App won't install from TestFlight

I've been using TestFlight with my app for weeks. I just uploaded a new update to App Store Connect and got the email that the new version is available for TestFlight. I open TestFlight and can see the new version of the app with "Update" next to it. At first, I got an error that said "Beta Expired". Now, test flight says "Install" next to the app and it if pressed it runs like it installing, but nothing happens, it then returns to the "Install" status.

I've tried removing and re-inviting the user, delete and reinstall the app from app store, and deleting and reinstalling TestFlight. Nothing works.

Can anyone help?

Any updates ? I have the same issu. 10 months later!

Over a year later and I'm having the same issue. I'm not able to install any of the builds whatsowever. My sisters iPhone had no issue and I could install on my mac, but on my iPhone will not install at all. I click the install button, it spins and the install button is back. Tried restart my phone, delete my self from tester group and added back. Nothing seems to work.

Same issue here:

We have new certificates, created with fastlane match **** appstore, build a new app and pushed it successfully to App Store For Review and TestFlight. Now when trying to install the update through TestFlight we get “could not install APP. The profile can’t be installed. try again.” Why is this? Or could it take a few hours/days for the certs/profiles to become active? is reporting issues. Not sure what the ETA is. And not sure how many users are affected.

Same problem here “could not install APP. The profile can’t be installed. try again.”

App won't install from TestFlight