Big Sur installation stuck

Install has been stuck for four hours on the Apple screen, with status bar at 100%...

I tried rebooting and status bar quickly went to 100% and again stuck...

tried to turn on verbose mode (all the ctrl keys and w, Apple key and v or l) and got nothing...
Can you please give solution for this issue i.e I have been struck with that boot loader showing 100% bar and not taking me to the setup page, after installing Mac OS Big sur.

Just to let you know that I am in the same boat with my new Mac mini, but load bar at around 90% not 100%. Worked fine with MacBook Pro and older mini.
I too need an answer as to how to progress from here.
Same problem, please help!

5k iMac 2017 27”.

Downloaded official update (not beta) last night, stuck at 90% progress bar this morning.
i am stuck at 99% with no apparent change for 1+ hours. Release version.
my installation had don’t the same thing, first it took quite a while to download 12GB of the OS then it got stuck at 99% for the whole night and still is now after 12 hours now - this cannot be right?
Running into the same issue with the Release version.

Apple screen with status bar stuck at 99%, even after having it run overnight. Fans are full on.

Running on MacBookPro14,1.
If I remember well, system was on Catalina 10.15.6, which is not the latest release.

EDIT: after a forced rebooting it went straight to the login screen and everything seems to be working fine
Experience the same. Transition from the latest Catalina on 13’’ late 2016 MBP. I was able to SafeBoot, it opened in Big Sur.

I removed Adobe Synchronizer from login items, WorldClock app. Changed back display from scaled to defaults and rebooted. It rebooted.

however, what I found next is App Updates not working, but this is another story.
I am having the same issue, rebooted my Mac and was still on Catalina so had to start my upgrade again. This is extremely unacceptable Apple!
I have the latest generation MacBook Air. Same problem. I did a hard shutdown (held down power button/fingerprint button till turned off). Waited a minute and pushed power button. Came up at same 99% installing screen. After another minute though without doing anything the login screen came up. Now all is well. Big Sur loaded.
Stuck on 30% for several hours too. Macbook Air 2015.
Exactly same problem, Stuck on 30% for several hours too. Macbook Air December -2015. Did a hard stop and started again. Update finished in couple of minutes after this.
Same problem here i am stuck at 99% with no apparent change for 7 hours... macbook pro 2020
Same issue with my iMac 27” 2017, stuck on 10% computer seems to reboot automatically after freezing but sits on the same spot.
I have tried to hard-restart but just freezes in the same spot.
Tried connecting the computer to Ethernet for download speed, but no difference.
My colleague encountered the same problem. He tried to restart with safe mode, but failed. So he tried resetting NVRAM by the following steps:
  1. Shut down his Mac 

  2. Hold down Option + Command + P + R for about 20 seconds

  3. Restart his iMac.

Finally, the upgraded was finished. Hopes it helps.
checkout this article: .
One 2012 macbook air frooze in the post-install process. Turning it off/on helped luckily.
On 12"macbook (2018) frozoze at 99% of the installation. Luckily it continued after switch off/on.

Still very unbecoming to apple standards.

I hope they understand and accept this to be their problem and act on it.
Any solutions?
I have the same problem with my macbook pro 2020, I tried hard reboot, tried reset NVRAM but nothing helps me. I am lost 1 working day and this is very critical to me. Apple maybe you answer?
Same thing happened to my MacBook Air 2015. I had to hard re-boot and that forced it through luckily.
SOLUTION (I was on the phone with apple support for a half hour and they walked me through it)
  • Hard shut-down your MacBook

  • Turn on MacBook while holding option+command+R to enter recovery mode

  • When prompted connect to Wifi, choose your language and log into your account

  • It should prompt you with like six options. I first went into disc utility and ran first aid on all the internal drives (two for me). I don't think this is essential but may be a safe bet

  • After running first aid select the option to reinstall Big Sur, it should be already downloaded and then will just reinstall

This is what I did and everything is working fine, I waited about 8 hours with the installer stuck on 100%. Hope this helps!!
I had the same issue on my 2016 MacBook Pro. Loading bar got stuck at around 95% about 10 hours (over night). I did a hard shutdown (hold power button/fingerprint button until it turns off) and restartet it after about 3min. Then it turned on just fine in Big Sur.

Thanks to the support and tipps given in this forum!
same happened to me, while installing big sur on my macbook pro 2014. the solution was the one suggested in this thread, by Matthew_schuiling:

1) shutdown (by holding power button)
2) pressing option+command+r while restarting the mac
3) after a few minutes of a screen showing a globe and internet connection, a menu opens where you can find install big sur. press this one.

it should work, but have patience! due to desperation, i was almost ready to reboot again and again, perpetuating this cycle of suffering! so... try to be calm and wait for the installation process to finish, even if it seems that it will take forever.

what a relief when i saw the login screen again!! big sur is quite very nice, in speed and design.

i will also leave some useful links here, discovered later: (How to upgrade to macOS Big Sur) (How to reinstall macOS from macOS Recovery)

i'm writing this message from my macbook pro 2014 model, running big sur 11.0.1 and everything works fine, praise the apple gods.
I am NOT a developer, or even close, but I opened an account here just to thank you all for your time and the effort you put in to providing the solution. When a mere, practical lay-user such as me encounters a problem like this (the blank, black screen; hours-long time burden, and - worst of all - the apprehension that all is lost) it can be emotionally mortifying. I went with Matthew_schuiling's advice, and was gratified to experience that same, enormous sense of relief. Thanks to you all.
Hold down shift while booting it up and your Mac will turn on
I had the same frustrating experience updating to 11.1 Beta (20C5048k), 2020 MacBook Pro. I tried every suggestion posted but none worked. Finally contacted Apple Support who came up with the following solution:
  • Reboot holding the option key (Startup Manager)

  • Returns you to software update window

  • Updated Software

This time worked like a charm
So, I've had the same issue on my iMac 2017. I tried all suggestions, I got the furthest with @Charaiveti's suggestion until my mouse stopped being accepted as an accessory. So I couldn't choose "Reinstall Big Sur". I connected a wired mouse and had about 2.5 hours of "support" from Apple, essentially having me do the same things over and over. I'll add that about an hour of that support was talking me into the idea that my mouse was dead and I needed a new one. We reset SMC and NVRAM.

When I was finally able to choose "Reinstall Big Sur" from the recovery window, it tells me "This opperation couldn't be completed. Permission denied." Quick note, I am the admin user. So I reinstalled Catalina (and by the way my mouse started working as soon as I reinstalled) and tried to install Big Sur again. Same issue. My load bar sits at about 1/5th of the way for hours and hours.

I think I'll just wait until another version other than 11.0.1. Unless there are other suggestions.
Big Sur installation stuck