MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth issues

Hi, I am an application developer for Mac. Our application uses bluetooth to connect to our hardware devices.

Since the upgrade to MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth is broken customer wide. Hence pairing works but our driver cannot connect (code worked for MacOS 10.7 - 11.3). The internet reports a lot of Bluetooth issues related to Broadcom BT on Monterey and the Bluetooth Framework has changed significantly by Apple.

  1. Where can I find detailed information about Apple's Bluetooth changes ?

  2. Should I just wait until Apple fixes this from their side ?

Any other guidance is appreciated.

Thank you?

I am facing similar issues. My mac mouse stops to scroll occasionally and have to reconnect. Also, my TWS go into mute mode without any reason or action from my side. I Hope Apple fixes the issue soon.

Here same problem "No name or address" in the console log.

The Bluetooth Core on Monterey is buggy.

Just half an hour ago, I had to restart my iMac because the mouse did not scroll anymore. I just thought that my mouse had died, but after restarting, everything worked fine. I created a ticket a couple of days ago and got a reply pretty fast. It was escalated to the Bluetooth team, but I did not anything back from them.

I also have some problem with my bluetooth on my Macbook air 2020 M1. My mouse moves very slow. Firstly , I think my mouse was died, so , I bought a new apple magic mouse , but this problem is still there. I finally find a way to fix this, just turn off my wifi, then the bluetooth mouse will work well again. I do not have this problem before yeaterday, I do not know what's wrong with my Mac. I think this might be relate to WiFi and Bluetooth interfere, but I don't know why this suddenly happened yesterday.

Accepted Answer

Our production application has also been unable to create Bluetooth socket connections since the last update. We have validated this issue with two independent API for Bluetooth connection -- all of which are fully functional up to and including Big Sur.

Customers having upgraded to Monterey are all unable to connect their devices to our desktop application. This is critical and we are waiting for a fix.


I am also having issues connecting iPhone's via Bluetooth since upgrading to Monterey. It will Pair but will not stay connected. I also have received the message: " MBP is not supported" when attempting to connect directly from an iPhone. I did not have this issue on MacOS Big Sur (11.5)

I have tried connecting with the following on three different Intel MBP's all running Monterey (12.0.1):

  • iPhone 7P / iOS 14
  • iPhone 8 / iOS 14
  • iPhone 12 / iOS 15

I have attempted to correct the issue by following multiple suggestions:

  • Reset NVRAM
  • Reset SMC
  • Remove .plist

None of the recommended steps are working - hoping that Apple is all over this and will be releasing a fix shortly.

It would be helpful if a Moderator would acknowledge this as an actual issue that Apple is actively working to resolve or if I need to restore Big Sur to make this work again.


I don't have a solution but want to report the same problem here. Maybe this helps to get more attention. We also use bluetooth to connect to our hardware. Worked until 11.6.

Crashed Thread:        4  Dispatch queue:

Same here. It is even worse. I cannot even switch Bluetooth off.

I've already contacted the support and yet there is no solution. Even a fresh installation via recovery did not work. Funny details: I have a M1 so I can run the nrf connect app from nordic and there I can scan. But If I try to scan with a Qt application or from the Bluetooth configuration it is not running anymore. Seems, that Apple did not test Bluetooth low energy at all in this release.

same problem, waitting for fix it.

Same here. I have a Macbook Air M1 2020. The system automatically upgraded to MacOS 12.0.1 about 2 weeks ago . Since the upgrade, whenever I do a cold boot, the mouse will be unresponsive and often the OS will crash and restart. The bluetooth mouse is Logitech M557. Really annoying problem. I am surprise Apple did not offer a fix given the problem was reported over 2 weeks ago.

This error is driving me insane as I thought it was my Logitech mouse problem but obviously not as it seems to be a MacOS problem.

Same here. We have the Problem with 3 of our devices in the studio. Delayed keyboard, mouse connection fail. Highly annoying! We wrote a script to turn the BT device off and on … feels a little better, but still a lot of issues.

I'm able to pair my head phones to my 2019 MBP 16" however, Chrome cannot see an audio Input or Output device. I tried closing/reopening/on/off. This setup worked fine before upgrading.

I'm able to pair my head phone and everything works fine till I start some meeting (google meets / zoom / jitsi / etc). During the meetings, suddenly the bluetooth begins to fail till I got no sound being reproduced. Every time this happen I have to power off/on again. This start after I have upgraded to Monterey.

I'm sure there was some modifications in bluetooth component, because some commands as option+shift+click don't give me all the possibilities I had before as debug or factory reset.

I'm really having troubles here because my daily basis routine has several calls. Waiting a correction, workaround or anything else from apple =/

Bluetooth problem keeps on getting bigger,

After issues with my magic mouse and Jabra Bluetooth TWs, now my Logitech wireless keyboard is also having issues. some keys don't work while others don't work with (shift) key.

