The bank identification code you selected does not match the corresponding part of your IBAN.

I'm stuck in "Add bank account" step when filling User informations in Agreements, Tax, and Banking for Paid Apps.

When I try to save, i get the error

The bank identification code you selected does not match the corresponding part of your IBAN.

I checked many times, all of my informations are valid (Valid IBAN, Account number same as given by my bank). I even tried to take every part of my IBAN as account number because I was desperate, nothing changed.

I'm with Qonto bank. What am I doing wrong ?

Answered by CS_Qonto in 694340022

Hello Mortufac, We have seen your post and we would like to assist you in this situation. Can you please contact us to our hotline 01 76 41 03 08? Please specify the name of your company and your email address linked to your Qonto account. You can also send us a message directly through your Qonto account. Our customer agents are reachable 7 days a week and will be glad to help you.

Accepted Answer

Hello Mortufac, We have seen your post and we would like to assist you in this situation. Can you please contact us to our hotline 01 76 41 03 08? Please specify the name of your company and your email address linked to your Qonto account. You can also send us a message directly through your Qonto account. Our customer agents are reachable 7 days a week and will be glad to help you.

I'm from Portugal and I was struggling to submit the form.

IBAN is formed by the following data, check the following example to understand what does each digit means.

PT50 0001 0002 1234 5678 9014 5


  • AA = PT = Country Code, in this case Portugal
  • BB = 50 = Country Control Digits
  • CCCC = 0001 = Bank Code
  • DDDD = 0002 = Branch Code
  • EEEE EEEE EEE = 1234 5678 901 = Account Number
  • FF = 54 = National Verification Number

For the "IBAN" field I pasted my IBAN and removed all the spaces;

For the "NIB" field I used the digits CCCCDDDD of my IBAN (Check the previous example to understand)

And I was able find my bank and submit the form.

The bank identification code you selected does not match the corresponding part of your IBAN.