Unable to upload In-App-Purchase from Xcode to App Store Connect

I have problems with IAP in my app. I register a new product ID in appstoreconnect in my app, the I go to Xcode and create the IAP and assign the same product ID. However, when I try to archive the IAP and submit it to appstoreconnect I can't do it. I receive the following error: "No application records were found. In-app purchase content must be ready for upload on App Store Connect before it can be validated or submitted from within Xcode." However I checked a thousand times and the ID's do match. I have been struggling with this for more than a week. I asked for help to some experts and researched on the internet but found no solution to this. Apparently it's a bug, but I found no workaround. I would like to highlight that IAP are an essential part of my app, and I need to implement them as soon as possible. Please let me know any way to avoid this bug and solve the problem. I tried deleting and recreating different IAP but it never works for this app. Please help, I need to solve this very soon!
I found this thread were they explain the same error I have: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/103593. I tried what they suggest as answers but they don’t work. Also, some of the answers in that thread say that they couldn’t solve this bug. Please provide me a solution.

I reviewed the distribution logs. I noticed in the iTunesSoftwareService log file - 

2020-06-16 22:36:54 +0000 App Store Connect applications response: “Error Domain=ITunesConnectionOperationErrorDomain Code=1414 \”Could not find any content hosted eligible apps.\” UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Could not find any content hosted eligible apps., NSLocalizedDescription=Could not find any content hosted eligible apps., NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}” 
)’, warnings=‘( 
)’, infoMessages=‘( 
“Error Domain=ITunesConnectionOperationErrorDomain Code=1414 \”Could not find any content hosted eligible apps.\” UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Could not find any content hosted eligible apps., NSLocalizedDescription=Could not find any content hosted eligible apps., NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}” 
)’, applications=‘( 
)’>; error (null) 

For a reason which is unclear, the project has not associated the application ID with the hosted content.
Answered by DTS Engineer in 612574022
In Xcode, make sure that the IAPProductIdentifier field in the ContentInfo.plist file is set to your product identifier (the product ID column in App Store Connect). When uploading the archived hosted package, select the app's bundle identifier associated with this product identifier to proceed.
Accepted Answer
In Xcode, make sure that the IAPProductIdentifier field in the ContentInfo.plist file is set to your product identifier (the product ID column in App Store Connect). When uploading the archived hosted package, select the app's bundle identifier associated with this product identifier to proceed.
Hi @kmer, unfortunately I already made sure that the IAP product ID is correct in the ContentInfo.plist file and I am unable to select the bundle ID of my app when uploading the IAP. It pops up the error immediately.
I accidentally marked it as helpfull however the issue is not solved!
How can I unmark it?
I created another thread with the same question: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/649341
Please leave your answers there.
Unable to upload In-App-Purchase from Xcode to App Store Connect