iOS 14 Developer Preview 1 - Wireless Charging Problem

Is anyone else experiencing issues with wireless charging with the iOS 14 DP1? Since installing it, wireless charging doesn't work. The battery charge indicator turns green, but the iPhone itself isn't charging. I find I have to turn off the iPhone for it to begin charging. When I turn it off, the even stranger thing is the iPhone doesn't turn back on when getting the charge. It is charging, however, because when I push the power button to turn it on, the battery capacity has increased.

Occuring on an iPhone II Pro Max.


Still happening the same with ios 14 Beta 4 running on iPhone 11 Pro Max
I installed Beta 4 yesterday on my iPhone 11 and I have the same problem. Wireless charging doesnt work.

Lets hope for a quick fix on this problem!
Yup, same problem here (iPhone 11 Pro). Stopped charging wirelessly when I downloaded beta 4. Downloading beta 5 now, we'll see what happens…

(Update) After I updated and restarted, it seems to be charging normally.
Still no luck in beta 5
on the se 2020 after a few minutes it just stops charging wirelessly, public beta 5
Here on my iPhone 11 with pb5 the same. Wireless charging is not working, although it switches the battery icon and shows it to be charged...
I also have lost the ability to wireless charge. I have the iPhone 11 promax. I tried beta four and now beta five with the same results no wireless charging.
Same problem here - pb5 on 11 Pro Max :(
Update (August 25, 2020) - running the most current DP and this is still happening.
Same to me, wireless charging extremely slow with IOS 14 Beta 5 and iPhone 11. It tooks 8 hours to reach from 30% to 52%.
Still having this issue on iPhone 11 Pro running Public Beta 7. Usually works after a restart and then just stops working at some point until I restart again.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I am having this problem with my iPhone 11 Pro Max with iOS 14.0
Same problem here. Wireless charging not working in iOS 14 beta 1 - 6. Then in 7 it worked after a reboot, but now it stopped again.
The phone looks like its charging when placed on the charger, but its actually not gaining charge. Then after a short time, it stops showing the charging symbol. Then after a while it starts again and so on...
Same issue here.. can't charge wireless to more than 57% or so.. takes forever. Goes in and out of charging mode. Software: iOS 14.0 / iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Works fine with wired charging.

This need to be fixed asap.
I have exact same issues on iphone 8 plus with standard lightning cable charging. I upgraded my IOS over the weekend and since then my battery never went beyond 25% after hours of charging and not using the phone while charging. I could charge my battery 100% once a day and it was sufficient to take me through the day with active usage of apps