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Use a group of connected audio node objects to generate and process audio signals and perform audio input and output.

Posts under AVAudioEngine tag

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Device Volume Changes After Setting AVAudioSession Category
Hi there, I am encountering an issue in my project which utilizes a speech recognizer and occasionally plays audio files. The problem arises when I configure the AVAudioSession and enable voice processing. The system volume changes unexpectedly and becomes uncontrollable. Specifically, the volume is excessively loud on iPhone but quite low on iPad let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() try audioSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .default, options: [.defaultToSpeaker, .allowBluetooth, .interruptSpokenAudioAndMixWithOthers]) try audioSession.setActive(true, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation) try audioEngine.inputNode.setVoiceProcessingEnabled(true) try audioEngine.outputNode.setVoiceProcessingEnabled(true) I have provided a sample project here: Sample Project. To reproduce the issue, please follow these steps on a real device: Click on "Play recording" to hear the sound at normal volume. Click on "Start recording" to set up the category and speech recognizer. Click on "Stop recording" to stop the recording. Click on "Play recording" again and observe that the sound volume has changed. Thank you for your assistance.
Jun ’24
iOS18 web audio lock foucs and not release
在我们App中,打开一个H5页面,使用webplayer播放H5中的视频。 然后再去播放App的播放器,播放视频、或音频文件, 都存在抢不到音频焦点问题,声音响一下就停了,播放器还在运行。 尝试在每次App播放都先调用setCategory、setActive也不生效。 这个问题,在beta1~beta3都存在。 请问,webkit的 player做了什么处理,会一直锁定着音频焦点,App要怎么处理才能把焦点拿过来? In our App, open an H5 page and use webplayer to play the video in H5. Then go to the PlayApp player to play the video or audio file. There is a problem of not being able to grab the audio focus. The sound stops as soon as it sounds, but the player is still running. Trying to call setCategory and setActive every time in AppPlay does not work either. This problem exists in beta1~beta3. I would like to ask, what processing has been done by the webkit player to keep the audio focus locked? How can the app handle it so that it can take the focus?
Help Needed with AVAudioSession in Unity for Consistent Sound Output on iOS Devices
Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a Unity-based iOS application that requires continuous microphone input while also producing sound outputs. For this we need to use iOS echo cancellation, so some sounds need to be played via the iOS layer w/ echo cancellation, I am manually setting up the Audio Session after the app starts. Using the .playAndRecord mode of AVAudioSession. However, I am facing an issue where the volume of the sound output is inconsistent across different iOS devices and scenarios. The process is quite simple, for each AudioClip we are about to play via unity, we copy the buffer data to our iOS Swift layer, which then does all the processing then plays the audio via the native layer. Here are the specific issues I am encountering: The volume level for the game sound effects fluctuate between a normal audible volume and a very low volume. The sound output behaves differently depending on whether the app is launched with the device at full volume or on mute, and if the app is put into background and in foreground afterwards. The volume inconsistency affects my game negatively, as it is very hard to hear some audios, regardless of the device or its initial volume state. I have followed the basic setup for AVAudioSession as per the documentation, but the inconsistencies persist. I'm also aware that Unity uses FMOD to set up the audio routing in iOS, we configure our custom routing after that. We tried tweaking the output volume prior to playing an audio so there isn't much discrepancy, this seems to align the output volume, however there is still some places where the volume is super low, I've looked into the waveforms in Unity and they all seem consistent, there is no reason why the volume would take a dip. private var audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayerNode() @objc public func Play() { audioPlayer.volume = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().outputVolume * 0.25 audioPlayer.play() } We also explored changing the audio session options to see if we had any luck but unfortunately nothing has changed. private func ConfigAudioSession() { let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance(); do { try audioSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord, options: [.mixWithOthers, .allowBluetooth, .defaultToSpeaker]); try audioSession.setMode(.spokenAudio) try audioSession.setActive(true); } catch { //Treat error } } Could anyone provide guidance or suggest best practices to ensure a stable and consistent volume output in this scenario? Any advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!