WebKit JS

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Access and modify DOM elements within a webpage, including touch events and visual effects, using WebKit JS.

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Posts under WebKit JS tag

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Currently I am using Objective-C and embedding a React website into the WKWebview. I have a component with scroll function and I also have some text description with an input component in the scroll function component. If the input component is shown all and I onClick the input component for inputting value in it, it works normally. However, when the input component shows only half of it and another half is hidden by the scroll component (Because it scrolls to see only half of the input component), it will triggers an unexpected issue that the WKWebview will have a white bar on the bottom and it will keep exists and affecting my UI. I have checked with web inspector that it is outside of the tag. Therefore, seems it is related to the issue with the external keyboard behaviour. Please provide some suggestion if anyone have any idea on this topic. Thanks a lot
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I want to develop the application where I can able to capture and send the touch events like TAP,Press,Swipe etc from iphone to browser(Client) for remote support .can anyone suggest any method or API to capture Touch Events and the method to send on browser. Is there any document or link is available or support for the same
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Problems when connecting Bluetooth speakers on iOS devices. When trying to use the Web Speech Api -(Text-To-Speech) in safari immediately after connecting to a Bluetooth speaker, it playing the sound using the phone's speakers instead of the connected Bluetooth speaker's. Then, when I summon Siri and briefly use the voice function, the Web Speech API in the web browser uses the Bluetooth speaker, and it works. It seems that there may be some kind of limitation or issue when switching between Bluetooth devices and voice apis.
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I built a web application that is designed to be run from my application bundle by using webView.loadFileURL(htmlFile, allowingReadAccessTo: projectFolder) on a WKWebView. Inside of the site's folder is a directory of svg images (from the ionicons project). At runtime the code tries to load one of those images using: req = fetch(url).then((rsp) => { if (rsp.ok) { return rsp.text().then((svgContent) => { if (svgContent && sanitize !== false) { svgContent = validateContent(svgContent); } (code from the ionicons project). The rsp.ok check simply examines the response to the fetch request to see if the status code is in the range 200-299. For the "file://" URL, however Safari on both MacOS and iOS returns 0 in the status. In spite of that 0, however the request has succeeded and the browser has the content of the file. If I modify the code to ignore rsp.ok the following call accessing rsp.text() succeeds. I'm not sure what the expectations are for a file:// URL passed through fetch. Is the 0 status code a bug in Webkit or Safari, or is it an expected result for a file:// URL and the code making the fetch request needs work?
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I have the following lines of code in our app: @objc convenience init(webView: WKWebView, delegate: SomeDelegate, navigationDelegate: WKNavigationDelegate) { self.webView = webView self.webView.makeInspectable() self.webView.navigationDelegate = navigationDelegate self.webView.uiDelegate = self self.webView.configuration.suppressesIncrementalRendering = true self.webView.configuration.userContentController.add(weakSelf ?? self, name: "handlerOne") self.webView.configuration.userContentController.add(weakSelf ?? self, name: "handlerTwo") injectUserScripts() // Injects WKUserScripts into the webView.configuration.userContentController } My JS script looks as follows: (function() { addEventListener('mousedown', function() { window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerOne.postMessage('WKUserScriptMouseDown'); }, true); })(); if (MyApp.getProperty("os") != null) { window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerTwo.postMessage(url); } else { console.log(url); // non-mobile browser (for testing) } However I keep seeing an error in my Safari debugger: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerOne') TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerTwo')
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Javascript is being executed while using UI and WK WebView. However, since iOS 17.0.3, the WTFCrashWithInfoImpl issue has been posted in CrashReport, and it has been determined that Javascript is not supported in WebView for certain users. I wonder if there has been a fix in JavascriptCore.
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Does webkit have a way to display a smart banner for a home screen web app similar to how a smart banner can be displayed for native apps? I recently noticed (10/23) that Twitter showed a smart banner encouraging Home Screen web app on my Mac running Sonoma. How is this done?
