Unable to install xcode command line developer tools

I recently did a factory reset on my Macbook Pro and I'm trying to get the xcode command line developer tools back.

When I run xcode-select --version I get the following:

xcode-select version 2373.

Even though I have a version number for xcode-select (2373) I don't seem to have access to basic developer tools. For example, here is what happens when I try to use git.

xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/Xcode.app', requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools.

This prompts me to install the command line developer tools. When I click install I get the following error.

Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.

I also run into the exact same issue when I run xcode-select --install.

Note: I'm currently running macOS Catalina Version 10.15.6
Answered by jblankenship in 633214022
I managed to fix the issue... I didn't have Xcode installed. I downloaded it through the App Store and everything went back to normal.

If you run into this problem, check to make sure you have Xcode installed first 🤦‍♂️

Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.

I'll assume you're working w/Xcode 12.x (non-beta), but that admonition seems clear enuf, given the current influx of updates and how busy the update servers are right now.

Note the 12.x CLTs are out as of yesterday, so rather than run a local command, maybe download and then go: https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Command_Line_Tools_for_Xcode_12_GM_seed/Command_Line_Tools_for_Xcode_12_GM_seed.dmg

Perhaps the signing servers aren't so tied up ;)

Good luck.
Accepted Answer
I managed to fix the issue... I didn't have Xcode installed. I downloaded it through the App Store and everything went back to normal.

If you run into this problem, check to make sure you have Xcode installed first 🤦‍♂️
Ah....that makes sense. Thanks for the followup and good luck w/your apps.
This is still happening for me. Prior to Xcode 12, Xcode itself was not required to install the command line tools using xcode-select. When will xcode-select --install be fixed?
I am also having this issue. JetBrains says "Invalid path to Command Line Tools" but when I try the fix, it opens up a dialog that either hangs or tells me the software is not currently available.

I got this issue both before and after updating Xcode. I also recently just switched to Catalina, I was not having this problem before.

UPDATE: I think I fixed it by downloading the tools manually at https://developer.apple.com/download/more/?=command%20line%20tools
The solution from @bubbleshadow did work for me.

UPDATE: I think I fixed it by downloading the tools manually at https://developer.apple.com/download/more/?=command%20line%20tools

Same here. Downloading CommandLineToolsforXcode_12.dmg directly fixed the problem.
All of these replies helped me. Thanks!
The problem is still present. With XCode 12.1 ("version 2373"), xcode-select --install still results in the reported failure, perhaps because there is not a matching version of the tools package in the repository. The version CommandLineToolsforXcode12GM_seed works when manually downloaded, but it appears it is not what XCode is requesting. It doesn't seem like it should be a significant effort to add appropriately named package to the repository.
The xcode-select --install command still does not work. While it is possible to download the Command Line Tools installer, this is less than a desirable workaround.

The xcode-select --install command has been broken since the release of Xcode 12 over a month ago.
Still running into this issue. Happens on both Catalina & Big Sur.
I think it's actually a combination of both:
You have to have Xcode installed and Command Line Tools only get installed if downloaded manually from the page linked above.
At least that was the case for me two times now.

We used to be able to install Command Line Tools standalone without the need for the whole Xcode which personally i don't need.

As Homebrew bottles depend on Command Line Tools for installation i hereby plea to reinstate that functionality.
This is extraordinary - not in a good way!

I had this problem on another Catalina machine, about a month ago, and i went back and forth between "xcode-select --install" and deletions. Eventually, i have no idea what i did, CLT was installed. Hura. I thought, "this will never happen again" because i didn't realize it was a widespread phenomenon, and forgot about it.

Now i'm trying to get brew to work on another Catalina machine. Whatever my fooling around was before i am failing to "just do it". So, i followed the instructions here... i went to the Apple Developer site and downloaded the CLT and now brew works again.

But, here's the thing... the downloaded .dmg is ~435MB, and the installer used >2.4GB disk space! What?! I only want the CLT. If i wanted a package that big i would install the whole Xcode package and just hope that the client doesn't do anything destructive by mistake.

I really don't like Apple's way of using our machines the way THEY want, not the way we want. I have already transitioned myself to a linux box, and i'm seriously thinking of moving my clients with me.

Solution found, but Apple's solution is not appreciated.

ps Just to be clear, i appreciate the community for finding and publishing the solution. I just think Apple does not care about small Developers.
This is blocking me from running python3 or pip3
Attempts install CLT, fails, bails, that's all.

The good news is I only need to download and install CLT from the link in this forum thread. I did not need to install Xcode from anywhere.

 I think I fixed it by downloading the tools manually at https://developer.apple.com/download/more/?=command%20line%20tools

Got the same problem, and this fixed it. Thanks,
Downloadserver are down too.
I had Xcode installed but still was getting below error from Unreal Engine:

Can't find Xcode install for Metal compiler. Please install Xcode and run Xcode.app to accept license or ensure active developer directory is set to current Xcode installation using xcode-select.

All I had to do to fix this was to open terminal and run below command:

Code Block
sudo xcode-select --reset

I hope this helps.
This is on a new Air M1.

I followed instructions made here to download Command_Line_Tools.12.4.dmg, execute and install.
xcode-select --version says 2384

Still, Software Update claims that CLT for Xcode 12.4 need to be updated. It goes through the process,
but fails to acknowledge the update.

I'm trying to install Qt via mactools: "sudo port install qt4-mac", the error continues to say:
"The macOS 11.2 SDK does not appear to be installed. Ports may not build correctly."
Here is what I got when I run git
Code Block
xcrun: error: active developer path ("/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer") does not exist
Use `sudo xcode-select --switch path/to/Xcode.app` to specify the Xcode that you wish to use for command line developer tools, or use `xcode-select --install` to install the standalone command line developer tools.
See `man Xcode-select` for more details.

As you can see, the command can not locate git correctly.
I just fix it by:
Code Block
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/ is where my CLT located.
You should:
  1. fix your connection problem

  2. install standalone command-line tools

  3. switch its location store by xcode-select

I've been automating this stuff for years. There is a new (something?) in play during the homebrew install.

I had the same error as above, I filed the issue and got a response that fixed my problem:

CI=1 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

I'm not sure what prefixing with CI=1 does but all of my automation issues went away.

I hope this helps.

Came here for the same issue. New version of Xcode was released. Git/version control, node, and several other developer dependencies all stopped working and throwing errors in my IDE and VS Code. Tried following the tips in this thread and a dozen others. What worked for me: I opened Xcode, and it pops a new dialog window to install macOS and iOS. After proceeding through this initialization, Developer Tools started working again.

Unable to install xcode command line developer tools