I currently have 3 builds those are stuck at Processing, the oldest is there for over a day.
I submitted email request and didn't receive anything yet. So I called them and got the answer: "Just wait".
Normal builds are processing for only 1 hour, so why is this? I have milestone to release the app, and this smashed all the works.
Need the answer from Apple, not only some workaround. I need to know why does those build stay at Processing, and how to prevent that. If this happens in the futures, how do I get the details to pass through this?
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
When building app with Xcode 14.3, I can't open the app. It works fine with Xcode 14.2.
Here is the log:
Assertion failed: (gotLocation), function applyFixupsToImage_block_invoke_3, file /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/dyld/dyld-750.4.2/dyld3/Loading.cpp, line 779.
dyld: Assertion failed: (gotLocation), function applyFixupsToImage_block_invoke_3, file /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/dyld/dyld-750.4.2/dyld3/Loading.cpp, line 779.
iOS 13.5.1 or 13.6.1 (we received report from these 2 version)
Device: iPhone 7 Plus (received 2 reports only come from this device).
Screen recording:
And by the way, this list on 14.3 is not showing enough simulators.
All of our apps (6504484264 for example) changed to "In Review" within several hours and stuck there for 2 weeks now.
There is no review messages, contact AppReview via email but received copy & paste answer, basically telling me to "just wait". The update contains critical bug fixes, and should not be stuck there. Every extra day the app is pending, we risk losing users.
I’ve never wanted to see them sued more than I do right now - what’s happening in Europe is just the start, and I hope it spreads. Developers like us are what make Apple ecossytem great, but it feels like Apple doesn’t even care.
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App Review