MacBook Pro provisioning UDID on macOS Ventura shows as iPod when registering

The provisioning UDID of my MacBook Pro with an M2 Max processor registers as an iPod in the devices section of my developer account. Because of that, I cannot test my macOS apps on this device, reducing it to a brick as long as macOS development is considered.

Has anyone encountered such an error? I believe the UDID is fixed, so with more Apple silicon devices, we may start seeing these kind of bugs unless Apple does something to remedy the issue.

i too see this issue with my M1 mac

Same problem on my M1 MacBook Air

Same problem here. I did register my MacBook Pro through Xcode and it has the correct type. But when I registered a tester's MacBook Air I got the same issue listed as an iPod.

@Apple please fix this.

Out of curiosity, is this causing problems for people, or is it just confusing to see the device show up with the wrong type? We're encountering this as well and haven't progressed to to point of generating Profiles, so I'm wondering if this is a showstopper or just an annoyance.

Same issue for me, M1 Max shows as iPod

Felt silly about this one.

Had the same issue, added 3 different Macs and they all were showing up as iPod.

Then I realized you need to select the dropdown and change it to macOS. [insert facepalm]

That fixed it for me.

MacBook Pro provisioning UDID on macOS Ventura shows as iPod when registering