I have a iOS app using a gobind xcframework library.
All went well when using Xcode 15.0 (15A240d), but failed on Xcode 16.2 (16C5032a). It’s confirmed the failure is from only Xcode version difference, all others like source code, lib binary, physical test iPhone all keeping the exact same.
After digging, the root comes from golang os.Executable() call (https://pkg.go.dev/os#Executable), which is used in xcframework library.
Using Xcode 15.0, os.Executable() returns “/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E80602C7-EFFB-4F1B-9FF8-FBA0E7E3DA76/Runner.app/Runner” as normal.
But with Xcode 16.2, os.Executable() panic with err “cannot find executable path”.
I’ve checked Xcode&SDK version change history, couldn’t find any clue like relevant permissions restrictions stuff.
Could someone please share a hint? Thanks .
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Prepared archive for validation
Validation failed
error: Asset validation failed
Missing Bundle Identifier. The application bundle contains a tool or framework [aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.pkg/Payload/my.app/Contents/Frameworks/Abc.framework] that is missing the bundle identifier in its Info.plist file. (ID: 8d117580-6d15-4b9e-8a0c-3bd069c66c77)
error: Asset validation failed
Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in the nested bundle [aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.pkg/Payload/shudou.app/Contents/Frameworks/Abc.framework] property list file. (ID: 62894f06-c782-4d67-85df-91912d1b6609)
Abc.framwork is a pre-built lib used in swift. I put following keys in Abc.xcframework's Info.plist, but no effect.
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