Home app stuck on Loading Home... screen

When I launch the app it just gets stuck on this white screen that says Loading Home. I tried deleting it and reinstalling from the App Store but no luck so far. I see my devices and scenes in the Control Center widget. Anyone else having issues?


Go to Philips Hue > Settings (top left) > HomeKit and Siri > RESET ALL SETTINGS!

This was an instant fix for me, something I've been trying to work out since September!

It looks like the latest version of the HUE Gen 2 app has a way to reset "icloud sync in progess" which in turn lets you load the Home app, I wasn't able to do this before.

I'm on an iPhone 7 Plus, iPad Pro, and an AppleTV (4th Gen) all on iOS 10.2.

what worked for me:

Go to Philips Hue > Settings (top left) > HomeKit and Siri > RESET ALL SETTINGS! (per afcbalex's solution)

- if this doesn't work and it shows you "icloud sync in progess", go to any another iOS device that you have ever used the HUE app on and see if the reset option is available there.

  • After it has been reset, I had to logout and login with a new icloud account to get rid of the loading screen.
  • Logged back into my main account.
  • now I can add accessories to my home app.

Next problem. It won't share my accessories on multiple devices. If I add accessories to home app on my phone, it won't show on the home app on my iPad, vice versa. Also, my AppleTV (4th Gen) won't work as a homehub. When I use my iPad Pro as a home hub, and use my iPhone logged in to my new icloud account, invited as a guest device, the accessories show as "no response" in red letters. Even though it works just fine on the iPad Pro. I've tried this working on my new iCloud account, everything works as it should, but I want this working on my main account that i've had since it was a .mac account.

So, for now I have it working on one device, and not at all working with AppleTV. I hope we can get closer to a full solution.

I was able to restore using the iOS 9 method that others have mentioned.

For me, I needed these steps to get the nanoleaf aurora app going.

1. Reset HomeKit using the iOS 9 device (under Accessibility page)

2. Set up new Home on the iOS 9 device (I was able to do this via the app I just downloaded)

3. On iOS 10 device > Disable Home and Keychain (under iCloud page) > Reboot

4. Enable Keychain only > Open Home app > Enable Home for iCloud

5. Should now be able to access the home you setup on the iOS 9 device

I tried everything. Creating new accounts, switching accounts, resetting iCloud settings. Everything. Finally, what worked for me is this: I left the "looking for..." screen open for a LONG time. Eventually, a screen came up that said it's taking a while and I could reset HomeKit settings. Clicked it and BOOM. Works. Hope this helps someone.

My HomeKit Home consists of a Lutron Caséta Smart Bridge and a few connected lights. As the administrator who set it all up and used the Lutron companion app to configure it all in the beginning, my Home app worked fine, but when I invited a family member, she would receive the invite, hit the accept button, then get stuck indefinitely on the Loading Home screen. We tried multiple times.

We attempted all sorts of Keychain tricks, hard reboots, and iCloud logout/login cycles on her end, all to no avail.

What finally worked was simply installing the Lutron companion app on her (the guests’) phone, launching it and logging in just to the point that it requested HomeKit access and detected my lights. Then the moment we opened Apple's Home app on her iPhone the invitation was instantly accepted and all rooms and devices I had set up loaded. The only exception is that the background images I set for our home and each room don't seem to sync. Not sure if that another glitch, or if custom background images just don't sync via iCloud.

Pleaseantly, after Home started working I was able to delete the Lutron app from her phone without any issues so far. Just needed to get whatever it needed from the Lutron app once and it was ready to go.

So, if any of your HomeKit devices required manufacturer apps for their initital setup, turns out you'll also need to briefly install those on any guest's iPhone as well.

Never worked for me

I tried everything on this thread and this is the only one that worked. I let the loading screen sit for about 40-45 minutes and finally I received the message saying it was taking too long and a reset link. After that it worked.

So easy. iPhone 7 running 10.3.1 iOS.

Setting > General > Reset > Reset All Setting.

Even though you'll have to put in some passwords and reset some settings, it's the least intrusive. I tried

everything else and this worked for me.

