Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.

Я в течение 5 минут зарегистрировал аккаунт разработчика в Google Play, но в App Store я пробовал разные аккаунты менял Apple ID - ничего не помогает. Удивительно, неужели для Apple это такая сложная проблема?

I registered a developer account in Google Play within 5 minutes, but I tried different accounts in the App Store and changed my Apple ID - nothing helps. It's amazing, is this such a big problem for Apple?

I am from Russia, is this the reason?

We are all waiting for an official response from Apple. Why does the payment system not work and when will the problems be fixed?

already did.

Hello from Vietnam, i have same problem.

I have tried many cards but no luck. Apple Support ignore me for week.

Hello from Bulgaria,

I have same problem. They asked to give them order numbers with the card I use and then I got the answer below:


Hello Emil,

Thank you for your reply and the information provided.

We were not able to find a resolution to the payment issue in our investigation. Apple Developer purchase. Please contact your financial institution for more information.

If you cannot resolve the issue through your financial institution and have received confirmation from Apple that your order could not be completed, you may place a new order using a different payment method. To prevent further issues, please follow these steps:

• Use the latest version of Safari and clear cache and cookies before accessing the payment page.
• Before placing the new order, notify your financial institution that you are expecting a charge from Apple and confirm that your billing information is accurate.
• Be sure to use a payment method that is accepted for developer purchases in your region, as presented during the purchase process.
• Confirm that all payment details match the information on file with your financial institution when submitting the new order.

Thank you for your understanding.


I asked my bank is there any payment requests from Apple and they found only these from Apple Music and iCloud. No other payment requests from Apple - approved or declined.

I called Apple Support but the agent from call center forwarded me to the developer support contact form.

Now I'm trying with different account but I think I will get no luck again.

I have not been able to register an account since may 27. My case number is 101095876301.

Managers ignore my three messages. What a service!!!! Bravo!!! All over the world, businesses are fighting for customers, but here they are ignored. They specifically do not accept money so that the company's shares start to fall from the $ 325 level.

If you can't solve the payment problem, perform it manually. Accompany your clients. Give all the payment details. Oh, the late Steve JOPS, look at your managers and give them a kick.

Same problem here, Apple support is useless! It's not the bank, it's Apple. I have sent them proof that my card is open for shopping on the internet and even sent them proof of apps that I bought with the same card. I have sent them all the links of people complaining about this same problem and now they just ignore my emails! Absolutely useless bunch!

Same thing here! I’ve tried with 3 apple IDs and more than 5 credit cards! More than 10 calls with Apple customer service! Same answer! We haven’t received the payment. Get back to your financial institution, use the latest version of safari, and clear the cash! My banks say nothing appears to be wrong on their side, and their system shows that apple didn’t attempt any transaction. I used to think the problem was because I’m in Kuwait, not in the States. I have tried buying an app, and sending them the invoice. Still, I got the same response with every phone call!

Me too, whatever you said happened to me and I'm from Oman. What a nightmare, anyway while I was replaying to you, my LAST ATTEMPT WAS SUCCESSFUL what a beautiful day.

All what I did is:

- went to my mac settings

- then, apple ID

- updated my bankcard payment information


Did you see c-v-v field when purchased? Because I didn't, only able to enter number and date.

Hi Guys,

after reading all of this I am bit shocked how trillion company could have such bad support. I also tried to buy Enrollment, and tried four times, all times failed and order were cancelled, without any message or information what was wrong.

Now it is not even possible to reach to Customer Service. Wrote email last week, still no answer. Now undert contact us, event cannot find phone number.

I am from EU, and also having same payment issue. Cannot even imagine worse customer service than apple has. Seems like they are interested only to support their sold hardware, not developers who make revenue for them.

Does anyone have phone number were to call in this case to get information what is wrong with payments?

Hello from Russia, i have same problem.

Happy to hear that! What exactly did u update! Your payment info wasn’t up to date? What did u use? Prepaid credit card, Master Card ? Or visa ? Too frustrating!

Same problem here in Chile... no solution at all.

Hello Apple. Would you like to reply something here when thousands of your developers will migrate to Android? What are you waiting for? If you DO NOT want to see international developers on your AppStore, just write it! Write it on your website, write it when I'm running XCode. Why I should understand that after I made the app and ready to release it??? What do you want? Do you want more money from non US/UK developers? Ok, just say that! Do not scoff at us! International developers matter!!!!!

Exactly....I can understand your feelings, because I'm facing the same problem...I tried to make the payment like 4 times with two different payment methods, and my orders being cancled without any notification or details. and I'm stuck I don't know why it was canceled, and whether this issue has to be solved from myside or it should be from Apple's side.....I have contacted them just now, and they told me they don't know why themselves, and advised to check with my Bank just in case, although I'm sure it has nothing to do with my bank, I didn't even revevie notification from my bank in case they rejected the payment request. However, I can use my credit card internationaly with other stores without any issues. I can even use it with App Store normally!! but I don't understand why it fails with Developer Enrollment process 😡

Hi Guys,

I sent an email to 9to5mac about this. Please check their site and add some comments below the post with name "Developers complain about issues renewing Apple Developer subscriptions outside the US"

I hope that Apple will take some steps to resolve the problem.

PS: I tried to reenter my credit card in my Apple Payment Methods like someone told but it didn't worked for me.

I tried different cards, different banks, different accaunts, different countries (Russia, Belarus), different browsers, different devices, etc. nothing helps. Correspondence with support is answered once a week and i think this the robot answers the mine letters, because takes my proposal out of context and writes the same thing - please check the error in the bank, etc. I continue to fight. Who exactly knows the solution, please help.

I suggest complaining Tim Cook, together we will win - 🙂 tcook@apple.com🙂

Yeah....there must be somthing wrong going on in Apple and they keep quiet for some reasons. it's so strange no reasable response from them towards this issue yet. they only reply with two answers (Payment not received or Contact your bank), no more answers or details, even the developer support team do not have full and clear answers when we call them. To limit the possible reasons, I have contacted my bank already, and they told me there is no issues at all, and they didn't receive any transaction request from Apple store. means Apple did not even trigger the transactions, and just keep cancleing the requests without any justifications. I'm very disappointed!!!😠

By they way, emailing Tim Cook won't work , I'm pretty sure he recieves millions of emails, and all filtered to Junk since it would be from external email addresses.

Same! I've been trying since February

I Did this. Nothing

We have also been trying since December to pay for our Apple developer program. Its been more than 6months. Our android app was live within 3 days.

We have tried absolutely everything and spend countless hours on calls/emails and so much money trying to resolve this. Apple is useless plain straight forward. If it wasnt for our clients that use Iphone which results in us having no other option but to try and release our app on store, I would never speak to an apple agent or use an apple product again.

Apple is the most useless company on earth that have brainwashed their customers and made life a misery for me. We have lost so much clients and money because of this basic payment issue from apple.

Ttried this also. Doesn't help me.

Guy's try this it works for me before:

Go to your mac > setting > apple id > in the left side there is "media & purchases" click on it and change the require password to "never require" and then try again using safari

my mac os is catalina

Hope it will be fixed.

I also have the same issue.

Has anyone succeeded?

Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program