Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.
I had this problem for 3 weeks i created a new account with my country, it didn’t work, then use my personal one to apply not working.

then i asked my mom who has an active USA account and debit card from usa
she applied for me and in 2 hours she was a developer.
outside usa the things that Apple support is “send id to confirm my identity “ i waited and nothing at all.
they dont even capture the payment (thing occurred with the usa card) and 2 hours later was debited and accepted for developer program

hope this information helps those who are struggling with it.

same issues, in colombia try with 3 or 5 time with 2 different credit card, no report problem.
Same from Pakistan
From Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Also having a problem with the enrolment. Although i didn't get to this step yet. They told they will give me a call to verify my details. After 2 month of back and fore changing accounts and submitting government details.

Frankly speaking these steps should be advanced and put in a step way for a person to understand what is happening.
Same here in Germany. Still pending for no reason.
I contacted apple support and they told me to use the iphone app.
For some reason the website is not processing payments.
But the app is fully operational I was able to create my account in a few hours using the apple developer iphone app.
Hi everyone!

I've had the same issue for months (since April). I'm from france with debit cards and also tried with friends credit cards.
Spent hours on the phone with Apple support which literally said they couldn't do anything for me.

Recently I managed to order a credit card, it still didn't work but I contacted the support again and they escalated things to the paiement team and in a few weeks they managed to bill me!

I'm not sure how this work but I can only advise you to get a credit card, Apple with then be much more helpful.

Good luck!
this has happened to me 3 times, its most likely due to either conflicting information on file, nothing major, reach out to a Senior advisor and they will do a special arrangement for you and that will work , very detailed process. hope this helps
Hi all,

I have been stunned by the whole process that I, and many of you, have had to endure. We have been struggling to renew our developer account for 3 and a half weeks now. It has been a cause of destress to us, as like many of you, our livelihoods depend on our development. I sent the following information to Apple, hopefully some one will look into this and take this issue seriously as right now, it feels like Apple views developers like second-tier users. I hope this can be rectified.

Over the past 3 and a half weeks, have tried to pay for the developer renewal with FIVE different cards:

Card 1 - Apple Credit Card (U.S.)

Card 2 - Wells Fargo Debt Card (U.S.)

Card 3 - Absa Credit Card (South Africa)

Card 4 - Discovery Debt Card - (South Africa)

Card 5 - First National Bank Credit Card (South Africa)

  • We have tried to make payment between these cards 12 times in 3 weeks. 

  • Even my brothers Apple Credit Card has not gone through yet. We expect it to be an accepted means of payment for Apple’s own developer programs. 

  • If you view our orders page linked to our Apple ID, it shows 11 cancelled enrollment orders and 1 current order which says ‘Enrollment Complete’. When you click on the ‘Enrollment Complete Order’, it says something has gone wrong and to contact support.

  • Each card has sufficient funds on them. The Absa credit card is the default payment method linked to our Apple ID. We make App Store purchases with this card without issues. Why can't Apple just charge this card if it is saved to our Apple ID profile?

  • We have contacted Apple Support on multiple occasions and have been assigned the following support case numbers:

101224361196, 101224341107, 101224333864, 101223687065, 101211232179, 101209915626, 101206863093, 20000060031657, 101224712673, 101224973875, 101224973028, 101224992486.
  • We have only received 2 replies saying there was an issue with the financial institution. 

  • We have called all banks and they have not seen any attempt to charge these cards, including the Apple Credit Card.

  • I have sent through my government issued ID and the government issued ID of my partner.  

  • There are possibly thousands of developers facing the exact same issues as one can see from this thread.

Apple has been in the spotlight for a while regarding it's developer relations. I do not see how removing any means of communicating with a human via the phone, and implementing an email system that produces no results, is Apple's way of showing it appreciates its developers and the billions of dollars it generates from them every quarter in commission fees. We are helpless right now and something has to be done to highlight this issue.