Since a couple of days I have. weird issue with my Apple Magic Mouse 2. Sometimes the mouse cursor just jumps a rather large distance, it is very weird.

I'm not sure yet if it's related or not -- but on our side we are normally connecting to RFCOMM over Bluetooth (SPP protocol) for our device. We have failed to open socket connection since the upgrade to macOS Monterey.

After investigation, we found out that:

  1. The SDP protocol we had in place did not work exactly the same -- we did not receive an event when SDP completed, which caused our app to fail to try a connection (first issue)

  2. We used to look at recentDevices() to connect, and the function failed to return recent devices. pairedDevices() has been working properly.

  3. Finally, we have found that under a specific set of circumstances, we are able to connect to RFCOMM. However, this only happens when we "beat" the OS to the punch, and manage to open the socket before it gets "locked". I cannot confirm this for certain, but it's likely that something is blocking the connection to RFCOMM socket on the OS side. An example might be if the OS steals the BLE connection to fetch battery level, preventing us to access the classic bluetooth service SPP. In the cases where we managed to connect RFCOMM, the battery % was not displayed next to the device after connection in the Bluetooth menu. It may simply be a coincidence, but in the past we have observed similar issues when trying to connect within our application both BLE Battery service and classic BT SPP at the same time. One ended up blocking the other...

If anyone's device uses both SPP/Battery level, this may be the issue you are facing. In order to successfully connect on our side, we normally turn off the device, then try to initiate a connection in the OS (which will try for a while but fail since the device is off). However, while it's trying, and before it fails -- if you turn on the device and enable RFCOMM, there is a chance you can successfully establish the socket connection. Once the connection is established on our side, it's stable.

Apple has six hours of my life that I'll never get back trying to resolve this. Four hours on the phone and two hours in the store. The store representative ACTUALLY said, 'iPhone and Mac normally do not connect using bluetooth'. Well, I've been connecting (and using and needing) this bluetooth connection for years. Five Apple representatives and they don't have a clue. To their defense, they reset everything they could. BTW, if you think you can just go back to Big Sur to get your Bluetooth back, it isn't so easy. Good luck everyone!

Yep - same issue with Bluetooth hanging. Keep a wired mouse around now to reset the Mac. Ore plug lightening cable into keyboard and do it that way. Seems random. iMac 2017. Monterey. LoadsaRam etc.

Bluetooth has always been poor on Mac - had problems with headphones etc.

Looks like BT exploded..

Mac-Mini 2018 MacOS 12.0.1 (21A559) VictronConnect App crashes upon reaching 20% of the connecting process. Then a notification pops up with the error "Problem Report for VictronConnect"

This started after updating MacOS 12.0.1, as of today 12-8-2021

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [2134]

Still works on my iPhone 8 Plus IOS 15.1

Hi there!

I've been through this for weeks, using Monterey without any success bluetooth connection. Until today, its work perfectly smooth.

I simply using application called ToothFairy for bluetooth connection and my magic mouse is all functioning again. No more connect-disconnected randomly.

Gonna try this for more days.

Hope its help.

Thank you.

My Apple Wireless Keyboard is no more able to connect with bluetooth after update to Monterey. Need fix!

My Qt BLE apps ran fine in earlier macos, but did not run on my 2021 Powerbook M1 Max (Monterey macOS 12.0.1, Xcode 13.1). I noticed that Lightblue and nRFConnect BLE tools ran fine on the M1, so I suspected that this was a permissions issue with Qt-created apps. I used Xcode to edit the plist template in clang_64/mkspecs/macx-clang/ to add 5 permissions

<key>Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description</key>\n
<string>App uses BLE</string>\n
<key>Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description</key>\n
<string>App uses BLE</string>
<key>Privacy - Location Usage Description</key>
<string>App uses BLE</string>
<key>Privacy - Location Always Usage Description</key>
<string>App uses BLE</string>
<key>Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description</key>
<string>App uses BLE</string>

Delete your shadow-build directory, use Qt Creator to re-build (which uses the new plist with BLE permissions), and now Qt BLE apps run on Monterey!

Same here. Sometimes when I try to connect something like a controller, it asks me to put in a code. I'm sure it has to do with something in the bluetooth drivers.

I have weird issues with an open-source library that uses Bluetooth which I have not seen before. I am guessing it is the same issue.

Does anyone know whether it should have been fixed in 12.1?

Same here - since installing Monterey on my mid-2015 15 inch MBP my Bluetooth keyboard loses its pairing after a few hours of (keyboard) standby. I have to delete it from Bluetooth devices and re-pair it. Previously I could just hit one of the keys, and, after a couple of seconds, the Mac would recognise it.

MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth issues