After Last Xcode Update (14.3 14E222b) I am no longer able to archive my app

A few days ago, I updated to a new XCode version. I am trying to upload a new version of my dictionary app. Despite the app continues to work on iPhone and iPad emulator and on my MacBook air without any problems, archiving fails, with errors like:

"Showing Recent Messages

PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Embed\ Pods\ Frameworks /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSo zluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ (in target '' from project 'TDSozluk')

cd /Users/****/Documents/xcode\ tutorials/TDSozluk

/bin/sh -c /Users/***Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/

mkdir -p /Users/****/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/


rsync --delete -av --filter P ..?????? --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" "/Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/"

building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Users/****/Documents/xcode tutorials/TDSozluk/../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" failed: No such file or directory (2)


sent 29 bytes received 20 bytes 98.00 bytes/sec

total size is 0 speedup is 0.00

rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/97f6331a-ba75-11ed-a4bc-863efbbaf80d/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9] Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code mkdir -p /Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/ Symlinked... rsync --delete -av --filter P ..?????? --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" --filter "- Headers" --filter "- PrivateHeaders" --filter "- Modules" "../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" "/Users/****/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TDSozluk-fyaevjsikqxslsfftcfoztnlvofn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/TDSozluk/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/" building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Users/altan/Documents/xcode tutorials/TDSozluk/../../../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework" failed: No such file or directory (2) done sent 29 bytes received 20 bytes 98.00 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/97f6331a-ba75-11ed-a4bc-863efbbaf80d/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9] Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code"

I don't know if the problem arises from something I did but despite I did everything I could find online (like reinstalling cocoapods, uninstalling them, defining the google modules expilitly, etc.) I am failing with flying colors. Since I cannot archive the app I cannot upload it to the store. What should I do?


P.S. After the first version of the app (which I successfully archived and published) I changed its app/module name from TDSozluk to However this caused no complications till the latest XCode update and I WAS able to archive and upload many (about 5) updates of the newly named app (ie

  • It works when copy "arc" folder to "/Applications/"

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Accepted Reply

There is an issue with Cocoapods now, because Xcode 14.3 is now using a relative path in its symlink for frameworks.

Either wait for release of Cocoapods version 1.12.1 or make this simple change in your file:


  if [ -L "${source}" ]; then
    echo "Symlinked..."
    source="$(readlink "${source}")"


  if [ -L "${source}" ]; then
    echo "Symlinked..."
    source="$(readlink -f "${source}")"

Note that -f was added.

  • Since I am a noob on MacOs platform would you please elaborate where/how to find that shell script file too? Despite I find myself quite savvy with linux platforms, I cannot come to grips with MacOs. Thank you!....

  • Never mind I have found it. It is in the project folder. Just search/find files starting with "Pod-" and you will find it. However since I am senior(ish) citizen, I have difficulty using this tiny screened MacBook Air. If I can afford a new one I will buy a giant Mac. Now I will try to test your solution.

  • work for me thanks! 🫶🏻


I have tried almost all the solutions mentioned above but none of them worked for me except downgrading to Xcode 14.2.