Was trying to extend my Apple Developer account for almost 3 weeks. No luck with any of my credit cards. Tried 3 different card options and even tried to create a new account with a different Apple ID.
Thanks to tareyev.grigoriy@gmal.com got the account finally extended.
Chose IOS platform to develop my application.
Spent a year on training and development.
At the final stage of development, I try to pay for a developer account in the Apple Developer Program to no avail.
Tried 5 cards in 3 banks.
Each time an order for an annual subscription in the Apple Developer Program hangs for 2 days with the Registration completed status, then the status changes to Canceled.
Banks: Sberbank, Modulbank, Tinkoff do not see the payment request.
At the moment I am in shock that this happens in our days and you need to fight to get your money accepted.
If I had been told this a year ago that Apple can arrange such problems for its developers out of the blue, I would not have believed it.
Does anyone have any idea where and for what reasons the failure occurs?
Or Apple deliberately arranges a natural selection of developers, and only those who can break the built security system pass?
I met this issues too start last year, I used my 5-6 credit can not successful to pay, and then paid via online bank, it is totally delay 5 month. Until now we don't know what is the reason.
how to renew from developer app ?
Hi guys, I'm from Indonesia
i have had the same problem for the last 6 months, but i am so happy today, I finally succeeded.

The first and second attempts failed
  1. Entity Type = Individual

  2. Email identity and personal data (passport, ID Card or driver license) are not the same

  3. So far I have used 1 email, 2 times using a different credit card from Indonesia, but failed

third time successful
  1. Entity Type = Individual

  2. Email must be the same as the real name (passport, ID Card or driver license). because when it's verified you have to resend (passport, ID Card or driver license)

  3. I use a credit card from USA

  4. Succeeded

sorry if my english is not good
Guys, if you are arriving here for the first time, you are about to find out how long and hard many people have been struggling with this issue. If you are coming back here to check if there has been any progress, you are one of those people who have struggled. Either way, I don't think much will get resolved without shining a light on this issue.

There is a twitter account called @hearyourdevs that has just been set up for people going through this. A website will follow. Apple's developer support infrastructure is clearly setup to deal with us as third grade citizens of their ecosystem. That has to change. I suggest following the twitter account and sharing your story there so we can organize and try and get the attention we need to continue working on our development and livelihoods.

This has to change.
My credit card provider explained that the payment could not be authorized because of SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) is implemented on their side. All european credit card providers must have this implemented before 1 january 2021. Please fix this so I can enroll.

Normal payments through App store work with the same credit card.
This seems obvious, but has helped me many a time, double check your credit card info or use a different one.
On the recommendations on this forum, I turned to tareyev.grigoriy@gmail.com and he helped me to renew my account. So his method really works.
I had the same issue since 7 months(Germany). After a costumer invited me to his developer program so that i can update his App, is was able to enroll without any problems. Maybee the invitation was the thing which helped me.

Best regards and now i am glad to see this forum issue never again :D
Same here. I guess it has something to do with the card issuer policy as Apple does not request CVV code to place an order, I'll try to contact my card issuer to verify if they received any attempt from Apple.
I have been stunned by the whole process that I, and many of you, have had to endure. We have been struggling to renew our developer account for 3 and a half weeks now. It has been a cause of destress to us, as like many of you, our livelihoods depend on our development. I sent the following information to Apple, hopefully some one will look into this and take this issue seriously as right now, it feels like Apple views developers like second-tier users. I hope this can be rectified.

Over the past 2 months, have tried to pay for the developer renewal with FIVE different cards:

Hello Everyone,

It took me two debit cards from India for it to work. First time, I tried paying 5 times but Apple keeps saying that bank was not authorizing. In India, you can only do International transaction after you manually change the usage settings for your card on the bank portal or contact them by phone to change it. My first bank told me international usage was working but, I doubt it.

This time using Axis Bank, I added my card to AppStore and paid for an app. Not sure if this affected anything but, it gave me proof that my card works and that the international transactions are active.

I tried paying again and it did not work the first time as I did not turn on the international transactions. After I did so, I got approved in one day, I had to upload my Govt-ID and I am enrolled now. I can't speak for even tougher authentication from other countries which definitely require CVV. However, this should work for most cards.
Same problem for me until I used Safari from iPhone and the whole process was successful.
SOLUTION: use a SAFARI BROWSER or the APPLE DEVEOPLER APP to make the payment. Don't waste your time talking to your bank or apple support!
Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program