iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data

I've installed iOS beta 4 on my iPhone 11 Pro and since then, I lost the signal and I don't have data. I have another iPhone X with iOS 14, and I don't have issue with it. It only occurs on iPhone 11.

I tried many things like:
  • Reset network setting

  • Turn off/on airplane mode

  • Turn off/on cellular data

  • Hard reboot

  • Soft reboot

  • Reset content and data

  • Turn off/on roaming

Same issues
It seems that the cell is looking for the signal constantly.

Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
Just and update, iOS 14.2 beta 4 includes a modem update and I thought that may solve this issue. I installed the update on iPhone XS 2 days ago and everything was working fine. I was able to make and attend calls, messages and used 4g data as well. Then I charged my phone overnight and for some reason the issue started happening again. Tried restarting the device and everything else but to no avail. One thing is for sure, the problem is related to iOS 14.
iPhone XS here.
started to have issues only after updating to iOS 14. Suddenly lose all network connection, just says “searching”, no bars.

Toggling flight mode doesn’t fix it, have to reboot the phone.
I have the Iphone Xr through ATT which is a carrier that has cellular network updates along with the ios updates. Since i turned on my phone from the update, my service has not been working one bit.
While away at college in a more rural area with less cell towers my phone connects and then drop service frequently. I have tried almost everything especially troubleshooting with apple support on the phone.
AFTER a month of getting sent back and forth between ATT and apple, an apple senior advisor ran a diagnostic with the issue occuring during the diagnostic and they detected a hardware problem. They told me to bring in my phone to the nearest apple store to get this issue resolved.
This apple store was in a big city where there were many cell towers obviously, and my phone had no service issues at all, so when apple scanned the device, they could not detect the cellular problem and they would not give me a new device and told me to go back to my carrier.
After going back to my carrier, they discussed with me that an apple rep had contacted them and told them that the new IOS 14 had deleted the APN settings off of the iphone with the update and this caused the phone to not reach service in areas with less cell towers, or something along those lines. The specific carrier store i went to had over 50-100 people in that week with the same issue, especially the iphone xr's.
I contacted apple again and they took in my phone by mail to repair, and put a priority on it for them to replace my phone basically no matter if there was an issue found, since the senior engineers had found an issue in the first place.
WELL apple only decided to replace my battery and some other issue with wired charging AND sent back the same exact phone.
I STILL had the issue.
I called apple back the second i realized this and they told me to try a new sim even though i knew this would not work. Went back to carrier to get the new sim and they told me to just change my data from LTE to 4G and so I continued to do this and i have had a stable connection.
contacted apple again just now and was responded to with a very rude senior advisor. He said for me to just send it in again but i do not have the time for that, especially if they're going to find no issues AGAIN.
I repeatedly told the advisor about this forum with hundreds of people having this issue and what the carrier had told me but he did not address this and almost like he couldnt address it for some reason. he continued to tell me "it was just the area" after i told him multiple times it was not working in other areas across the state. I am angry and apple need to stop hiding this issue and find a fix!
I have had the same issue since updating to IOS14, constant drop outs - no service. Carrier sent a new SIM which didn't solve the issue. Spoke with an Apple engineer over the phone who ran diagnostics over wifi, concluded it was a hardware/baseline error, took it to the Apple store they ran the same test in-store but cellular network was up and the error was not reproduced there. They kindly replaced my iphone XS max considering the remote diagnostic test failure. Took the new phone home and the same problem is still happening. I am now using the temporary solutions found in this thread to keep a stable cellular connection: Turn off 4G & VoLTE, use 3G only. Turn Wi-Fi calling off. This works for me although it's a bit slower downloading but at least I'm not missing anymore calls. Hopefully apple are working on a fix for this even if they aren't acknowledging the issue. Surely they are aware of it by now?
I am also facing the same issue, my phone Suddenly lose all network connection, just says “Searching”.
No network bars.
I tried switch to Airplane mode, reset network setting but it doesn't works.
Then i did restart to solve this issue.

It happens with me 5-6 times a day which is very frustrating.

Please need permanent solution.
Me and my husband having the same problem, both just got a iPhone XR. We have to turn phone off the on again. Hope Apple sorts it soon
Also Cellular data tab won’t work without an update (that doesn’t verify over any wifi network) also ITunes sees my phone but cannot update without a driver update on the phone (which cant verify over any wifi connection) No reset setting work just lags and then tabs me out of settings without actually resetting.

I’m on 13.7 , 14.1 Is downloaded my phone randomly stopped auto updating not sure why maybe I missed too many updates between then and now. Regardless my Iphone7 running IOS 13.7 is officially a paperweight outside of lying in bed on wifi.

