Testflight "Beta Has Expired" message when it has not expired

When trying to launch the app through testflight, i'm getting an error popup saying:

"MyAppName" Beta Has Expired

However, it literally says "Expires in 90 days" in testflight (i made this build yesterday). Only uninstalling the app and reinstalling through testflight fixes the issue. Restarting the phone does not work. This has happened multiple times with different builds and is starting to become an issue.

I suspect it might be related to us having many older builds that are expiring due to age, however I've double checked that only the latest non-expired build is the one installed on the device.

I also found this other (unsolved) forum post from 3 years ago which seems to describe the same problem. https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/117035

I have the issue, to, however, it is only for deeplinks. I can open the application fine by tapping on it, however, get the error when I try to open a link on the same device

Any news in 2023 January from all?

I had the issue in early December 2022. In mid and end of Janurary 2023, no more issues.

As I don't see any comment since 1 months here, it seems that all work again. We dont' know what change on Apple server side, but ok, Code signing CI at Apple fixed. 🤗

I just had this issue pop up yesterday, had them install an older build and then reinstall the latest and so far that's working.

Today, same problem

Testflight "Beta Has Expired" message when it has not expired