Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts

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Discuss the WWDC23 Session Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts

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Can I trigger app specific shortcut using Siri on any language except English?
My concern is that I am not able to run the app specific shortcut (which is available to develop on iOS 16/ iOS 17) on any other language except English using Siri. I’m facing the issue when I say : “Siri do A” and Siri founds the similar shortcut in the iOS (not in the my app) and runs it. on English everything works well, but on Russian ( for example) I am facing the described above issue. How can I fix it?
Sep ’23
How to create App Shortcut just like New Note from Notes app
In iOS 17 when you search Spotlight for Notes you can see it has an App Shortcut titled New Note that simply opens the Notes app and starts composing a new note. When you open the Shortcuts app, create a new shortcut, search for and tap Notes, notice the New Note action is ONLY included at the top - it's not in the list of actions underneath. There is another intent in the list titled Create Note which will create a new note using the content you specify without opening the Notes app. I want to achieve this same thing in my app - an App Shortcut to open the app and start creating a new item, and a shortcut action to create a new item without opening the app. How can this be done? So far I have created two AppIntents, NewItem and CreateItem. My AppShortcutsProvider only includes NewItem. This works great when searching for my app in Spotlight. But when I open Shortcuts and go to add an action from my app to a shortcut, it includes Add Item at the top as an App Shortcut but also in the actions list underneath. Create Item is included in the list as well which is confusing. I don't want Add Item to be an available action because it's fairly useless to open the app and start creating an item, instead they should use Create Item to create an item in the background. Do I need to instead create a single shortcut that behaves differently in Spotlight vs Shortcuts, is that possible?
Aug ’23
AppShortcuts error: Command ValidateAppShortcutStringsMetadata emitted errors
In Xcode 15 beta 3 and beta 4, if you add a AppShortcuts.xcstrings catalog or legacy AppShortcuts.strings files to the project, the project will always fail to build due to the following error. error: Unable to call validation: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format. (in target 'LearnAppShortcuts' from project 'LearnAppShortcuts') Command ValidateAppShortcutStringsMetadata emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure The error seems related to a cli called ValidateAppShortcutStringsMetadata. Reproducing Steps (1) In Xcode 15 beta 3/4, create a new iOS app project. (2) Add an arbitrary AppIntent and AppShortcutsProvider. import AppIntents struct MyAction: AppIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "My Action" func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { return .result() } } struct MyAppShortcts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut(intent: MyAction(), phrases: [ "Perform action with \(.applicationName)" ], shortTitle: "Perform My Action", systemImageName: "heart") } } (3) Create a new AppShortcuts.xcstrings catalog file and add it to the iOS target (4) Build the project. The string catalog will be updated as expected. However, the build will fail.
Aug ’23