Xcode 13.1 will gets "stuck" on iOS Monterey/ New 2021 pro

I have been trying to download Xcode 13.1 on the new 16" MacBook pro-2021, with iOS Monterey and it keeps getting stuck at the very end. I have tried restarting and redownloading it on my computer, but it keeps getting stuck. Is anyone else having this issue? There should be no reason that Xcode won't run on the new M1 Pro chips, so I am wondering if it is an issue with iOS Monterey.


I am wondering if it is an issue with iOS Monterey

Presumably you mean macOS Monterey here (-:

Also, I presume you’re trying to download Xcode using the Mac App Store. That’s a supported technique but it does introduce a bunch of complexity, and I can’t help you with that (App Store download problems are the purview of Apple Support).

Having said that, I generally recommend that developers download Xcode from the Downloads area on the developer web site. That yields a number of benefits:

  • There are fewer complexities, and thus fewer opportunities for problems, than in the App Store case.

  • You can download it once and install it on multiple machines (both physical and virtual).

  • You can install multiple copies of Xcode, for regression testing and for testing during beta cycles.

Click More (at the top right) to get to the archive where you’ll find Xcode 13.1.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

FWIW, I have the same problem and I am working with Big Sur (11.6.1.) on an intel-based system. So I don't think the problem has anything to do with Monterey or the M1 chipset.

For me, it's hanging at about 97% complete. I'm unable to stop the install/upgrade (I did have the prior version already installed on this laptop). A reboot of the system had no effect on the problem.

Same on a 2020 Intel MB Pro 13" on MacOS 12.0.1. Tried uninstalling Xcode (worked for me in the past with similar issues with apps installed via the App Store) but now the App Store still shows it partly downloaded.

Intel-based Big Sur here with same issue. I installed another app at the same time and it hung as well. After rebooting, the other app said it was done but Xcode was still hung.

Looks like it's downloading VERY slowly and the progress within the App Store application doesn't match the progress of the Xcode.app progress wheel in from Finder in the Applications folder. It's been downloading/updating for 6 hours...almost done.

Same issue here on 2015 MBPr Intel with Monterey 12.0.1. Have downloaded the package direct from developers site and installed it, but the App Store still says it needs to be updated after that (and a reboot).

The downloads page you linked only has the option to download from the App Store.

Right. However, if you click More at the top right you get to the downloads archive which includes Xcode 13.1 and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Clearly some screen shots are in order; I’ve pasted them in at the bottom.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

So this has become absurd. I have a 2016 MacBook Pro and a 2014 Mac mini that have been downloading and "installing" Xcode now for 3 days. They all get stuck during the final install. For days. I can't even stop it and delete it. I have tried safe mode, rebooting, deleting the app from the application folder, and nothing works. Both machines are slowed to a crawl. About about ready to wipe the MacBook Pro and reinstall Monterey but I'd like to avoid that.


this release never installs today i've looped through three installs it's near the end and then restarts the download. What is going on ? I feel like apple used to not have these issues. big sur 11.6 intel 13" macbook pro.

Same problem on my new 14" MacBook Pro. Checked with the Console.app and there is progress (fraction counter is updated)...installed for 4h now and still working. Thought this new M1 PRO would be a beast but not at this. My old iMac with i7 was much faster :(

Using a MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)

After downloading Xcode 13.1 from the App Store 🤒 on Monterey neither able to cancel update nor restart laptop been stuck on this screen, any suggestions been ~2+ hours

any suggestions

Sorry, no.

As I mentioned above, issues with downloading apps from App Store is the purview of Apple Support.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

This is what I think after skimming through the Xcode Support page, -> https://developer.apple.com/support/xcode I think that when you look at the requirements for the Xcode 13.1 or .2 the macOS Monterey has not really been included, the os verifications persist from macOS Big Sur to the later version. Just a first patch for macOS Monterey has been released and its even a minor patch, ie 12.0.1. So I think that apple are yet to release a version of Monterey compatible with Xcode

I think that apple are yet to release a version of Monterey compatible with Xcode

I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. Xcode 13.1 and later are fully compatible with macOS 12.

Note that the second column of the table is Minimal OS Required. When it says, for example, that Xcode 13.1 requires macOS Big Sur 11.3, it means that it works on that OS release and later ones.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Facing same problem here in Macbook Air M1 with Monterey update. Now its not even downloading. the download in not resuming after restarting the Mac. this might be a system bug. Apple fix this ASAP

Xcode 13.1 will gets "stuck" on iOS Monterey/ New 2021 pro