Automate In-App purchases using backend APIs

I am interested in using sandbox users for my automation, and I want to bypass the UI and execute the automation using the APIs. I have found the APIs to list users, modify users, and clear purchase history, but I am not sure if there is a way to create and delete users programmatically.

Currently, our app calls Apple to get the payment receipt, and then our internal workflows are triggered based on the response received from Apple. Is there a way to bypass UI and achieve the same thing using the backend APIs for sandbox user accounts?

I also need some clarification on how to generate the JWT token for authorization purposes. Do I need to regenerate the JWT token every 30 days?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I am not sure if there is a way to create and delete users programmatically

The page that you linked to says:

you cannot add or delete them directly. Go to App Store Connect to create a new sandbox tester Apple ID.

Do I need to regenerate the JWT token every 30 days?

No. Much more frequently. I think the max validity in mist cases is 20 minutes. This is described in the documentation.

Automate In-App purchases using backend APIs