iOS 14 Developer Preview 1 - Wireless Charging Problem

Is anyone else experiencing issues with wireless charging with the iOS 14 DP1? Since installing it, wireless charging doesn't work. The battery charge indicator turns green, but the iPhone itself isn't charging. I find I have to turn off the iPhone for it to begin charging. When I turn it off, the even stranger thing is the iPhone doesn't turn back on when getting the charge. It is charging, however, because when I push the power button to turn it on, the battery capacity has increased.

Occuring on an iPhone II Pro Max.


Same issue, Iphone 11 14.2 - reset, DFU, Erase Content & Settings, Fly mode, no apps running - nothing helps.
Different chargers, Iphone XR, Galaxy S8 - all charging perfect except this Iphone.
Same issue, iPhone 11, iOS 14.4. Tried multiple wireless chargers (Anker and Powlaken) and had the same problem. Won't wirelessly charge over 80% and quickly drops if any apps are utilized. Tried airplane mode, reboot, hard reset, no apps running... Nothing has helped.

I might try contacting Apple tonight and see what I can find out.
is there already a fix to this?
same issues with iPhone 11 with SW V 14.4.2