"An error has occurred" while saving Pricing tiers in Appstore Connect – for 2 days already

In Appstore Connect I'm getting "An error has occurred. Try again later." when trying to set up a price tier (Free) for our new app, which is ready to be submitted. The only missing part is a price, but each time a set up a "US $0 Free" tier and Save, the loading wheel spins for 2 seconds and then I got an error.

This is happening for 2 days already, I've tried using different apple ID, admin roles, app manager role.. Safari, Chrome... still the same error. Updating existing apps works fine though!

I'm also getting the same error when trying to update some Users in our Appstore connect account. All subscriptions are paid, logged out>logged in... We have about 160 apps in our account and this is happening only when creating new apps. Thanks for your help!

Yes we have the same problem

Same here, really messing with my deadline.

Have the same problem

I am with the same problem. Is this normal??

i got same error any solution?

Does anybody find any workaround or fix? Same here. It's frustrating the connect backend always has strange bugs.

@jakub_rafaj @AlexPop. did it fix? 

Same Here

I'm having same error and i'm already late :(((( sad life

the PATCH request to save the change is returning 409, which indicates a parameter error but I compared the json it sends, no error found. No idea what's going on.

I've been getting the same reply so it must be a sitewide error, please if anyone knows how to fix please let me know :)


Same here incredibly frustrating. Did anyone manage to get past It?

tbh apple connect developers are so bad, 3 days and still no fix what kind of support is that


I've got a reply from Apple support as follows:

Follow this basic troubleshooting to attempt to solve it as this issue was previously reported and solved by our engineering team on August 8th.

  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of your browser.
  2. Clean the cache, cookies and history (all website data).
  3. Get out of your browser completely.
  4. Try again

I would also like to recommend that you try Safari, since our website is optimized for Safari.

If the error still appears, to better assist you, we need more information. Please provide the following: • Steps to reproduce the issue • Full-window screenshots or video illustrating the issue • Username of each user experiencing the issue • Web browsers that you were able to reproduce the issue in • Web browser version numbers • Apple ID of the In App Purchase

**Works for me! **

Not working for me either.

Same error!An error has occurred. Try again later.(Pricing and Availability)

Answer/advice Apple support: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204098 or

Please provide the following, when you can:

  1. Steps taken to reproduce the issue
  2. Full-window screen recording illustrating the steps you took, up to where the error received
  3. Username of each user experiencing the issue
  4. Confirmation that the steps listed here have been completed
  5. Web browser and version number
  6. System information (device model and OS version number)
  7. Approximate date and time the error occurred (including time zone)
  8. The URL of the page
  9. Source code of the error page

To obtain the source code, right-click the error page and select Show Page Source. Please copy and paste the source code (do not attach it as a file) in a reply to this email.

After I receive the answers to the above, I can begin my investigation into the error you received.

Who will find solution,write us,please!!!

Same error here. Hope this helps somebody from Apple to fix it...

DevTools: URL main.711bbc1a.js:2
PATCH https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1/apps/1644160287 409

{errors: [,…]} errors: [,…] 0: {id: "58afe58c-9224-46f1-bfb0-8cfb1824a088", status: "409", code: "ENTITY_ERROR.RELATIONSHIP.INVALID",…} code: "ENTITY_ERROR.RELATIONSHIP.INVALID" detail: "PriceTier with id '0' does not exist." id: "58afe58c-9224-46f1-bfb0-8cfb1824a088" source: {pointer: "/data/relationships/priceTier/data/relationships/priceTier"} status: "409" title: "The provided entity includes a relationship with an invalid value"

Can't open appstoreconnect even ...

Guys,I do nothing and click usually save price and now price saved!Maybe, Apple bag fixed!

I believe Apple fixed the bug - it is now working for me!

It's now working.

Same problem here!

@dChris23 @Jabalico not working for me, did you do anything?

For anyone reproducing still, please file feedback assistant ticket with the error details, screenshots, app name, ID, etc. http://feedbackassistant.apple.com

"An error has occurred" while saving Pricing tiers in Appstore Connect – for 2 days already