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Create audio unit extensions and add sophisticated audio manipulation and processing capabilities to your app using AudioUnit.

Posts under AudioUnit tag

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USB audio multi route input - AVAudioEngine inputNode
Hi everybody, I'm trying to use the multi input of an usb device using the AVAudioEngine. My aim is to connect different inputNode channels to 2 or more different audionode (f.e. mixer). I'm able to get a spefic input channel from the engine inputNode with OSStatus err = AudioUnitSetProperty(avEngine.inputNode.audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, outputChannelMap, propSize); but this will change the routing to all the input node and to all the destination mixer nodes. How to send channel 1 of inputNode to a mixerNode1 and channel 2 to another mixerNode2?
Feb ’24
Audio Workgroups: Aux threads joined to workgroup executed on E-Cores when App is in background
We develop virtual instruments for Mac/AU and are trying to get our AU-Plugins and our Standalone player to work with Audio Workgroups. When the Standalone App or Logic Pro is in the foreground and active all is well and as expected. However when the App or Logic Pro is not in focus all my auxiliary threads are running on E-Cores. Even though they are properly joined to the processing thread's workgroup. This leads to a lot of audible drop outs because deadlines are not met anymore. The processing thread itself stays on a p-core. But has to wait for the other threads to finish. How can I opt out of this behaviour? Our users certainly have use cases where they expect the Player to run smoothly even though they currently have a different App in focus.
Mar ’24
With OS X Sonoma 14.4 update there is no rights to relaunch coreaudiod
Some of installers which we have suddenly become broken for users running the latest version of OS X, I found that the reason was that we install Core Audio HAL driver and because I wanted to avoid system reboot I relaunched coreaudio daemon via from a pkg post-install script. sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/ So with the OS update the command fails, if a computer has SIP enabled (what is the default). sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/ Password: Could not kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted It would be super nice if either the change can be: reverted OR I and similar people to know a workaround of how to hot-plug (and unplug) such a HAL driver.
Apr ’24
failed to start VoiceProcessingIO AudioUnit on VisionPro (os 1.1.1)
Hello, We are trying to use an audio calling functionality for visionOS with no success since the update of visionOS. We do not used CallKit for this flow. We set the AudioSession as followed: [sessionInstance setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord mode:AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat options: (AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth | AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP | AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers) error:&error_]; We are creating our Audio unit as followed: AudioComponentDescription desc_; desc_.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output; desc_.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO; desc_.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple; desc_.componentFlags = 0; desc_.componentFlagsMask = 0; AudioComponent comp_ = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc_); IMSXThrowIfError(AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp_, &_audioUnit),"couldn't create a new instance of Apple Voice Processing IO."); UInt32 one_ = 1; IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Input, audioUnitElementIOInput, &one_, sizeof(one_)), "could not enable input on Apple Voice Processing IO"); IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Output, audioUnitElementIOOutput, &one_, sizeof(one_)), "could not enable output on Apple Voice Processing IO"); IMSTagLogInfo(kIMSTagAudio, @"Rate: %ld", _rate); bool isInterleaved = _channel == 2 ? true : false; self.ioFormat = CAStreamBasicDescription(_rate, _channel, CAStreamBasicDescription::kPCMFormatInt16, isInterleaved); IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &_ioFormat, sizeof(self.ioFormat)), "couldn't set the input client format on Apple Voice Processing IO"); IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &_ioFormat, sizeof(self.ioFormat)), "couldn't set the output client format on Apple Voice Processing IO"); UInt32 maxFramesPerSlice_ = 4096; IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &maxFramesPerSlice_, sizeof(UInt32)), "couldn't set max frames per slice on Apple Voice Processing IO"); UInt32 propSize_ = sizeof(UInt32); IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitGetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &maxFramesPerSlice_, &propSize_), "couldn't get max frames per slice on Apple Voice Processing IO"); AURenderCallbackStruct renderCallbackStruct_; renderCallbackStruct_.inputProc = playbackCallback; renderCallbackStruct_.inputProcRefCon = (__bridge void *)self; IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &renderCallbackStruct_, sizeof(renderCallbackStruct_)), "couldn't set render callback on Apple Voice Processing IO"); AURenderCallbackStruct inputCallbackStruct_; inputCallbackStruct_.inputProc = recordingCallback; inputCallbackStruct_.inputProcRefCon = (__bridge void *)self; IMSXThrowIfError(AudioUnitSetProperty(self.audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &inputCallbackStruct_, sizeof(inputCallbackStruct_)), "couldn't set render callback on Apple Voice Processing IO"); And as soon as we try to start the AudioUnit we have the following error: phaseextio@0x107a54320: failed to start IO directions 0x3, num IO streams [1, 1]: Error Code=1346924646 "failed to pause/resume stream 6B273F5B-D6EF-41B3-8460-0E34B00D10A6" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=failed to pause/resume stream 6B273F5B-D6EF-41B3-8460-0E34B00D10A6} We do not use PHASE framework on our side and the error is not clear to us nor documented anywhere. We also try to use a AudioUnit that only do Speaker witch works perfectly, but as soon as we try to record from an AudioUnit the start failed as well with the error AVAudioSessionErrorCodeCannotStartRecording We suppose that somehow inside PHASE an IO VOIP audio unit is running that prevent us from stoping/killing it when we try to create our own, and stop the whole flow. It used to work on visonOS 1.0.1 Regards, Summit-tech
Mar ’24
AVAudioEngine connectMIDI with eventListBlock always sends MIDI 2.0 events
I connect two AVAudioNodes by using - (void)connectMIDI:(AVAudioNode *)sourceNode to:(AVAudioNode *)destinationNode format:(AVAudioFormat * __nullable)format eventListBlock:(AUMIDIEventListBlock __nullable)tapBlock and add a AUMIDIEventListBlock tap block to it to capture the MIDI events. Both AUAudioUnits of the AVAudioNodes involved in this connection are set to use MIDI 1.0 UMP events: [[avAudioUnit AUAudioUnit] setHostMIDIProtocol:(kMIDIProtocol_1_0)]; But all the MIDI voice channel events received are automatically converted to UMP MIDI 2.0 format. Is there something else I need to set so that the tap receives MIDI 1.0 UMPs? (Note: My app can handle MIDI 2.0, so it is not really a problem. So this question is mainly to find out if I forgot to set the protocol somewhere...). Thanks!!
May ’24
Reading LogicPro pasteboard
Hello, my app works as Auv3 plugin. I am interested in copying / pasting LogicPro chord track. After I copy chord track in LogicPro and read UIPasteBoard.general in the app, I can see: ["LogicPasteBoardMarker": <OS_dispatch_data: data[0x3024599c0] = { leaf, size = 1, buf = 0x10a758000 }>] How can I access these data? Thank you.
Jun ’24