The "Loading Scenes and Accessories" issues is something Apple needs to address. This issue is extremely frustrating and indicates there is an architectural and design flaw in how Apple designed their Homekit application. I am a big Apple fan - I own Apple stock, own a Mac, iPhone, iPad, iWatch, and 5 Apple TVs - the fact that Apple can not solve this issue to easily reset the Homekit data on the phone is an issue. I am a tech savy individual and after reading discussion boards I have tried countless work arounds:

1. Reseting all Settings on iPhone (at recommendation of associate at the Apple store - this was a headache as I had to reload and set all kinds of settings )

2. Logging in and out of iCloud

3. Rebooting Phone (multiple times)

4. Turnning off and back on Keychain

5. Creating a seperate iCloud account, logging out of my primary account and then logging in with other icloud account, and then logging back in with my primary account)

6. Turning off Home Data in iCloud Settings and turning it back on.

7. Using my Mac to reset my Keychain Datan

8. Deleting and reinstalling the Home App

I called Apple support and their answer was "You need to do a total reset on your phone then reload everything" I told them this was not an acceptable answer since the point of Homekit was to make life easier and reseting my phone and reloading, authenticating all my apps etc every time the service was corrupted. The Apple associate on the phone went to get another answer and after 5 minutes on hold i was disconnected. The whole point of "Homekit" and the Apple Home app is to simpliy your life and to make things easier.

Apple needs to come out with a patch and make a setting to reset all Home Data.

I left it running the Loading Accessories and Scenes screen. After a long time it gave an option to reset. That did the trick.

Before that, I logged out of all iCloud devices through my phone. The list at the bottom. I made sure none of those devices tried to log back into iCloud.

Has anyone tried to fix this with ios11. Have tried everything listed about with no luck. Even purchasediPad Pro recently and still same problems after signing out of everything before setting up iPad.

iOS 11 has no changes for me. Same issues. This is a server side problemin my opinion and honestly has taken Apple waaaaaay too long to even address. I have refused to purchase any HomeKit devices because of this specific reason. Was excited about the new speaker they announced, but remembered that it's really worthless to me as a hub.

Filed bug report (26882495) and have spoken to customer service on so many occassions. Still no resolution.

Using iOS 11 and still no solution. Not a single rec on this thread has worked for me on any device with my icloud acct. A total joke that it has gone on this long. I have tried apple support numerous times, no help. They don't even pretend to care. I have left an ipad at the loading screen on for 48 hours, never get the reset message. Most frustrating experience in all my time working with Apple.

Same issue for me on my iPad, IOS 11 Beta. Simply stuck on "Loading Accessories and Scenes". I have not tried the "reset home configuration" yet because, frankly, that's more work than I can handle at the moment given the apparent lack of attention to this long standing issue.

Use an iOS 9 device, sign in with the same apple ID you are seeing issues with

Then go under privacy -> homekit and Reset configuration

This does it and on the device that you are facing issue with.

I got it resolved this way

I have tried all those things too and got nowhere. I was told the same thing...hard reset and reinstall. Not going to do that either.

iOS 11 beta 3 may have solved this for me. HomeKit is now working all of a sudden. Had to turn on the app and left it for a while, screen went blank and I got some work done. Came back to my phone, opened the Home app again and all of a sudden it is working. I am hoping this has fixed it.

I have a tracker open on this that I've been in communications would the developer team. Would like to close it but before I do would like some feedback to see if this has resolved for other people or "I just got lucky".


I've installed IOS 11 Beta 3 but did not work for me 😟 I think you got Lucky ^^

assuming you can find one...

I am on the latest beta of iOS 11 and have the same problem.. tried everything. Anyone know a new fix? Also called Apple but they can't help me.

Same issue here, now trying a DFU restore... annoyed 😟

I had this problem today. I tried all the solutions I found offered online and nothing seemed to work. I finally just:

  • deleted the Home app
  • turned off keychain in iCloud
  • turned off the Home app in iCloud
  • then logged out of my Apple ID.

Then I did a hard restart - zap the PRAM style (volume up > volume down > hold down power button until restart begins) - and rebooted the phone. I logged back into my Apple ID and turned on the keychain and the Home app in iCloud again. I downloaded a fresh copy of the Home app and bam…it works.

I don’t know which one of those steps, or all of them, did the trick. But I don’t care, it worked.

Home app stuck on Loading Home... screen