Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.
I would recommend installing the developer app and updating your payment method there.
They will want your ID as well (who knows why).
I tried safari and support. Both were a waist of time.
Same problem here any advise how to fix this
im in Texas USA...
My subscription is the same as you, apple does not accept payments! Can anyone help me explain?
I have finally found a solution. I turned on my VPN and used chrome and suddenly I can pay.
Hi! I met the same issue for several months. I just downloaded the Apple Developer App on mobile and successfully placed the order!
You have to call the Bank for the card your using they remove the block and your payment will then be accepted. It's some kind of fraud prevention, however, it is also annoying because the site just says declined.
Same issue here. Our account is an organisation but have problem authorising payment. I've already tried 3 cc. We are not getting any help from Apple, we've sent tons of emails and calls but no help or even a feedback from them. What a company!!

Anyone knows a 3rd party to help out?
Same here!
When trying to checkout it brings up an Iframe to my credit card issuer, then as soon as I interact with the window in any way, it navigates away and denies my transaction. This is happening with two different cards from two different (U.S.) banks.

My apps have all be de-listed because of this!
You'd think Apple would do better QA than we all have to; where's their "Approval Process"?
Guys, have you found a solution, I'm facing the same problem (morocco)
I am trying to renew my membership since last 2 days, The order is acknowledged but not getting processed, I tried 2 of my authorized credit cards. Please help to process it before my account expires in 4 days, Sincerely,
Aravind G
i have sent 2 email two weeks ago but no reply me and my account expires in 9 days.
Hey! I had this problem and I fixed it this way: Try to log on to the website from Mobile, while turning off your internet. Then do the forms on the website form there, and it should work. It seems like a weird idea, but it worked for many people.

It is ridiculous how a company with trillion dollar market cap have such stupid problem. Hope some top management get chance to look into it. Very very bad experience trying to pay for developer membership fees.
Resorved the problem after 1 month! Just use Safari browser(clear all cookies and cache) and make sure your account's location and IP are same country.
I had the same problem and circumvented it while on the phone with support. I had to complete the process through my mobile rather than on my laptop. I would get to a point where it would quickly open up a pop-up page with a confirmation page for my bank and a confirmation code to enter, but the site would never give me enough time to be able to enter in the code before kicking me saying that it couldn't process my card information. This was VERY frustrating. So when I did it on my mobile (Chrome) I was able to keep that pop-up page open somehow and enter in the confirmation code to run the process of my payment. I think Apple might have to fix something in how long it provides customers with time to enter information in that pop-up window. This is assuming you are running into this particular same issue. I hope this helps.
Same here from Nepal too. I always get:
We are unable to process your request. An unknown error occurred.

I have contacted them so many times, they replied the first time and told me to try again. But now they don't even reply, even if I create new tickets to communicate with them. Never expected this from Apple support
Same problem here.
I am from Brazil and I have an international credit card.
The web interface form  there´s no payment field for the credit card security code

Yeah, same thing here! Having issues with enrollment.

I also have the same issue and have been trying for 5 months. I have called apple several times and went to my bank several times. The only thing I can do is find someone that has an account already and hope they don't put any virus in my code when its published.

I've attempted to enroll my Apple Developer Program for several months using several apple ids, and also several cards. None of them can reach the payment. I contact my brother who can do me a favor to register an account for a small fee. He did it really well in 3 business days and you might try to contact him too tareyev.grigoriy[at]gmail.com if you don't have any other way.

Fwiw, managed to solve it by creating new organization account. Had the same issue with my personal account (it had expired back in 2017). Tried with 5 different credit cards issued by 3 different banks over the last 3-4 months without success. Spamming devprograms email account every other day rewarded me with one canned reply saying that the bank is rejecting the withdrawal and they cannot do anything; all other messages i sent were left unanswered.

I figured the issue could be with old, incorrect address i had set for my personal account. When i tried to change it i got replied that changing the address is allowed only for active memberships. Also, changing personal account to organization was not allowed for expired accounts.

Fortunately i had the privilege of having my own legal entity with DUNS number already present. After enrolling as organization i got called back within two days by very friendly and helpful developer program support advisor.

The purchase for organization account membership went through in ~15 minutes using the same credit card that did not work for my personal account. So definitely not an issue by the financial institution.

Also asked the advisor how i could fix my personal account membership. He suggested me to send an email to devprograms just with the request to have them call back. So pehaps something worth a try for someone who has not yet given up.

Same here, anyone know how to resolve this


"responseId": "efe442ef-cb6f-4b08-8954-84ec2421b1bd",
"resultCode": 202000,
"resultString": "Your request could not be processed",
"userString": "Your request could not be processed",
"creationTimestamp": "2021-06-30T17:05:53Z",
"userLocale": "en_US",
"requestUrl": "https://developer.apple.com/services-enrollment/submitIndividualEnrollment",
"httpCode": 406


Same problem there.

Paid with Australian card which I have used 1 million times before. Not sure how they check the address. There is simply not enough space to fit it into the fields, so I shortened "Park" to pk. It looks like apple employers not able to build web-sites properly.

This issue is most likely caused by attempting to enroll using the web site, rather than the Apple Developer app.

To prevent this issue, use the Apple Developer app on an iOS device to enroll in the developer program, not the website.

If you are already encountering this, I cannot stress enough how important it is to contact Apple Developer Support as suggested in the recommended answer - Apple's main tech support and billing support have no visibility into this system and cannot transfer you to the developer support.

In my case the enrollment needed to be deleted. The support rep then had to refresh his screen several times to see and clear an error so I could re-enroll (using the same info) through the app. The rep was then able to quickly validate my enrollment (took maybe 2 minutes) and finally, the payment worked!!

The key to resolving this is getting to the correct department, which you cannot do through the main support line.

Hi all Just sent email to devprograms[at]apple.com , I have try and my account done on 3 day :)

Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program