iPhone 14 Pro camera broke most ID verification frameworks

I found that almost all third-party applications cannot focus when they ask me to take an ID card photo.

The same issue description from Twitter: https://twitter.com/mlinzner/status/1570759943812169729?s=20&t=n_Z5lTJac3L5QVRK7fbJZg

Who can fix it? Apple or third-party developers?

Did you upgrade to iOS 16.0.2 ? It seems to correct problem with iPhone 14 PRI cameras

This is not just happening for ID verification native apps, it's also affecting web SDK's and any use of the camera in the browser via the camera web stream e.g. getUserMedia.

It's as if the camera doesn't realise that it needs to switch to the correct lens in order to get focus.

The affected apps are just using the "Back Camera" so you'd expect iOS to automatically select the correct lens based on autofocus. Especially when you're using the browser to show the camera stream, it's not like you can specify which lens to use. The only options you get are "Front Camera" and "Back Camera". I'm guessing it must be a software issue with iOS.

This is definitely a new problem with iPhone 14 Pro. The triple camera setup on iPhone 13 Pro doesn't have the same problem, which tells me that it's fixable!!

I've tried - unfortunately iOS 16.0.2 doesn't fix this problem. There has been a different problem with the cameras (vibration and distortion when switching to macro mode). This is what iOS 16.0.2 fixed. But the problem described in this ticket is that the camera isn't even attempting to switch to the correct lens in order to get focus.

Our web app is also having camera issues the iPhone 14 Pro. iPhone 13 Pro works without issue

What is it going to take to get some traction on this with Apple? My return window is closing for my iPhone 14 Pro and this problem is a whopper! I can't believe Apple haven't recognised it or released a fix yet.

We can also report several users having this problem with iOS 16.0.2 in your document scanning app. I have reported this as feedback 11611916.

Do you guys have also reported this as a bug to Apple? We need them to quickly fix that. https://feedbackassistant.apple.com

@jkl you said "the triple camera setup on iPhone 13 Pro doesn't have the same problem, which tells me that it's fixable!!"

Does the 13 Pro switch between cameras automatically for close shots? I only have a 14 Pro here, it did automatically switch before updating to 16.0.2. Now I'm curious what the 13 Pro behavior is, whether it does the automatic camera selection.

Again, it used to be the case for the 14 Pro, but not with 16.0.2

This topic has been addressed in a session at WWDC 2021: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10047/?time=133

Essentially the solution is to use the minimumFocusDistance property of the capture device to derive a videoZoomFactor to make sure the users hold the phone at a larger distance than the minimumFocusDistance.

This is also illustrated in this sample code: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/capture_setup/avcambarcode_detecting_barcodes_and_faces

I was bitten by this bug on my state digital driver license app and can't add a digital ID to my new phone. Later in testing, I noticed this issue with my barcode scanning apps that the minimal focus distance has dramatically changed. Thankfully I haven't heard from users but I have to image this is causing issues and likely negative reviews. I'll test out the link to the 2021 WWDC video and article and will see what changes can be made to fix the barcode scanning framework I use. I guess this justifies the purchase of new hardware vs only testing in the simulator 🤷.

Encountered this today while attempting to scan a driver's license through a web app as well. Absolute deal-breaker. Returning my handset for a Pixel ASAP.

Wow still happening with IOS 6.2 on iPhone 14 Pro. Considering the price point of this device and the excruciating pain involved in switching from Android after 20 years, this is really unacceptable. Should I get some Android developers to help fix this?!

Very inopportune to break all third party applications. Congratulations to Apple!

correct, every 3rd Party App is caused by this issue. This is my first comment and will probably my last one. My first Iphone in my Live. Need to ident my self my Online Ident Services . On my Desk: Apple Macbook pro M2 = camera is not good enough. Apple Iphone 14pro = App from our German identifier Service is using the apple API for the Camera = no focus. so frustrating. There is no! possibility to Video ident with an Apple Device. Thats the sad Reality. 5 month -> known issue.

Fixed it by using the Prixel7Pro from my wife.

had to vent my anger, sorry for that....

or Long story short:

Completely unacceptable


Apparently nothing has changed after 6 months, definitely unacceptable.

I'm truly afraid no one will fix this even when iPhone 15 is released.

This is not acceptable. Apple just broke 99% of third party apps and they will just move on and leave us iPhone 14 users stranded.

With iOS 16.4, iPhone's getUserMedia can finally chose a camera from sevrals like Android Chrome does.

Therefore, choosing a right camera for close up shooting, this problem can be solved.

You could try to select a camera via this URL:

*Sorry for UI Language is Japanese.

You know, I am very confused by this focus issue in web apps. Latest version of ios on an ipad with lidar and video appears blurry under many conditions. It would be very helpful for apple to allow other browsers to run natively, so developers can compare results and perhaps recommend browsers accordingly.

I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max, running iOS 16.5. This is still happening.

Still having this issue today with iPhone 14 Pro Max running iOS 16.5.1. It's been reported by my customers and replicated in test. No reported issues or problems in test from earlier models of iPhones.

**Is there any ETA on a solution for this issue? **

Here is some Objective C code that will implement what is presented by Apple at https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10047/?time=133 See also their BarCode example app here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/capture_setup/avcambarcode_detecting_barcodes_and_faces?language=objc

    if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
        AVCaptureDevice *videoDevice = self.videoCamera.inputCamera; // you'll replace this RHS expression with your video device
        int deviceFieldOfView = videoDevice.activeFormat.videoFieldOfView;
        float previewFillPercentage = 0.8; // 0..1, target object will fill 80% of preview window
        float minimumTargetObjectSize = 15.0 * 10.0; // min width of target object in mm (here, it's 15 cm)
        float radians = DegreesToRadians(deviceFieldOfView);
        float filledTargetObjectSize = minimumTargetObjectSize / previewFillPercentage;
        int minimumSubjectDistance = filledTargetObjectSize / tan(radians / 2.0); // Field of View equation

        NSInteger deviceMinimumFocusDistance = videoDevice.minimumFocusDistance;
        if (minimumSubjectDistance < deviceMinimumFocusDistance) {
            float zoomFactor = deviceMinimumFocusDistance / minimumSubjectDistance;
            [videoDevice lockForConfiguration: NULL];
            [videoDevice setVideoZoomFactor:zoomFactor];
            [videoDevice unlockForConfiguration];
    } else {
        // No API to help here, but these phones won't have macro lenses

Any update about this? I just get an iPhone 15 PRO and my bank ID verification app doesn't focus I can't validate my wire transfers

I'm on the iPhone 15 pro and this is still not fixed. Suuuuuper frustrating. Apple come on...

iPhone 14 Pro camera broke most ID verification frameworks