArtDefinedFields] = Array(repeating: ArtDefinedFields(), count: 10), initialize the array with "None" and only create a TableColumn when there is aArtDeginedFields value other than "None"
Aug ’24
NavlgationLink Code not working on macOS Sequoia
This code which works fine on macOS Sonoma but on Sequoia the navigationLinks do not work? VStack { Text("Application Global Values") .font(.largeTitle) .fontWeight(.bold) .padding(.bottom, 10) Text("Select each of the Descriptors, enter the values and when done then Tap on (Add/Save)") .font(.title3) .foregroundColor(.secondary) List { NavigationLink("Enter Core Descriptors", destination: CoreView(systemSettings: $systemSettings)) .padding() // Add padding to create some space inside the border // .background(Color.white) // Optional: Add a background color if needed // .border(, width: 2) // Add a red border with a specified thickness .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) // Specify the corner radius for rounded corners .stroke(, lineWidth: 2) // Define the color and thickness of the border ) SetupDivider(thickness: 3) NavigationLink("Enter Counters Descriptors", destination: CountersView(systemSettings: $systemSettings)) .padding() // .background(Color.white) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) // Specify the corner radius for rounded corners .stroke(, lineWidth: 2) // Define the color and thickness of the border ) SetupDivider(thickness: 3) NavigationLink("Create Custom Descriptors", destination: UserFieldsView(userFields: $userFields)) .padding() // .background(Color.white) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) // Specify the corner radius for rounded corners .stroke(, lineWidth: 2) // Define the color and thickness of the border ) SetupDivider(thickness: 3) NavigationLink("View All Descriptors", destination: DefaultDetailView(userFields: $userFields, systemSettings: $systemSettings)) .padding() // .background(Color.white) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) // Specify the corner radius for rounded corners .stroke(, lineWidth: 2) // Define the color and thickness of the border ) SetupDivider(thickness: 3) }
Aug ’24
SwiftData Tables disappearing while test my app!
I begin testing my IOS swiftdats Xcode 15 swift 5 on Sonoma and I am able to create my siwftdata tables as well as add records to several of the tables, Then as I proceeded with my te tables disappear and I get this error in the Xcode debug console: error: Error: Persistent History (6) has to be truncated due to the following entities being removed: ( AppSettings, Invoice, Clientele, Pay, InvoiceItem, TrackingArt ) This app used to work fine and as I was making changes it started behaving in this manner. Beside the code I will supply the entire debug console with the attached file debugConsole.txt Here is how I have the swift data containers setup. import SwiftData import TipKit import CloudKit @main struct ArtManagerApp: App { @StateObject private var copyInvoiceDetails = CopyInvoiceDetails() @StateObject private var copyPaymentDetails = CopyPaymentDetails() @StateObject private var artTypeSettings = ArtTypeSettings() @StateObject private var tipManager = TipManager() // @Query(sort: \ArtPiece.artPieceID, order: .forward) private var artPieces: [ArtPiece] // @Query(sort: \AppSettings.setID, order: .reverse) private var settingsList: [AppSettings] var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer = { let schema = Schema([ ArtPiece.self, Clientele.self, TrackingArt.self, Invoice.self, InvoiceItem.self, AppSettings.self, Pay.self ]) let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false) do { return try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration]) } catch { fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)") } }() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .navigationTitle("🎨 Art Manager") .environmentObject(artTypeSettings) .environmentObject(copyInvoiceDetails) .environmentObject(copyPaymentDetails) .environmentObject(tipManager) // Pass it to the ContentView .modelContainer(sharedModelContainer) } } } class TipManager: ObservableObject { @Published var tips: [ArtManagerTip] = [] init() { loadTips() } func loadTips() { tips = [ArtManagerTips.search_tip, ArtManagerTips.delete_tip, ArtManagerTips.extendedSearch_tip, ArtManagerTips.searchPayments_tip, ArtManagerTips.searchArt_tip, ArtManagerTips.librarySearch_tip, ArtManagerTips.artMaintenanceSearch_tip] } } class CopyPaymentDetails: ObservableObject { @Published var payNumber: Int32 = 0 @Published var payType: String = "" @Published var payPatronID: Int32 = 0 @Published var payPatronName: String = "" @Published var payPatronAddress: String = "" @Published var payPaymentAmount: Double = 0.0 @Published var payDatePayed: Date = Date() } class CopyInvoiceDetails: ObservableObject { @Published var invoiceNumber: Int32 = 0 @Published var invoicePatronName: String = "" @Published var invoicePatronPO: String = "" @Published var invoiceDateCreated: Date = Date() @Published var artPieceIDSaved: [Int32] = [] }
Aug ’24
Deleting CloudKit data
I have been testing an app which uses cloudKit with SWIFTDATA and after testing for several months my 200GB iCloud store is showing 168GB for iCloud Drive. Now my iCloud drive is only 22.6GB so the rest of the 168GB must be data from my app. Also, I have function in my app to delete all iCloud Data which I thought that should clean up iCloud storage but it does not. I tried resetting the Develop Environment but no change to iCloud data. Also I have several other containers in iCloud created while getting iCloud working which I would like to delete but I understand you can’t. Bottom line cloudkit console has been pretty much useless for me and I need a way to manage (delete containers and data). Am I missing something?
