Automatic Assessment Configuration

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Prevent users from accessing specific system features during high-stakes assessment activities, such as administering an exam.

Posts under Automatic Assessment Configuration tag

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macOS 11 Issues With Automatic Assessment Configuration
Hi, We have a secure browser app using AAC for e-assessments and have observed issues when candidates use it on macs running macOS 11. If disconnected, users cannot reconnect when AAC is on and sometimes have to do a hard reboot. Others say they cannot even install the app or the app won't run. These issues seem to be only happening specifically with macOS 11, no problems observed so far with other macOS versions. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Jun ’24
SAT bugs
I am a beta tester on behalf of the College Board for the Bluebook app, which administers the digital SAT. For the first admissions year when most universities are no longer going test-optional, more university-bound sixth-form pupils sit the digital SAT. Some students who are sitting on the SAT could receive an unfair advantage due to them reverse-engineering the app using Ghidra and using that to make a duplicate version of the app which will show correct answers and/or disable Assessment mode to cheat on the exam. I need to know if it is possible, if the student has prior Computer science knowledge, and what is the procedure for doing the following: Disabling assessment mode through terminal function or another internal coding source Reverse engineering the Bluebook app, and recreating it through Xcode and editing the code to automatically fill out the correct answer Reverse engineering the Bluebook app, and recreating it through Xcode and editing the code to disable assessment mode as a whole Please tell me as this will give those who cheat a severely unfair advantage over those who studied hard for it
Feb ’24
Mac Assessment Mode in Electron App
I am implementing the Mac Assessment Mode feature on an Electron application. I have successfully activated it (verified through the assessmentSessionDidBegin function), but the application hangs on a gray screen. Additionally, I tried adding the Calculator app and VS Code (which is built with Electron) to the whitelist. The Calculator app can display, but VS Code cannot. I suspect that helper processes (Render, GPU, ...) may be blocked by this mode, preventing the application from displaying content. Therefore, I would like to ask if The Mac Assessment Mode supports Electron applications. Thank you for reviewing.
Dec ’23
iOS 17 bug - app crashes when input element is focused when using Automatic Assessment Configuration
We maintain an app that uses Automatic Assessment Configuration and WebKit, and have encountered a bug in iOS 17 that causes the app to crash when an input element is focused in AAC mode. In the console, we see the following error, which may or may not be related: RTIInputSystemClient remoteTextInputSessionWithID:performInputOperation:] perform input operation requires a valid sessionID. This error message appears when touching an input field even when there is no crash. We've tried various "fixes" like removing our non-HTML input elements and disabling auto-complete. None of them prevented the crashing behavior. The crash only occurs when the AAC session has started. We were able to create a minimally-reproducing example app that loads a bit of static HTML: Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there any work-around?
Oct ’23