Can no longer detect 2nd display in MacOS Monterey

Since the last update (21A5534d), my MacBook doesn't detect my 2nd display. I've tried swapping the display with a new one and trying different connection methods. My MacBook's built-in display goes black for a moment when I attach the cable, but nothing else happens.

I seem to remember that the System Preferences > Displays used to have an option for manually detecting a display, but it doesn't appear to be there any more.

I hope I'm not the only person experiencing this.

There are no changes with 12.3 RC (21E230). It will not detect a 2nd display, the ironic thing is I can get it to switch to the other display, so it's not a cable or display issue.

Same problem, waiting for the solution since past 3 months. Without the external monitor life has become difficult

I have a 27" Monoprice CrystalPro Display attached to my 2017 27" iMac. It's connected via USB-c/Thunderbolt to its DisplayPort input. Since the 12.3 betas, including the RC, my Mac no longer detects the display. However, if I use a different cable and connect to the display's HDMI port, it works as before. Hard to believe this issue hasn't been addressed in the beta yet.

Hey everyone,

I had the same problem and the only way I have been able to solve it is by downloading a software called Display Link Manager which is a screen mirroring software.

It's not ideal that you have to do this but it's a workaround and now my second screen works perfectly as before the Monterey update.

I've solved this problem (2022-03-15). On my monitor (LG LCD 27 27UN880-B IPS) I've went into settings, and I've lowered the DisplayPortVersion from the default v1.4 to v1.2. As soon as I've lowered the monitor's DisplayPortVersion, my Mac with OS X 12.3 has started recognizing the second display correctly. It seems that the new OS X update has issues with a DisplayPortVersion 1.4 protocol (has faster data rate, faster refresh, and stream compression). Hope this helps.

Had the same problem with iMac 2017 running Monterey and 2 external 27"Dell monitors, could not get iMac to recognise them. My cables are Thunderbolt 3 to Display port x2 This worked for me... Forget the system pref, turn on your Mac with external monitor(s) linked, then unplug cable from back of external monitor and put back, screen should go black and then connect. Thats it!

My monitors stay connected if I put iMac to sleep, but if I restart I need to do the cables trick again.

2018 Mac Mini - dual BenQ EW3270U connected via USB-C, made sure they were both plugged into separate Thunderbolt Bus on the back. Shutdown, took the kid to school, came back and booted up, no change. I plugged a DisplayPort cable into my CalDigit TS3 on both Thunderbolt Bus and still no change. I can't find in the menu to change this to DisplayPort 1.2 to try that. This is something that Apple needs to address, it was working prior to 12.3.

I also have this issue. I intentionally got a 4k external monitor that I am able to run off one USB-C cable to simplify my mobile setup. It was working flawlessly with Big Sur for the past year, taking advantage of 2-way power delivery and DisplayPort over USB-C with USB-C 3.1 Gen 2 on one cable. Please note, this monitor is specifically DisplayPort over USB-C and not Lightning.

Now on Monterey, the monitor gets detected as an audio device, but no signal is displayed (black screen & not in Display settings), no sound is played and moreover the OS gets laggy. It's apparent that the Macbook Pro is still able to supply power, but something is wrong with the display signal that is being sent. Moreover, the monitor still works perfect on any other device that I connect to it. I've heard in some other places that the fundamental problem is that the DisplayPort 1.4 protocol is not implemented properly in Monterey and that you could circumvent the issue by changing your monitors settings to use DisplayPort 1.2, but my monitor does not have options to change the DisplayPort version.

This is a hugeeeee hinderance to my workflow so I would really appreciate an update on Apple's end.

Had the same problem with my company's M1 Macbook Pro. All of the sudden, after upgrading to Monterey 12.3 my external displays (Samsung M7 at home and double Dell monitors hooked to a Kensington dock at work) sopped working. Tried all the tricks suggested (rebooting, resolution, etc) with no luck.

Then I read on the Kensignton support website about updated DisplayLink from Synaptics (for some reason the apple forum doesn't allow links to the Synaptics domain, but a simple Google search will get you there) for macOS: I installed them and automagically it all started to work again...

Hope this helps others!