Jun ’24
SwiftChart with secondary Y Axis
I created a SwiftChart as below and I would like to have two YAxis, one for amount and the second for count. So, the amount YAxis is a different scale then the count YAxis. Does anybody have an example of this or shed some light on coding two different YAxis? Thanks ForEach(seriesArt) { series in ForEach(series.chartSeries.chartEntry) { BarMark( x: .value("Tier", $0.tier), y: .value("Price", $0.keyValue) ) } .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Count", series.chartCategory)) .position(by: .value("Price", series.chartCategory)) } } .frame(width: 400, height: 200) .chartXAxis { AxisMarks(position: .bottom, values: .automatic) { AxisValueLabel() .foregroundStyle(Color.white) } } .chartYAxis { AxisMarks(position: .leading, values: .automatic) { value in AxisGridLine(centered: true, stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1)) AxisValueLabel() { if let intValue = { Text("\(intValue)") .font(.system(size: 10)) .foregroundColor(.white) } } } .chartYAixs - for count sum by tier which needs to be a different scale from the amount YAxis } } }
Dec ’23
Why does the first image behave differently ?
I have the following test code: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var draggedImages: [UIImage?] = Array(repeating: nil, count: 5) @State private var savedToDisk = false var body: some View { VStack { HStack { ForEach(0..<5, id: \.self) { index in let image = draggedImages[index] ?? UIImage(systemName: "photo") Image(uiImage: image!) .resizable() .frame(width: 80, height: 80) .padding() .background( .foregroundColor(.white) .cornerRadius(10) .onDrag { return NSItemProvider(object: UIImage(systemName: "photo")!) } .onDrop(of: ["public.image"], isTargeted: nil) { providers, _ in providers.first?.loadDataRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier: "public.image") { data, error in if let data = data, let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { draggedImages[index] = uiImage saveImageToDisk(image: uiImage, imageNumber: index) } } return true } } .alert(isPresented: $savedToDisk) { Alert(title: Text("Images Saved"), message: Text("The images have been saved to disk."), dismissButton: .default(Text("OK"))) } Spacer() } } .padding() } private func saveImageToDisk(image: UIImage, imageNumber: Int) { if let imageData = image.pngData() { do { let documentsDirectory = try FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false) let imageUrl = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("image_\(imageNumber).png") try imageData.write(to: imageUrl) savedToDisk = true } catch { print("Error saving image: \(error)") } } } } I can drag and drop as well as the dragged image is save on the second placeholder thru the fifth but not the first When I drag and drop to the first image another files app opens but when I close this the image is not saved. Any Ideas why the first image behaves differently to all the others? I test on Sonoma and Xcode 15 beta 7, I wil give it a try on Ventura and Xcode 14 later today to see if the same thing happens. Thanks
Aug ’23
How to customize buttons in a SwiftUI view toolbar
I have the following test code import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var field1 = "" @State private var field2 = "" @State private var field3 = "" var body: some View { VStack { Form { Section(header: Text("Input Fields")) { TextField("Field 1", text: $field1) TextField("Field 2", text: $field2) TextField("Field 3", text: $field3) } } List { ForEach(1..<6) { index in Text("Item \(index)") } } .listStyle(InsetListStyle()) } .navigationTitle("Form and List View") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .cancellationAction) { Button("Dismiss") { // Handle dismiss action } .foregroundStyle(.red) // } ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) { Button("Done") { // Handle done action } .foregroundStyle(.green) // } } } } I can't customize the color of the Buttons. Besides .foreground modifier I have tried ..foregroundColor(.red) and .foregroundColor(.green) to no avail. How can I customize the buttons in the toolbar for both macOS and IOS
Aug ’23
Error with Xcode 15 beta 5
I am getting the following error on this line of code @Query(sort: \.id, order: .reverse) private var artList: [ArtInventory] Cannot infer key path type from context; consider explicitly specifying a root type So, I select fix and then the line of code then look like this @Query(sort: \<#Root#>.id, order: .reverse) private var artList: [ArtInventory] with this error Invalid component of Swift key path Some seems to have changed with the @Query macro in beta 5, which now needs a root type, but not sure how to proceed. Any ideas how to fix?
Jul ’23
Progress Indicator not working as expected
I have a test project with a bar progress indicator create on Ventura with Xcode 14.3.1., It does not show the any animation until the @IBAction function completes. I want to show progress as it progresses not a just the end? Any ideas how to fix this? Below is my test project code.. // // ViewController.swift // ProgressTest // // Created by Bob on 6/5/23. // import Cocoa class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet weak var progressIndicator: NSProgressIndicator! // var progress: Double = 0.0 override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } override var representedObject: Any? { didSet { // Update the view, if already loaded. } } @IBAction func progressStart(_ sender: Any) { // Start the progress animation progressIndicator.startAnimation(self) // Do some work here... // Do some work here... var progress: Double = 0.0 for _ in 0..<100 { // Update the progress value in a loop progress += 1.0 progressIndicator.doubleValue = progress // progress = Double(i) // progressIndicator.increment(by: 10) // progressIndicator.doubleValue = progress // Do some work here... } // Stop the progress animation progressIndicator.stopAnimation(self) } } thanks Bob
Jun ’23
macOS Xcode 14.2 app applicationwillterminate function is not called
I want to put some code to be run when my app terminates but the following:        func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {             // Insert code here to tear down your application             print("Termination Code")         } in the AppDelegate class is not called, any ideas how to fix this issue. I saw this posts but I do not have an info.plist. I think the info.plist is not longer needed. The following doc does not have much to say about this??
Jan ’23