I'm trying to connect my Developer Account in App Store Connect with Slack for CI notifications from Xcode Cloud. Apple docs for reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/connecting-xcode-cloud-to-slack#Install-the-Slack-app-for-Xcode- Cloud-using-App-Store-Connect
I've tried connecting to the Slack workplace from the App Store Connect User settings and from Xcode Cloud in Xcode and on App Store Connect but no luck so far. The process always goes through and the Xcode Cloud Slack app gets installed on the Slack workspace. However it does not show up on the App Store Connect.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the App Store Connect Notification Settings page after I went through the “Slack | Connect” flow successfully. It states “Your Slack account for has been connected”. However The Slack account still does not show as connected on the same page under "Send To”.
Any help appreciated! Was anyone able to connect successfully?
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Store Connect
App Store Connect
Continuous Integration
Xcode Cloud