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Deploy passkeys at work

Posts under wwdc2023-10263 tag

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Passkey for wallet creation problem
Hey there I'm facing problem with create passkey .pkpass, the problem is I've to create a passkey using certificate created by macOS then upload on the appstore then import to the key chain then I can create a .pkpass but I wanna create it in my Django server for my customers when ever customer create their digital business card. when I created in my another MacBook where that certificate not imported the .pkpass is not going to create, and if I create it on any way it is not going to open. please help me how I can create it for my each customer on server dynamically.
Sep ’23
ASCredentialIdentityStore.removeCredentialIdentities does NOT remove the credential as expected
what could be the reason that we after saving and deleting the same list of [ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity], the credential still show up in the OS UI (quick type bar or when tapping the password key icon on top of the keyboard). does that mean the remove operation fail? but our log indicate that the removeCredentialIdentities completion closure succeed without error. and for the ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity initialization, we fill in the parameters from the same object, so we believe the id parameter shall be the same (which identify the same ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity to be saved and removed) what could be the reason that it is still showing up in the OS UI? is this a know issue?
Oct ’23
Passkey AutoFill - How to get AttestationObject ?
We are trying to support Passkey Management in our app with the latest iOS 17 Passkey Autofill. During this process, we have a few doubts and queries: First, we have configured the AutoFill extension for external passkey management Next we used the 'prepareInterface(forPasskeyRegistration:' delegate for passkey generation We are facing an issue on creating the attestationObject for ‘ASPasskeyRegistrationCredential’. Here, we’re not sure if we need to create the attestationObject [if so any documentation or help regarding this] or is there any API to get the attestationObject which we are missing. override func prepareInterface(forPasskeyRegistration registrationRequest: ASCredentialRequest) { let request = registrationRequest as! ASPasskeyCredentialRequest let passkeyRegistration = ASPasskeyRegistrationCredential(relyingParty: request.credentialIdentity.serviceIdentifier.identifier, clientDataHash: request.clientDataHash, credentialID: Data(UUID().uuidString.utf8), attestationObject: "????") extensionContext.completeRegistrationRequest(using: passkeyRegistration) } Even we have tried passing the hardcoded attestationObject[we used the existing attestationObject received using icloud keychain] , still we got empty ‘ClientDataJSON’ on ‘authorizationController(controller:’ delegate.