Sales and Trend Delay

Has anyone seen a sales and trend delay? I’ve haven’t seen anything on my account since June 20th?

Same here, no updates since July 20, 2021.

Same here

Same here, the calendar doesn't let select dates beyond July 20th

Same no updates on trends.

It's happening again, no data since August 13, anyone else ?

No new sales reports since 1 August 2023. Anyone else seeing this?

Similar here, but nothing since July 30, 2023 in my case.

The last date I'm seeing is July 30th.

Add another to the stuck on July 30th bandwagon!

if you go to the website, then tap summary under subscriptions you can at least see “sales” on the right hand side currently up to august 2nd… every other chart is stuck at the 30th though. Frustrating!

This is resolved for me now.

Sales and Trend Delay