dyld symbol not found

I just updated to Xcode 15 beta 5, and just tried to run my project(macOS). It uses swift data, and it builds fine. When I run it, I get the runtime error:

dyld[89450]: Symbol not found: _$s10Foundation9PredicateVyACyxxQp_QPGqd__AA0B11ExpressionsO8VariableVy_xGxQpXEcAA08StandardB10ExpressionRd__Sb6OutputRtd__lufC Referenced from: <8C04CB76-2231-349A-965F-16640BD2A139> /Users/my_username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ExternalCubeSpeed-cwevolpyjplwhrcsekahxoypgxuy/Build/Products/Debug/CubeSpeed.app/Contents/MacOS/CubeSpeed Expected in: <F62E2309-5151-359B-9634-22B6CF4962C9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation

This was not happening with Xcode 15 beta 4.

My Mac is running macOS 14 public beta.

Thanks for any help.

I updated my Mac to the developer beta and a new problem is appearing. View the new thread here

dyld symbol not found