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Hi guys, I'm a XR Developer, lately making a lot of web ar apps, I'm having an issue with iOS 17 at least on my iphone 14 Pro where the sound comes out of the call speaker, resulting very very low volume, sometimes I'm not sure how if I lock the phone and move it when I unlock it and go back to the webapp the sound it normal, loud and coming out of the media speakers. How I used to do this is my "start button" I unmute a play and pause it, and with this I used to be able to play later sounds of videos on the browser. Did something change with the last iOS 17 update? Is there a workaround for this? In the end what I want is be able to play sounds and videos on the web browser... This is a tag of a project that was working fine before the 17 update: And this is what I do on the start button: video.muted = false; video.play(); video.pause(); Help would be appreciated since I'm in the middle of deployment, thanks in advance
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I randomly get this crash in my webview application when loading data. There is no pattern to it, it can happen in all areas where images are being loaded into vram. Here is the error: 2023-09-16 19:57:55.404378+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [Process x10d004350 - [PID=3445] WebProcessProxy: :didClose: (web process 0 crash) 2023-09-16 19:57:55.404500+0200 Bluelife3284:194440] [Process] 0x10d004350 - [PID=3445 WebProcessProxy::processDidTerminate0rFailedToLaunch: reason=Crash 2023-09-16 19:57:55.404579+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10c01dfe - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS Background assertion 'XPCConnectionTerminationWatchdog' for process because PID 0 is invalid 2023-09-16 19:57:55.410251+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [Process] 0x130856218 - [pageProxyID=14, webPageID=15, PID=3445] WebPageProxy: :processDidTerminate: (pid 3445), reason=Crash 2023-09-16 19:57:55.411392+0200 Bluelife[3284:211863] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10c01dfe - ProcessAssertion::acquireSync Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'XPCConnectionTerminationWatchdog' for process with PID=0, error: (null) 2023-09-16 19:57:55.424321+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [Loading] 0x130856218 - [pageProxID=14, webPageID=15, PID=3445] WebPageProxy::dispatchProcessDidTerminate: reason=Crash
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When rendering 2 'div' components with 'display:flex' placed on top of each other, the preceding one sometimes comes up. The 'position:absolute' has been set and the second 'div' component is being generated after the first one. However, when inspecting the iOS webview in Safari, I enable-disable the 'display:flex' property, everything starts working again. This is possibly a bug in the layout engine. I tried the same process in iOS 16.4 and there are no issues at all.
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We have observed that safari / IOS WKWebView waits for ~250 renderable bytes before it starts to render HTML as received in the browser. This is different from the behaviour in chrome / Firefox where they start to render the content as soon as the first byte is available. We wanted to know if there’s a way to stop this behaviour, to bring parity across the two browsers. Also is there any official doc / announcement establishing this limit of ~250 characters which we’ve found experimentally. Details of our experiment: We created a simple HTTP Server In python that: Emits a stream of (100) characters Sleeps for 3 seconds Emits some more characters You can find the experiment code towards the end of the post The ideal behaviour (which we observed in chrome) is that the content should be rendered progressively. Implying that the 100 characters before the .sleep() should be rendered immediately. This should be followed by a gap of 3 seconds, and then the rest of the characters are displayed. You can see this behaviour where I reload the page: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JD_ZbghX3OOz_CpSR2iGn_Se7_2HDRTw/view?usp=sharing The text "Before Sleep" followed by a line of 100 dashes is the content before .sleep() which appears immediately. The text “After Sleep” apears after a time of 3 seconds which is the desired behaviour. In safari however, all of the content appears at once after 3 seconds, instead of being rendered progressively as seen here when I reload the page : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RiD7eFuwGYL5lGIcU1CF2gcpoSysHJ9C/view?usp=sharing However if we increase the number of characters emitted before the .sleep() to ~250 (256 to be exact) safari behaves similar to chrome and the content appears progressively. You can see this here on page reload : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JlHFbZPdFuIiaAlkgYCWo61amBIysKL1/view?usp=sharing We found this value of ~250 experimentally via hit and trial. Not only rendering, we also found this delaying the execution of external .js (that is present in a separate .js file embedded via tag). To prove this, I added a simple console.log(performance.now()) at the top of the .js file (outside of any function). In safari with artificially inserted ~260 extra bytes this log was printed at ~1 - 1.5 secs. However without the extra bytes this log came at ~3 - 4 seconds. This gap corresponds to the time taken to make rest of the page ready. Note that embedded .js present in the HTML was not affected by this. Wondering if other’s have faced the same problem and if there's an official doc stating this limit / any workarounds. Python HTTP Server code that we executed for our experiment from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import time import sys class handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type','text/html') self.end_headers() self.flush_headers() # Content before .sleep() message = f' <!DOCTYPE html> \ <html lang="en"> \ <head> \ <meta charset="UTF-8"> \ <title></title> \ </head> \ <body> \ ' self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8")) self.wfile.flush() beforeSleep = 'Before Sleep' self.wfile.write(bytes(beforeSleep, "utf8")) self.wfile.flush() lineBreak = '<br/>' self.wfile.write(bytes(lineBreak, "utf8")) self.wfile.flush() blankChar = "-" fillerString = ""; for x in range(260): fillerString = fillerString + blankChar self.wfile.write(bytes(fillerString, "utf8")) # Sleep for 3 seconds time.sleep(3) self.wfile.write(bytes(lineBreak, "utf8")) self.wfile.flush() # Content after .sleep() which should be rendered progressively afterSleep = "After Sleep" self.wfile.write(bytes(afterSleep, "utf8")) self.wfile.flush() with HTTPServer(('', 8000), handler) as server: server.serve_forever()```
