Recognize spoken words in recorded or live audio using Speech.

Speech Documentation

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As the title suggests I am using AVAudioEngine for SpeechRecognition input & AVAudioPlayer for sound output. Apple says in this talk that the setVoiceProcessingEnabled function very usefully cancels the output from speaker to the mic. I set voiceProcessing on the Input and output nodes. It seems to work however the volume is low, even when the system volume is turned up. Any solution to this would be much appreciated.
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Hello, I am trying to test a speech to text feature in several iPhone simulators, but microphones don't seem to work. The microphone and speech recognition permissions are correctly asked for the feature. My internal and external microphones are detected in I/O options in simulators. But nothing happens when I launch the recognition. The recognition doesn't work also for speech to text in native messages keyboard or Siri. This problem is the same for all the simulators so I believe the issue is about Xcode permissions not accessing microphone. In my settings > Privacy & Security > Microphone : can't see Xcode (Considering an other issue, I can't see Xcode Source Editor in Extensions as well) I've already tried to uninstall and reinstall Xcode. I use Xcode 15.0.1 under Sonoma 14.1.2. Any help is welcome.
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I have gotten an error stating, "This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data." But I have already added NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription to my info.plist and the error is still occuring. Anyone have a solution to this?
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In my app I have: let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: recognizedTextView.text) utterance.voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(language: "zh-HK") utterance.rate = 0.3 synthesizer.speak(utterance) However, after I upgraded my iOS to 17.1.1 the speed doesn't get adjusted. I tried 0.01 and 0.3 for rate, and there is no difference.
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Is it possible to limit the words recognized to a list of specific words to be provided in a contextualString or other similar parameter. My impression is that ContextualStrings, add additional words that might not be in the dictionary. Instead I want to limit the words recognized.
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How to achieve Speech-to-text input in tvOS, like - Tapping a mic button on speaking by the user, the audio should convert into text.
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I'm developing a project where I want to transcribe live speech from the user on IOS devices. I wanted to test out the Speech framework by downloading the sample code from I'm using Xcode 15 and running it on an Ipad with IOS 17 installed. I run the app and manage to approve the permissions to use the microphone and to use live speech transcription, but as soon as I press 'start recording', I get the following error in Xcode, and nothing happens on the ipad screen. +[SFUtilities issueReadSandboxExtensionForFilePath:error:] issueReadSandboxExtensionForFilePath:error:: Inaccessible file (/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1F1AB092-95F2-4E5F-A369-475E15114F26/Library/Caches/Vocab) : error=Error Domain=kAFAssistantErrorDomain Code=203 "Failed to access path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1F1AB092-95F2-4E5F-A369-475E15114F26/Library/Caches/Vocab method:issueReadSandboxExtensionForFilePath:error:" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to access path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1F1AB092-95F2-4E5F-A369-475E15114F26/Library/Caches/Vocab method:issueReadSandboxExtensionForFilePath:error:} Can someone guide me in the right direction to fix this?
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libiconv convert utf8 to gbk fialed when text contains ellipsis(……) only in iOS17, and in Xcode 15 I update the libiconv because it's old. I have test libiconv.tbd and libicon.2.tbd the same result. Condition: only iOS 17, iOS 16- is OK; Text contains ellipsis(……) such as ……测试字符串; Convert to gbk or gb18030 is failed and return -1, but gb2312 return is OK。 int code_convert(const char *from_charset, const char *to_charset, char *inbuf, size_t inlen, char *outbuf, size_t outlen) { iconv_t cd; char **pin = &inbuf; char **pout = &outbuf; cd = iconv_open(to_charset, from_charset); if (cd == 0) return -1; memset(outbuf, 0, outlen); if ((int)iconv(cd, pin, &inlen, pout, &outlen) == -1) { iconv_close(cd); std::cout<< "转换失败" << std::endl; return -1; } iconv_close(cd); return 0; } int u2g(char *inbuf, size_t inlen, char *outbuf, size_t outlen) { //gb18030 , gb2312 return code_convert("utf-8", "gb2312", inbuf, inlen, outbuf, outlen); } std::string UTFtoGBK(const char* utf8) { int length = strlen(utf8); char *temp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*length); if(u2g((char*)utf8,length,temp,length) >= 0) { std::string str_result; str_result.append(temp); free(temp); return str_result; }else { free(temp); return ""; } }