Portland Or
Iphone 7 updated to ios 14.1 now I have no cellular Data
I've tried the solution a lot of users are posting where you disable automatic network selection. It does not work for me. The only thing that seems to work is turning the phone off and on. Only temporarily though

Iphone 7 updated to 14.1
You have to buy the new iPhone 12
I have an iPhone XR with iOS 14.1 and I’m having problems with my internet connection. I used two different SIM cards but the problem persists. The only way I can use internet (apart WiFi) is turning off 4G and enabling 3G only. It works but way slower than it should be. And sometimes I need to activate and deactivate the plane mode to make it work.
My cellular connection has now been working for 24 hours .
I have a iPhone 7 and iOS 14.1
all I did was remove my SIM card for 2 days . Then I put it back in .
i had been operating in airplane mode for those days to stop the phone searching for cellular.
interestingly within a min I got a spam call from Bangladesh.
Not confident this is the solution but working so far .
I have this problem too, and I’ve read through these replies, but I stopped reading them when the answers are pretty outdated. And the seemingly good answers as far as updating the latest firmware, which I did, AFTER this problem already existed. And as I have read, some of us have had this problem after you updated the latest firmware. So we are all having the same problem and it doesn’t seem to be because of the update. And of course it’s not the simple solution we’re always told to do, power restart the phone. Done, 6 times today at least, (could be 7 or 8 times). Then turn off WIFI, if it doesn’t work turn WIFI back on. Ok, done, but why would a WIFI connection have anything to do with having 4G or LTE? Nothing, but I did it anyway. Then they say change to Airplane Mode, o...k...doesn’t work, OBVIOUSLY, so I turn Airplane Mode back on. Then turn off cellular data, doesn’t work, turn it back on.
I lose my service randomly I live in Canada on a small island which is no surprise to why I could be losing my service but I have service where I live so I shouldn’t be losing any service whatsoever but I am somehow and then it tells me cellular update failed but I try checking to see if I have an update and nothing is there when my service comes back after turning my phone on and off a few times it will come back but I can’t move from the spot I got my service back or I lose it and the one app I can’t use is Snapchat or I will lose service when my phone is having a episode of losing service and I have no internet so if this doesn’t get resolved soon I’m going to have problems starting to wish I didn’t install iOS 14
I just installed ios14.1 and I regret it so much...i can’t even access the cellular menu anymore, it just comes up as blank. I’ve done everything I can to try to fix it as suggested, but to no avail. Based off the replies it’ll probably be flagged as a hardware issue, even though Im pretty sure it has to do with the new software.
I’ve upgraded my iPhone 7 to iOS 14.1 as well (from 13.x) and I know face the no cellular signal issue as well. Only WiFI/Bluetooth working... I can’t do or receive mobile phone calls.

Can any Apple engineer explain what is going on??

Okay, after about 2 months of playing with betas and GMs on my iPhone Xs, I think I figured out the bug with no signal bars on iOS 14. The fix for me is...
  • go to settings

  • cellular

  • network selection

  • remove automatic

  • select your carrier

  • reboot

I’m not 100% sure this will fix it, but doing this solved it for me so far. Hopefully this will work until they figure out that it’s a pretty big bug in the OS.

I had my phone replaced 3 times at the Apple store, with 2 loaners in btwn. And the glitch was present on all the devices after updating to iOS 14. The glitch even broke the camera and audio software on one iPhone 8 loaner I had.

The bizarre part is how they haven’t been able to realize that the problem is the OS and not the antenna or the SIM. Hopefully it’ll be corrected soon and we can all sleep better at night.

Same issues as most of you, I have sent my phone in 3 time, so far every time they have sent it back saying they cannot find an issue. Twice on the phone I was told they will send me a replacement phone cause there is an issue and yet they keep sending back my old phone. I've been using my daughter's cheap old Samsung phone and it works pretty good. Liked my Apple, always owned Apple and bought them for my kids, may be a good time to make Andriod our new family update!
Updated to 14.2 "official" release, still need the workaround of manual selecting the carrier and 3G only. At least this allows me to make and receive calls. Having said that the carrier I normal roam to [O2 UK] still does not allow me to connect and similar to the others I mentioned in my previous posts....
How hard is to put the code from a previous version, that work for that piece of hardware back into the new iOS. If hardware changed, use a hardware check during boot... iPhone 12 goto that section, below that section of code....
I have been having similar issue with my iPhone 11
everytime I leave a wifi area I can’t get mobile cellular data unless I reboot the iPhone.
It started several months into my purchase intermittently but now is happening all the time. Very annoying as I have been to Apple support and despite several visits and hours of trouble shooting still no resolution. I have swapped my SIM card and asked O2 my carrier to checking settings. It seems it’s either an iPhone 11 issue or a subsequent iOS update issue as it interacts with this particular model.
I am tempted to insist for a change of model iPhone as no satisfactory solution is forthcoming
Same here!

After installing iOS 14.1, I’ve lost not only service but also access to the cellular tab. It comes up as a blank page saying “Error! An update is required” but when I try to go and update, guess what! “Your software is up to date”..

I’ve done everything I can find to fix it, but still No Service!
Had some issue with LTE connection after installed ios 14.0 and 14.1

My workaround:
  1. Switch cellular Voice and Data to 3G only

Result ok, but just slower using 3G
2. Followed some previous suggestion. Deleted any VPN config, and reset network. Working just fine.. hope this is permanent resolution.
Uninstall / remove your VPN app/profile and then reset your network settings.

After doing this I didn’t have any cellular network issue ever since.
I am having the same problem. My cellular data won't even show up and it keeps saying that it's an error. Going to try airplane mode overnight and try again.
The "No SIM Card" started on my iPhone 11 Pro Max a couple months ago on the last version of iOS 13. There was little improvement with iOS 14.0 and again with iOS 14.1. I have AT&T cell service. Last night the cell service dropped during the night while the phone was being charged and not moving around. My workaround is to perform a Settings>General>Reset Network Settings. I then have to also reconnect to the home wifi network. This seems to work for a few days.
iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data