In a macOS Swift app I'm trying to get mouse events to not coalesce. This used to work in an Obj-C app by calling [NSEvent setMouseCoalescingEnabled:NO]. setMouseCoalescingEnabled is not exposed in the Swift version of NSEvent. I built a bridge over to a .mm file that calls [NSEvent setMouseCoalescingEnabled:NO] and checked NSEvent.isMouseCoalescingEnabled in Swift after calling and it returns false saying that coalescing is disabled. The mouse is still skipping points (func mouseDragged(with theEvent: NSEvent)) when it is dragged across the window fast. I'm calling [NSEvent setMouseCoalescingEnabled:NO] in applicationDidFinishLaunching().
Anyone else notice that Xcode 16.1 seems to have stopped building universal binaries for both debug and release builds even though under "Build Settings-Build Active Architecture" both Debug and Release are set to NO. We had been using the universal binary builds out of Debug for preliminary tests on Intel based machines. The Architectures setting is set to: Standard Architectures (Apple Silicon, Intel) - $(ARCHS_STANDARD).
I started a brand new empty app and it does the same thing.
A workaround is to set the Destination in Xcode's menu bar to "Build on Any Mac" and then find the binary and drag it to the Intel computer. You can't run that one though from Xcode. Another workaround is to build an Archive and drag that one.
Is there a way out of the WeatherKit REST API to get a textual summary of the weather like the iPhone app from Apple shows? Right now the local forecast on the iPhone app says "Sunny conditions from 7pm-8pm, with partly cloudy conditions expected at 8PM". Is this something the app rolls on it's own or is there a attribute-value pair in one of the returned JSON datasets that has this text. It's not in the "forecastDaily" dataset.
*Humorous that it says "Sunny conditions from 7pm-8pm" because that's about the time the sun is setting. That forecast was from 1PM.
Hello -
I’m creating an app that needs to copy ColorSync profiles to the /Library/ColorSync/Profiles directory on macOS and was wondering what is the correct / sanctioned way to write to the /Library directory is?
The app won’t be in the App Store. The app needs to run on Big Sur through Sonoma.
I spent some time working with ColorSyncProfileInstall() but that seems to want to ask the user permission every single time the function is called - and this app can install up to 25 profiles at a time. (There are actually hundreds of profiles that can be chosen that will come from a server).
I’m currently looking at using SMJobBless but that sure seems like using an atomic bomb to swat a mosquito. Any thoughts if SMJobBless is the right way to go? (SMAppService for 13 and on).
I have a macOS app built with Xcode 14.1 that works perfectly on Catalina through Ventura. Works on Apple Silicon and Intel machines. When it runs under Sonoma (9/12/23 release and earlier) controls in dialog boxes no longer highlight blue but can be pressed. Text fields can not be edited. Radio buttons can be selected but they all stay gray. This happens to not only the app's custom dialogs but Apple's NSSavePanel() and others. It happens in Sonoma with Apple Silicon or Intel versions under Rosetta. An earlier version built with Xcode 13 works just fine (except WebKit has issues). I made a small app that just tries to do a NSAlert() and it works correctly in Sonoma built with Xcode 14.1. I have not seen any other apps do this under Sonoma.
In order to rule out some sort of byzantine focus problem with the view controllers in the app, I removed everything from applicationDidFinishLaunching() and put an NSAlert() in there. Same thing, the default button comes out gray and not blue.
I've tried bumping up the minimum release to macOS 12.x. No luck.
It's nothing to do with Appearance, I have removed all of that code. Deleted all the prefs.
I've rebuilt the project file in Xcode 14.1 from scratch, same thing - no blue focus buttons. I've tried building it with the latest versions of Xcode and the same problem. Any ideas what in the world can cause this?
has been deprecated as of macOS 14.0 I am trying to load legacy NSCoder archives now using NSSecureCoding set in the class and using:
coder.unarchivedObject(ofClasses classes: [AnyClass], from data: Data)
to load the archive. The archive loads and most of the class members can be extracted. However, Swift Arrays always come out nil even though
returns true. The arrays were encoded with:
var pageUsesClearBackground: Array<Bool> = [true, true, true, true]
coder.encode(pageUsesClearBackground, forKey: "CB_KEY")
pageUsesClearBackground = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "CB_KEY") as? Array<Bool>
Brings back an array with 0 values, even though if I use the non NSSecureCode version, the Array is populated.
pageUsesClearBackground [Bool] 0 values
I suspect this has something to do with Arrays in Swift are a struct and do not conform to NSCoding. Odd that it worked encoding and decoding them for years. Any idea how to retrieve class members that are Arrays from an archive made before NSSecureCoding?
Apparently, NSSecureCoding is so secure you can't even get the data back.