




Comment on Xcode 16 Beta: Predictive Code Completion failing to install
Just installed Xcode 16 via a fresh install on an M3 macbook pro. No VM. Nothing weird, standard user account. Getting the same error. The predictive code module seemed to install correctly during initial setup (when it asks you if you want to install watchOS simulator etc). But after restarting my computer today, every time I open Xcode I get a popup that its downloading it again, followed by the above error
Oct ’24
Comment on Accessibility Inspector or Simulator is broken in Xcode 13.3
@Frameworks Engineer have been facing the same issue on/off for a very long time. Sometimes accessibility inspector is unable to see any content inside the simulator, but able to find the title bar, the volume up/down buttons etc. If I switch from "mac -> Simulator" to "Simulator" nothing works at all, nothing is selectable. Funny enough switching from "mac -> Simulator" to "Simulator" then back to "mac -> Simulator" fixed it and its now back to being able to see all the content
Nov ’23
Comment on Xcode 14.3 - Failed to render and update auto layout status
Haven't found a work around yet, just filed FB12098785 about it. Are you also getting this annoying issue of constant error along the top of a storyboard saying "An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited."? Driving me insane! I just reported that too: FB12098768. If you haven't please report one or both as well. More people that do, faster it will be fixed
Apr ’23
Comment on Cannot get email & name while scopes requested on real device
This is such a flawed approach. We don't have a server that we control in our flow, we can't store these details remotely. If the user uninstalls and reinstalls, we will loose the ability to ever get these details again? If the user gets a new phone and goes through the "migrate to a new phone" flow, this will probably happen again as its bound to the same apple id? This needs to be changed
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: General Tags:
Nov ’22
Comment on Mismatched Translation
So i've tried 3 other popular translation tools, and they have the exact same problem. There are now blog articles from these companies saying apples implementation of the .xliff standard is different in meaning to everyone else, and they've advised their users to not use these feature in iOS. To instead stick to using .strings files Based on my limited understanding of this, I think I agree with them. Whatever I type into my storyboard is stuck there forever unless manually updated by hand, any attempt to update automatically is ignored? What about typos? or wanting to keep the IB image up to date with the latest english values to avoid developer confusion? I can see many cases where I would want the <source> to be updated. I definitely see it as a flaw/bug/oversight that there is no command line argument and/or button in the UI to say "yes I understand the risks, update all the source values to match the import". For it to simply be ignored and receive a silent warning in command line leaves no wiggly room. If tools manage the task of updating <source> across all the languages, I don't see why that should be a prevented workflow
Oct ’21