Is it possible to get the various audio variants for a given song ID, I am unable to find any documentation for this online. In particular, could I see if Dolby Atmos is available for the track?
Here is an example of a request I am sending: https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/us/songs/1168770969
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I am building an app that manages ScreenTime and I would like to persist the tokens of which apps are frequently limited to CoreData locally. I attempted to do so by converting to a string but was unable to find a way to initialize an ActivityCategoryToken with a string.
Is this possible? Am I going about it the wrong way?
I am able to correctly select and store the tokens of apps and categories my users will block, but I am unable to pre-populate Picker whenever the app is rebooted with previously selected and stored tokens. Below is the selection variable I am passing to the picker...
var selectionsToBlock = FamilyActivitySelection() {
willSet {
saveSelection(selection: newValue)
blockersSelected = true
Is there any way I can provide my existing blockers (shown below) so that the user can easily edit their list of restricted apps from the Picker?
func savedBlockers() -> FamilyActivitySelection? {
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
guard let data = defaults.data(forKey: userDefaultsKey) else {
return nil
return try? decoder.decode(
from: data
App & System Services
Managed Settings
Family Controls
Device Activity
Screen Time
Hello, I am able to have users properly select apps that my app can limit and block, however I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to restrict access for set periods of times. For example, I want the user to select the apps they wish to block, store them so they can be reused later and whenever they press a button restrict access for the next 30 minutes.
I understand this is doable if they are actively on the app, but I do not know how to automate the lifting of this restriction after the given period.
Moreover, what is the best way to persist the category and application tokens selected via the FamilyActivitySelector?