
41 results found






Family Sharing IAP Transaction IDs
Are the original_transaction_id fields in family sharing in-app purchase receipts populated with the ID of the original transaction (from the original purchaser), or does each family member get a new independent one? We're interested in supporting Family Sharing for our non-consumable in-app purchases, but since we also allow purchases to be activated on the web / other platforms, we're concerned that Family Sharing might enable somebody to create multiple accounts from a single purchase and use them independently on many more devices.
Jun ’20
Family Sharing - Auto Renewing Subscription
At the moment we have an auto renewing subscription and we use the original_transaction_id as a marker in our database. If we turn on Family Sharing it was mentioned that each family member gets a transaction in the queue on their device. Will the original_transaction_id be the same for each user or will each user/Apple ID get their own unique receipt and set of transactions? Or is it simply a copy of the primary user?
Jun ’20
Reply to Family Sharing - Auto Renewing Subscription
Now that the Family Sharing is up and running for renewable subscriptions, can someone confirm here what are the values received for the original_transaction_id field in receipt. Our assumption from the doc is that all customers should get the same original_transaction_id value as the original purchaser, while each transaction_id is unique. Others here are expecting different original_transaction_id for each customers. And the accepted answer is ?
Dec ’20
Reply to How to pre-load SKOverlay?
It's not currently possible to preload an SKOverlay. If a user switches to a new page before the overlay is presented, you can call SKOverlay.dismiss(in:) - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/skoverlay/3566701-dismiss to cancel the presentation and avoid the overlay being shown in an unexpected location.
Sep ’20