MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth issues

Hi, I am an application developer for Mac. Our application uses bluetooth to connect to our hardware devices.

Since the upgrade to MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth is broken customer wide. Hence pairing works but our driver cannot connect (code worked for MacOS 10.7 - 11.3). The internet reports a lot of Bluetooth issues related to Broadcom BT on Monterey and the Bluetooth Framework has changed significantly by Apple.

  1. Where can I find detailed information about Apple's Bluetooth changes ?

  2. Should I just wait until Apple fixes this from their side ?

Any other guidance is appreciated.

Thank you?

Whoever reads this please file an issue at to get more visibility to this.

Just upgraded my mid-2015 MBP to Monterey 12.6.3 and BLE is not working at all. Cannot turn it on. Tried booting into safe mode and that did not solve the issue.

Its 2023, Monterey 12.6.5: I cant even have my wireless headphones connected to my mac. Constantly disconnecting, every few minutes, not a single one "hack" how to fix it working. No nothing. And yes, I have MacBook Air from 2017, pretty old, I get it. But really? No Bluetooth? I think they are just like " that, ain't noboby got time for old macs". Shame, Apple. I am switching to windows. Seems like better brand right now. No fix from Apple these days. Why they are selling airpods when they cant make bluetooth right?

same problem, upgrades are bringing more troubles than ever. beside Bluetooth normal connectivity, I cannot find a single customer or apple user around the world who has successfully used Bluetooth teethering on Monterey.

Recent releases were probably most poorly coded and tested. full of troubles. usb teethering not working, Bluetooth connection not working, if somehow connected, Bluetooth teethering is not working, mobile hotspot not working, sometime wifi not connecting despite correct password, still forcing user to enter a wpa2 password.

I started praying to Jesus now, may be that's how my problem will be resolved.

One year later... is there a fix for this?

Having the same problem on my Macbook Pro 2016, I applied all the fixes (uninstall/install bluetooth devices, reinit bluetoth module, delete bluetooth files under profile, ...) without success. Finally I took some time to monitor the system with task manager. I was looking to inactivity reactivation, and realize an old app (MovesCount from Suunto) was having a huge figure. I killed it and it fixes the issue !

hope this can help people here in this forum !

Hi, I am. using a macbook pro 2021 and still experiencing connection issues in development. It seems the only way I see data in SPP connection is if I completely unpair and connect to the device again. Any idea if this issue is fixed?

MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth issues