L2TP VPN broken on MacOS 13/Ventura

Dove in and upgraded two Macs today to beta 1. Unfortunately, it appears L2TP VPN is broken or something changed in the way it works. I can longer get a connection to any VPN concentrator I used previously. I tested with Cisco Anyconnect SSL VPN client and can connect to the same concentrators (as they're configured to accept L2TP or SSL clients).

I also tested from my phone running iOS 16 beta and it still works for the L2TP connections.

The Mac not working with L2TP VPN ppp.log shows this

Fri Jun 10 19:18:52 2022 : L2TP connecting to server 'IP removed' (IP removed)... Fri Jun 10 19:18:52 2022 : IPSec connection started Fri Jun 10 19:18:52 2022 : IPSec phase 1 client started Fri Jun 10 19:19:02 2022 : IPSec connection failed

Connecting a Mac successfully on 12.4 the log shows

Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : L2TP connecting to server 'IP removed' (IP removed)... Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : IPSec connection started Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : IPSec phase 1 client started Fri Jun 10 19:12:33 2022 : IPSec phase 1 server replied Fri Jun 10 19:12:34 2022 : IPSec phase 2 started Fri Jun 10 19:12:34 2022 : IPSec phase 2 established Fri Jun 10 19:12:34 2022 : IPSec connection established (and then a ton more lines of the entire process ending with client getting an IP that I won't bother posting)

VPN wasn't high on my list of apps I was concerned about breaking with the beta. But, now that it is broke and I need it for work I'm kinda screwed myself.

Anyway, if anyone knows a way to fix this please let me know.

The issue is still present in beta 2.

same issue, beta 1, beta 2, cant use also thirdparty app.

yeah I also have this issue with beta2 (was also present on beta1)

I have been able to successfully use L2TP vpn with UniFi firewalls using a configuration profile I created in Apple Configurator 2. Two separate configuration profiles, installed in system preferences, and it connected right up. If I add it through System Preferences manually, I get a PPP configuration error or an L2TP server did not respond. I'm guessing through system preferences, the manual installation isn't saving correctly, but using a configuration profile works great. Fingers crossed it keeps working!

I've never used the configurator. Let me give that a try.

Dude, you are awesome. I hadn't thought of trying it that way. My iMac is already enrolled in Meraki MDM so I created a new VPN policy in that dashboard, it pushed to iMac, and VPN now connects!

As per @utahtrust comment, I checked this out, and it worked a treat.

  1. Download Apple Configurator from the Mac App Store and Open after installation.
  2. Click File->New Profile
  3. Click VPN from the Left hand Side menu, and configure your VPN Settings.
  4. After you're finished, hit CMD + S to save, and save to where ever, find in Finder and double click.

This will prompt System Preferences (now known as System Settings) to launch. For me, the Profile Installation box did not pop up so I searched Profiles in the Settings Search bar and found it within there. Double Click the new Profile and hit install. You should be able to see the new VPN Profile, and connect to it.


The Apple Configurator method works in beta 3 as well. The manual option still does not work in beta 3.

I fixed this issue by disabling new feature Private Relay. It solved my issue with GlobalProtect and Cisco Anyconnect. You can find it in System Settings , enter text 'icloud' in search. Choose iCloud and in right section you should have Private Relay option. Just turn off Private Relay, sometimes need to restart your laptop.

I'm still having problems with L2PT. Using Ventura 13.0 Tried everything what was mentioned in this thread. Still no luck. Have multiple Mac only this one doesn't work with Ventura 13.0. I get this screen,

Still broken beyond usability in 13.1 22C5044e. Can connect but it constantly dies. Haven't find what causes it to die and sometimes I can use it for hours, sometimes for seconds.

Sat Dec  3 11:54:33 2022 : L2TP port-mapping update for en0 ignored: VPN is the Primary interface. Public Address: 0, Protocol: None, Private Port: 0, Public Port: 0
Sat Dec  3 11:54:33 2022 : L2TP clearing port-mapping for en0
Sat Dec  3 11:55:40 2022 : write: No buffer space available
Sat Dec  3 11:55:58 2022 : write: No buffer space available
Sat Dec  3 11:56:16 2022 : write: No buffer space available

And I have to disconnect and reconnect...

Same here with OpenVPN Connect Version 3.4.0 (4506) on Ventura 13.0.1

Got same issue here, waiting for the fix

VPN no longer works since my update to Ventura

The same story, non of the L2TP profiles works after upgrade to Ventura, connects to server but doesn't route all traffic via VPN, deleted one of the profiles and tried to recreate at the end then you click create nothing happens box is closed VPN profile is not created.

Same here. After upgrade to Ventura 13.1 I can't use my GlobalProtect VPN client.

I had to remove and newly add the VPN connection in the MacOS settings. After that with the 2nd try to connect it works. Mysterious. (Cisco IPsec to a Lancom Router)

I can't use my GlobalProtect VPN client. Ventura 13.1

Ventura 13.1 L2TP IPSec break each 5 minutes with "No buffer space available", after that only disconnect and connect helps.

Running Ventura 13.2 now. The Apple Configurator method mentioned by @utahtrust and @jacobkward worked perfectly for connecting to my company VPN. Before, every time I tried to create a VPN config in the System Settings->Network tab, when I clicked Create after entering the config, the dialog disappeared and I still could not see my VPN connection. I checked Private Relay in my iCloud settings, and it was already disabled. So I tried using Configurator to create the VPN config, and followed the steps mentioned by @jacobkward and it worked perfectly on the first try. Thanks guys!

Ventura 13.2.1, VPN (any protocol) is simply unusable as it dies randomly and only manual reconnection helps. It's beyond frustrating, I cannot use any of my VPN providers on ANY connection!

More details:


Not working for me either. Vpn crashes when uploading a file larger than 2.5 mb. The installation via the Apple configurator connects in the right way. But the vpn keeps crashing.

The treat is you have to set the "Send all traffic over VPN connection" to be true

Did anyone find a way to resolve this issue. The thread has gone quiet. I am able to connect perfectly using 10.13.6 but not using 13.3 I have tried all the suggestions above without any luck.

Did anyone find a way to resolve this issue. The thread has gone quiet. I am able to connect perfectly using 10.13.6 but not using 13.3 I have tried all the suggestions above without any luck.

L2TP VPN broken on MacOS 13/Ventura