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As of iOS 17 SFSpeechRecognizer.isAvailable returns true, even when recognition tasks cannot be fulfilled and immediately fail with error “Siri and Dictation are disabled”. The same speech recognition code works as expected in iOS 16. In iOS 16, neither Siri or Dictation needed to be enabled to have SpeechRecognition to be available and it works as expected. In the past, once permissions given, only an active network connection is required to have functional SpeechRecognition. There seems to be 2 issues in play: In iOS 17, SFSpeechRecognizer.isAvailable incorrectly returns true, when it can’t fulfil requests. In iOS 17 dictation or Siri being enabled is required to handle SpeechRecognition tasks, while in iOS 17 this isn’t the case. If issue 2. Is expected behaviour (I surely hope not), there is no way to actually query if Siri or dictation is enabled to properly handle those cases in code and inform the user why speech recognition doesn’t work. Expected behaviour: Speech recognition is available when Siri and dictation is disabled SFSpeechRecognizer.isAvailable returns correctly false when no SpeechRecognition requests can be handled. iOS Version 17.0 (21A329) Xcode Version 15.0 (15A240d) Anyone else experiencing the same issues or have a solution? Reported this to Apple as well -> FB13235751
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I did add this word "sactional" in speechRequest.contextualStrings but when speaking it always autocorrects to sectional even i tried with training model for speech by adding SFCustomLanguageModelData.PhraseCount(phrase: "sactional", count: 10) and generating a model but didnt work either. is there a better way to make it work ?
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As per apple's document didCancel method will be called after stopSpeaking(at:) method call, instead didFinish method is being called. But in reality, so far I've checked: it's working perfectly on iOS 13.2.2, but after iOS 15. Is there anything I'm missing to configure. But it did work perfectly without doing anything on previous version.
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Hello, I have struggled to resolve issue above question. I could speak utterance when I turn on my iPhone, but when my iPhone goes to background mode(turn off iPhone), It doesn't speak any more. I think it is possible to play audio or speak utterance because I can play music on background status in youtube. Any help please??
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I've been deaf and blind for 15 years' I'm not good at pronunciation in English, since I don't hear what I say, much less hear it from others. When I went to read the phrases to record my personal voice in Accessibility > Personal Voice, the 150 phrases to read are in English' How do I record phrases in Brazilian Portuguese? I speak Portuguese well' My English is very bad in pronunciation and deafness contributed' Help me.
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Hi, When attempting to use the my Personal Voice with AVSpeechSythesizer with application in background I receive the below message: > Cannot use AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback with Personal Voices, defaulting to output channel. Other voices can be used without issue. Is this a published limitation of Personal Voice within applications, i.e. no background playback?
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The WWDC video "Extend Speech Synthesis with personal and custom voices" here: Shows what appears to be an icon for "Personal Voice at time 10:46. Suggest this be made available to developers for final release.
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How can i show a link in my app to direct access a deep system setting. if a user click a link, app should directly open the deep settings page. For Ex: "Enable Dictation" (Settings-&gt;General-&gt;Keyboards) App Type: Multiplatform(Swift) minimum deployments: ios: 16.4 Mac os: 13.3 Any Help really appreciated.
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AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices() returns voices that are no longer available after upgrading from iOS 16 to iOS 17 (although this has been an issue for a long time, I think). To reproduce: On iOS 16 download 1 or more enhanced voices under “Accessibility > Spoken Content > Voices”. Upgrade to iOS 17 Call AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices() and note that the voices installed in step (1) are still present, yet they are no longer downloaded, therefore they don’t work. And there is no property on AVSpeechSynthesisVoice to indicate if the voice is still available or not. This is a problem for apps that allow users to choose among the available system voices. I receive many support emails surrounding iOS upgrades about this issue. I have to tell them to re-download the voices which is not obvious to them. I've created a feedback item for this as well (FB12994908).
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Hello, I am deaf and blind. So my Apple studies are in text vi aBraille. One question: how do I add my voice as voice synthesis? Do I have to record it somewhere first? What is the complete process, starting with recording my voice? Do I have to record my voice reading something and then add it as voice synthesis? What's the whole process of that? There is no text explaining this' I found one about authorizing personal voice, but not the whole process starting the recording and such' Thanks!
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Hello, Using iOS 17.0, I can see a list of available voices. However, some will just not work, meaning that when selected there will be no sound produced and no errors. This is true when using my app and AVSpeechUtterance, but it is also true in the settings where the preview button does nothing.