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Hello. I'm trying to stop my webview from asking for mic permission every time it runs, as I already handle it out in the application. This is the code I use, but it doesn't seem to run the code for the permission at all (tried printing and debugging, and it doesn't go into it at all). I am using visionOs if that makes a difference. Are there any alternative solutions to this? import SwiftUI import WebKit import AVFAudio struct WebView: UIViewRepresentable { let urlString: String func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView { let webView = WKWebView() webView.navigationDelegate = context.coordinator if let url = URL(string: urlString) { let request = URLRequest(url: url) webView.load(request) } return webView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: WKWebView, context: Context) {} func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { Coordinator() } class Coordinator: NSObject, WKUIDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate { // Handle media capture permissions func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decideMediaCapturePermissionsFor origin: WKSecurityOrigin, initiatedBy frame: WKFrameInfo, type: WKMediaCaptureType) async -> WKPermissionDecision { return .grant } // Handle URL authentication challenges func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) { let username = "user" let password = "password" let credential = URLCredential(user: username, password: password, persistence: .forSession) completionHandler(.useCredential, credential) } } } struct AssistantView: View { @Environment(\.dismissWindow) private var dismissWindow var body: some View { WebView(urlString: "https://somelink.com/") .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) .frame(width: 500, height: 800) } }
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Introduction We load a saved web archive (NSData) into a WKWebView instance using following method: [self.webView loadData: archive MIMEType:@"application/x-webarchive" characterEncodingName:@"" baseURL:baseURL]; We also have some custom scripts injected safely into the web view using following snippet WKUserScript *userScript = [[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:<jsfilename> injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:onMainFrame]; [webview.configuration.userContentController addUserScript:userScript]; Things work fine till here. Observation When I get the call from Javascript Layer to the native iOS Layer via: -[CustomWebViewController userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:] the value message.frameInfo.request.URL.absoluteString is "about:blank" Question Is there any way to get the original baseURL back here? Alternatives Considered: Store the baseUrl in an instance variable and use it here but since we are using this url to determine if the request is coming from valid domains, having a url from this method will be most credible. We are looking a way to piggyback this info (baseURL domain) to our web archive at the time of loading it in webView and extract that from the -[CustomWebViewController userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:] method Any help will be much appreciated.
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I need to prepare an object when the user navigates to a new page in WKWebView and refresh UI. I run a WKUserScript on behalf of the user to do this. I'm using the readystatechange event listener to detect initial page load. I'm also listening to the visibilitychange event to refresh UI if the DOM is already loaded on a "Go back" or "Go Forward" action. document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => { //do whatever if the DOM is already loaded and if we are visible. }); document.addEventListener('readystatechange', (event) => { //do whatever when page is loaded }); On certain websites however I noticed that neither of these events are being fired when I navigate -goForward: and -goBack: I'm not sure why. My WKUserScript is in WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld so it shouldn't be interfering with the javascript of the page. Is there another JS event I'm missing? I could pick up the changed URL on the native code side but it would be nice to keep this all contained within the WKUserScript as this UI is for the "webview" and the native code shouldn't have to be bothered with having to patch in the additional glue. Is there another DOM event I need to listen to? I tried listening to window's pageshow but that didn't work. Also experimented a bit with the window's popstate event but no luck.
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For many mid and large-size iOS apps, startup time is delayed by 100+ milliseconds due to 1 or more WKWebViews being created. This is usually due to 0-1 WKWebViews being created by first-party code and 1 or more different SDKs each creating their own WKWebView (IIRC for them to use a JS VM). Although SDK providers may not be willing (or able) to defer the creation of these WKWebViews past startup, I'm hopeful that there are still some ways to improve WKWebView creation time, and that I can share those ideas with them. Note that much of the time spent under the hood for WKWebView initialization seems to be on process pool creation and management. My ideas so far are: Defer WKWebView creation. This is an obvious one, but I generally want to look past it because SDKs are often unwilling to defer work like that and because it's going to cause frame drops whenever it does get loaded, even if not at startup. Use a shared WKProcessPool. Many companies wouldn't care all that much about sharing the same process space, so this would be a nice win Create the WKProcessPool or the WKWebViewConfiguration on a background thread (is this even safe to do?) Use some sort of lower-level API to run a JS VM, e.g. through WebKit2 directly, if such a public and stable API exists. Use JavaScriptCore. However, for reasons I can't recall, I believe this was a non-starter. It may have been JavaScriptCore's far slower performance, or the need to render actual web content. What are people's thoughts on these ideas? Does anyone have any other ideas?