Invalid Bundle Error When Uploading App to App Store

Hi all,

I recently uploaded my app to the App Store and received the following error message:

ITMS-90961: Invalid bundle - The app at '***.app' contains a single-size app icon but has a value of 11.0 for the MinimumOSVersion key in its Info.plist file. Include all app icon sizes to support iOS 11.0 or later, or update the iOS Deployment Target to 12.0 or later to support uploads with a single-size app icon.

I have checked my assets and confirmed that the AppIcon is set to "All Sizes" and not "Single Size". Is this an issue with Apple's systems or is there something I am doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My Xcode version is 14.3

Thanks in advance.

We can confirm the issue - we're facing exactly the same problem. Happened the first time since updating to Xcode 14.3

Same issue on my side, Xcode 14.3. Once I got this warning for the first time I switched to All Sizes option and added icons for all required sizes, tho I'm still getting the same warning for every following build. While searching for the solution I've discovered that this type of issue was present in Xcode 14.0 Beta and the solution was to move the Assets catalog to the root directory if it's not there. I also have my assets in the subfolder in my project, still not sure if this can be the reason of this warning.

I tried to move Asset catalog to the root directory of the project and validate it via Xcode (14.3), didn't work. Also, tried to re-create the icon set from scratch and add all icon sizes once again, also got the same warning while validating it. The solution, or rather a workaround that worked for me was copying AppIcon.appiconset folder from another project that was created in the previous versions of Xcode, and replacing all the images. The latest Xcode 14.3 identifies this icon set as "All Sizes (Xcode 13)". I'm afraid it's some kind of validation issue on Apple's side.

I had the same issue for previous update and I have now again. I tried lots of thing and worked but I don't know what it happened. Not I'm getting same error again, is there a definite solution?

This is quite annoying. I had the assets fine from Xcode 13 and thought, hey, why don't I switch to full and add those extra icons? Validation warnings after that :(

Thank you for letting us know about this. This message was intended to warn that your app icons may degrade in image quality on devices running versions of iOS 11 or watchOS 4 if you’ve only included a single-size app icon in the asset catalog. If you’ve already included all app icon sizes in the asset catalog, you can disregard this message.

If you’ve only included a single-size app icon and your app supports devices running versions of iOS 11 or watchOS 4, we encourage you to test your app on devices running these OS versions to determine if the icons display properly. If you observe any issues, please ensure that all app icon sizes are included in the asset catalog.

We’re working to improve this messaging moving forward. Please let us know with a feedback report if you have any further questions or feedback.

Invalid Bundle Error When Uploading App to App Store