




Reply to Creating screen boundaries using GKObstacle
The solution in 2024, I believe, is to use a GKBehavior with a GKGoal(toStayOn:maxPredictionTime:) The following code will keep an agent within the bounds of a scene, where wh is the width/height of a square-shaped scene. Depending on your use case, you might need to adjust the weight and/or maxPredictionTime. let agent = GKAgent2D() let wh: Float = 2000.0 let bounds = [ SIMD2(x: -(wh*0.5), y: -(wh*0.5)), SIMD2(x: -(wh*0.5), y: (wh*0.5)), SIMD2(x: (wh*0.5), y: (wh*0.5)), SIMD2(x: (wh*0.5), y: -(wh*0.5)) ] let keepInBoundsGoal = GKGoal(toStayOn: GKPath(points: bounds, radius: wh*0.5, cyclical: true), maxPredictionTime: 160.0) let behavior = GKBehavior(goals: [keepInBoundsGoal]) behavior.setWeight(30.0, for: keepInBoundsGoal) agent.behavior = behavior
Topic: Graphics & Games SubTopic: General Tags:
May ’24
Reply to Using Game Center logo on website to indicate game's functionality
So, according to the "Guidelines For Using Apple Trademarks And Copyrights": Compatibility: Developers may use Apple, Macintosh, iMac, or any other Apple word mark (but not the Apple Logo or other Apple-owned graphic symbol/logo) in a referential phrase on packaging or promotional/advertising materials to describe that the third party product is compatible with the referenced Apple product or technology, provided they comply with the following requirements. a. The Apple word mark is not part of the product name. b. The Apple word mark is used in a referential phrase such as “runs on,” “for use with,” “for,” or “compatible with.” c. The Apple word mark appears less prominent than the product name. d. The product is in fact compatible with, or otherwise works with, the referenced Apple product. e. The reference to Apple does not create a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with Apple or Apple products or services. f. The use does not show Apple or its products in a false or derogatory light. I'm no lawyer, but it sounds like the answer to my question is "No, you may not use the Game Center logo -- you can only reference the functionality in writing". Am I reading it correctly, though? I have no idea, really. I've contacted Support, but I'd welcome more input here while I wait for a response.
Topic: Design SubTopic: General Tags:
Jan ’22
Reply to Why aren't Apple employees monitoring this forum? What gives?
Hi Claude31, I hear what you're saying, but I have multiple questions open and I don't have 6 months to wait for some random Apple guy to finally address them. These questions include How do you remove a Widget extension in Xcode and Advanced App Clip: 'This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience'. It would be trivial for an Apple engineer to solve these problems -- they're quite straightforward. Instead, the only response I've gotten from an engineer just happens to be for this question -- a question about this forum being insufficient. Isn't that funny? And why is this site so bizarrely, consistently slow? It can't just be me; I'm on a new desktop Mac with a good WiFi connection. Are you experiencing slowness, too? Thanks!
May ’21
Reply to Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background)
After filing a TSI, it was confirmed by Apple that this is a bug related to the use of playSoundFileNamed(_:waitForCompletion:), which is somehow causing the "update" function to be called when the app is in the background (despite the scene being automatically paused!). It was suggested that I use AVAudioPlayer or AVAudioPlayerNode instead. I filed bug FB9107848
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
May ’21
Reply to Why aren't Apple employees monitoring this forum? What gives?
Hello eskimo, Thank you for the reply! I think it's weird that you're seemingly the one and only Apple employee to consistently reply to questions on this forum. So, your active profile page isn't really proof of anything but this weirdness (Apple is a huge, wealthy company!). As for this forum not being an "official Apple support channel" . . . well, that's kind of the problem. Here's a question: *Why* doesn't Apple have an interest in maintaining/supporting this forum? Why wouldn't Apple want to provide a better solution for its developers? All it would take is a few full time employees to run this thing, and the implementation of some features to incentivize the answering of questions, like on StackOverflow. Thanks for the info!
May ’21