The options here didn't work for me. However, I did find this 'hidden' feature to manually add: Detect Displays Scan for all the displays connected to your Mac. Press and hold the Option key to make this button appear in place of the Night Shift button, then click Detect Displays if your Mac doesn’t recognize a display you just connected.

I am really enjoying my experience with MacBook given that I converted from a Windows user from the past 15 years. This issue is the only. one that is very frustrating.

I wish that Apple Care and Customer support could have handled this issue graciously. I am done struggling with customer support. They are in denial mode. The case was escalated to someone who called himself a 'Senior Advisor' and that he is at the top of the chain. He was very arrogant and said that this cannot be escalated more than this.

He tried to mislead me that the M1 chips were never configured to support two displays. He had the audacity to say that because he had not taken the time to go through the case history and 30 minutes of chat with the representative where I had also provided the link to this thread. I had to tell him that all this worked well before November 2021 and that both displays were detecting.

He said he has to go through some steps involving data backup and OS reinstall before he can talk to his engineers and add a ticket.

So, everyone out there waiting for a solution, Apple has not yet decided to create a TICKET for the issue that has been known from November 2021. So, please adjust your expectations accordingly.

I request Apple to hire 'Senior Advisors' in Apple Care who do justice to the brand!

12.3.1 released today to fix the issues on the 2018 Mac Mini. I'm downloading and installing it now, I'll update this thread when it comes back up.

Can confirm this is fixed in 12.3.1, I have missed this setup!!!

I updated to 12.3.1 with a lot of excitement after going through a harrowing experience with customer support just a day before. NO LUCK even after the update. The issue persists. The second monitor is not detected. I can use either of the external monitors individually but cannot use them both at once. I am connecting the monitors through a HP USB-C Hub.

Issue persists after update to 12.3.1. Beyond infuriating.

This happened for me as well, I have two DELL p2422HE monitors "chained" together, one monitor connected to the other monitor via displayport cable, and then connected to my macbook via one usb-c cable from the first monitor. This used to work perfectly, then I upgraded to monterrey and it no longer works. When I hold down the "option" button in the displays settings in system preferences I see the "detect monitors" button appears, but this does not work either, only one monitor is detected still.

12.3.1 also didn't solve the issue for me.

updating to 12.3.1 did not solve the issue.

Holding the option button on displays does not show the "detect displays" kinda frustrating since my line of work needs multiple displays....

12.3.1 also didn't solve the issue for me. I work around this issue by using the usb c port and hdmi port. I hope Apple fixes it ASAP!

Same issue macbook pro 2019 monterrey beta 12.4 .... ***???

I can't figure out, I try everything, holding option key, sleep mode, save mode, reinstall monterrey.... and the "add display" appears and disappears from one moment to the next... what the hell??? I have a mac 16" 2019

12.3.1 update did nothing too resolve this issue for me. My workaround is not particularly elegant but... Mac mini with Lenovo 27" plugged in via USB-C, designated as 2nd monitor (no menubar) - first monitor LG 4k 27" plugged in via HDMI—at startup I have to unplug the 2nd Lenovo first, then startup... wait for the mac to boot up, then connect the USB-C plug for the 2nd Lenovo monitor. If I try to boot up with both monitors plugged in, only the 2nd Lenovo monitor shows up but of course no menubar, and the other monitor is black, and doesn't appear connected. No other sequence of steps works, and I've tried everything. This has worked for the past 3 weeks, but now I have to hard stop the first boot up because nothing happens until I re-boot after a hard stop to get that first monitor to show!!!

Any idea how I can get this info to Apple?

This solved it for me: Go to System Preferences > Battery > Battery or Power Adapter. Deselect “Automatic graphics switching”, restart the Mac.

I have the same problem, using original Apple 24" expensive displays - why is Apple hiding such a significant problem - I am really disappointed with you guys :( - The problem has existed for more than SIX months !!!!!!

Just updated to Montery 12.4 and still have the same issue. External monitor not recognized-no display options to find in preferences. Need apple to weigh in on this. I have a 2015 macbook pro connected to an external monitor with thunderbolt and hdmi. neither work.

Can no longer detect 2nd display in MacOS Monterey