




Reply to Scrolling Issue in macOS Monterey (21A5522h) M1 Macbook Pro
I have the same issue with my Mac Mini M1. It stops scrolling on browsers and it starts jumping around on other applications. I filed a bug report. I hope they fix it for the final release because it makes the Magic Trackpad useless. Here is a quick video I made to show the problem. At first, it seems to work but then stops scrolling and fails two or three more times. It keeps failing every three or four attempts or every four or five seconds. I tried everything, but nothing solves the issue. It looks like a bug in Monterrey.
Topic: Community SubTopic: Apple Developers Tags:
Sep ’21
Reply to Couple questions about NavigationSplitView in SwiftUI
The NavigationSplitView works with List selection, and the NavigationLink must include the label and a value. The new process is explained here Although it works, there is an issue with the view at the moment. If you use an if else or a switch to select the view to show in Detail, it doesn't work. The solution for now is to embed it in a ZStack, as explained in this post
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Jul ’22
Reply to can't use @Environment for Binding?
The most elegant solution I've found is to extract the view and pass the model to a @Bindable property. @Observable final class View1Model { var text: String = "" } struct View1: View { @State var viewModel = View1Model() var body: some View { View2() .environment(viewModel) } } struct View2: View { @Environment(View1Model.self) var viewModel var body: some View { View3(viewModel: viewModel) } } struct View3: View { @Bindable var viewModel: ViewModel var body: some View { TextField("Text", text: $viewModel.text) } }
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Jun ’23
Reply to @Observable crashes in Xcode, iOS Beta 7 on iPad
I checked and get the same error. The only issue I found with your code is that you declared the property with @State but you should have declared it with @Bindable. But I tried and keep getting the error. It has to be a bug. The only solution was to manage the selection from a @State property (@State private var envProfile: String?)
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Aug ’23
Reply to Importing Data into SwiftData in the Background Using ModelActor and @Query
SwiftData still have serious issues, specially when working with CloudKit (iOS 18 Beta). One of the issues I was able to identified is that the views do not update when relationships change. You can see all the values in an object except the values in the relationships (they are nil), but if I force an update on the view, the values show up. I hope they come up with a solution before release, otherwise SwiftData will be completely useless.
Aug ’24