




Reply to How to detect refunded IAPs from receipts?
Take a look at func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, didRevokeEntitlementsForProductIdentifiers productIdentifiers: [String]) The docs say it has to do with family sharing, but I just tried it and got this callback when I opened StoreKitTest > Manage Transactions and refunded an IAP. I do receipt validation on the device using this ASN1Decoder, which has kindly been made available on GitHub. I loop through all the purchases in the receipt to determine the logic. Refunded items have their cancellationDate field set when a refund has occurred.
Feb ’25
Reply to UIKit Autocomplete Broken in Xcode 15.0.1 Playgrounds
Unfortunately this solution did not work. I typed this into an empty playground and I got no compiler errors at all. The playground just sits and says "Ready to continue" endlessly. import UIKit blahblahblah1234 Hello Goodbye However if I put a space between any 2 characters, I get a compiler warning: import UIKit //Consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';' blah blah This is the only compiler error I've been able to generate. I have restarted my system several times. Playgrounds for me seems to be completely broken.
Nov ’23
Reply to Xcode 14.3 - Failed to render and update auto layout status
Same issue. All IBDesignables are completely broken unless you build for iOS16. "/Users/moh/Developer/Temp Dev/IB_Broken/IB_Broken/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard Failed to render and update auto layout status for ViewController (BYZ-38-t0r): dlopen(, 0x0001): tried: '/IB_Broken' (no such file), '/Applications/' (no such file), '' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64'))"
Apr ’23