Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

you need to add them manually. depending on your setting you might have to export your emails first and import afterwards

my brand new MBP 16 with Monterey 12.1 does not support the Outlook search. Even though all e mails transferred from my old one with the Mac to Mac transfer, it can not even search the most recent one. Serious malfunction which renders the whole system very uncomfortable. I hope that an update fixes the problem soon. Using new Outlook is not a solution because it does not import the old e mails.

Same problem running Monterey 12.1. Lousy time of year.

Exchange or imap users or everybody who does not want to switch to the new outlook gui, have to use Spark or Airmail client while Apple/MS is working on the problem. 🤷‍♂️

Same issue with my MBP 16 m1 max on 12.1 Monterrey

Same problem with my new MBP 16 on Monterey 12.1. Searching only working when reindex on process, after reindex complete outlook show no result again. I switch to using spark for searching mail now.

Same problem here with MBP 2016 and Monterey 12.1, Outlook version 16.56 on 365 license. I have tried all the solutions mentioned online (delete/recreate Outlook profile, add/remove email folder from Spotlight search. rebuild index by deleting Outlook.sqlite file, etc) nothing seems to work. MS says it is a bug and they have no estimated time to resolution.

Where's Apple? Why are they completely silent on this topic? Incredibly frustrating

i just noticed that ones there are new emails in outlook and you search them - you will find them, after few min they disappear from outlook search results, and you can see them only on Spotlight.. strange..

For all those who have O365, please create a support ticket within Outlook.

How do I give feedback on Microsoft Office? https://t.co/wx8Xwr4V8Z

it works for me after switching it to new outlook option beside search box..

Is there a way to mention or tag Apple on this thread? There's been no word from them and it's affecting pretty much everyone....

Exactly the same issue here. Does anybody have some workaround? I tried to use Mail app and surprisingly this app crash ... :-(


And New Outlook does not support "on computer" folders either..

Same thing happened to me since updating to 12.1. Very frustrating. I have tried everything: delete profile, remove accounts, add accounts again, nothing helped. Only way to fix it, as op stated above, is "upgrading" to "new outlook". Now search works as supposed.

I got the information from the Microsoft support that they are aware of this issue and working with Apple on it. More information will be published on this website: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/search-in-outlook-for-mac-returns-no-results-after-installing-macos-monterey-12-1-075c5f09-35db-4205-aba3-eea2f168c71b

"STATUS: INVESTIGATING" - I hope they will find a solution soon.

I have the same issue, after updating MAC OS Monterey 12.1 outlook search is broken and not working, I have tried all options from youtube and other articles but no use. I have contacted Apple support and they said it is an application error from the Microsoft application and they need to solve it, when I contacted the Microsoft support center they said it is from the Apple side as they have updated their OS and need to be fixed by Apple only. I hope this will get sorted out soon.

Same issue please help!!

Not true with 12.1 still doesn’t work. Hi

Microsoft confirmed this issue: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/search-in-outlook-for-mac-returns-no-results-after-installing-macos-monterey-12-1-075c5f09-35db-4205-aba3-eea2f168c71b

I use IMAP beside office365, icloud, ..... You can not converter it automatically. but you can re-add the IMAP account after you switched to the new outlook .

Same Problem here... iMac 2017, Mac Mini M1... Reinstalled multiple times, tried different accounts... Wiped clean the system and only installed outlook... after 2 successes it stopped searching...

We need an answer ASAP....

This issue its ruining my business, we depend on Outlooks pop folders and searches. How it this posible, with all the beta programs, that Apple could not avoid this kind of errors. You guys are ruining the one of the most used apps for business.

Please we really need to solve this. Microsoft claim that this error will have to be solve by Apple.

Out of desperation I've resorted to this: I use the Outlook app on my iPhone to do the search. It will return a list of search results that includes the message date and Outlook folder where the message is stored. Not great, but at least I can get to the neighborhood of the message I'm looking for.

Monterey 12.1 - In addition to outlook search broken, Filter in outlook is also broken. Any filter returns blank.

Outlook search not works in Monterey